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#1 Old 27th Dec 2021 at 7:41 PM
Default Editing clothing categories for default replacement - any consequences?
Hello, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas (those who celebrate it)!

I have returned to the Sims2 after a long hiatus of a few years, and then an unplanned break of a few months, and have been making default replacements for my game.

I have replaced the textures for the female adult underwear, but as that only left me 5 colour options, I decided to also replace the textures for the 2 colours which are also used as swimwear (afbodyswimwear_classicbikiniblack and afbodyswimwear_sportbikiniblue).

I then did not want them to appear in swimwear, as the textures I used were underwear textures, so I replaced the property sets and set them to underwear only.

My question is, will this do any harm in-game? For example, if a pre-made sim had afbodyswimwear_sportbikiniblue set as swimwear, would my replacement break anything, or would the game just assign another swimwear option to that sim instead?

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