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#1 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 2:52 PM Last edited by MaryLou : 23rd Jun 2007 at 10:42 AM. Reason: bug-fixed
Default CLONE Templates - Windows *UPD 23 JUNE 2007 - BUGFIX
Enhanced Templates for Windows

23 JUNE 2007 - BUGFIX
There was a problem with the light of the 3-tiles templates (the windows cloned using those templates needed OFB to work properly).
Now the bug has been fixed: please redownload the 3-tiles templates (the new versions are included in the "ML_TEMPLATE_3Tile-Window.rar" and in the "ML_TEMPLATEs_SET.rar").

All the 3-tiles windows created so far using the old templates suffer for this bug: I'm afraid you have to re-clone them (the 3-tiles only! The other ones had no problems whatsoever). Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Creating new windows is not always a simple task, particularly if we want our window to be compatible with the base game and have the automatic diagonal.
Simpe, currently, is not able to create a correct and functional clone: many non-intuitive changes are to be made by hand.

Learn "How to create windows, make new mesh and new mask" by following this TUTORIAL by IgnorantBliss

  • All the templates are compatible with any game, from the base game to Seasons/Celebration (and possibly with future EPs or SPs).

  • They are recourable in two separate and autonomous subsets: frame and glass.

  • All the templates include the textures for the "glass" subset, so that it can be decorated; in any case the texture can be easily deleted, if unneeded (see post #4)

  • Wallshadow : unlike some Maxis windows, these templates have the wall shadow on both the inner and the outer side.

  • Indoor light: these windows will correctly cast the light over objects, walls and floors.

  • The meshes included in the templates are ordinary, but they are carefully sized so to not overlap with counters and stoves; therefore, you can use them as a reference when creating your own mesh.

  • Each template is composed by two files: a "master" containing the straight shape and the connected "slave" file, containing the diagonal shape; the diagonal is already arranged to be link correctly to its own master. The only exception is the template for the 4tiles windows, which is tool long to have a diagonal.

  • Each template is autonomous from the others, so you can choose the shape that you prefer.

  • Special "Set" Template: all the windows included in the set are arranged to be Slave to ONLY one Master. Ideal for creating sets.

  • ML_TEMPLATEs_SingleWindow.rar
    Single Window, files:

  • ML_TEMPLATEs_DoubleWindow.rar
    Double Window - 2 Tiles, files:

  • ML_TEMPLATEs_3Tile-Window.rar
    3 Tiles window, files:

  • ML_TEMPLATE_4Tile-Window.rar
    4 Tiles windows, only one file:

    Special Set, files:

Unzip the files wherever you want; though the Templates are perfectly working files, it's not advisable to unzip them in the Downloads folder: better place them in a temporary "work" folder.

Anyone can freely clone my Enhanced Templates to create his own windows, and can post them on any site.
It's only required to state that "this object is based on an Enhanced Template by MaryLou", and post a link to this thread.
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: rar  ML_TEMPLATE_SingleWindow.rar (47.6 KB, 477 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ML_TEMPLATE_DoubleWindow.rar (49.7 KB, 446 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ML_TEMPLATE_3Tile-Window.rar (42.1 KB, 453 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ML_TEMPLATE_4Tile-Window.rar (34.2 KB, 378 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ML_TEMPLATEs_SET.rar (95.2 KB, 749 downloads) - View custom content

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
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Field Researcher
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#2 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 2:52 PM Last edited by MaryLou : 16th Apr 2007 at 6:46 AM.
  • Start SimPE and clone the Template Master suitable for your window.
    (Object Workshop -> Open... -> browse to the file)

  • Choose "Clone" and leave all the cloning option to their default state. Click "Start".

  • Enter the Name, the Price and the Description that will show up in the game catalog. It would be nice if you append to your description the line:
    [This window is based on an enhanced Template by MaryLou - www.marylousims2.it - www.modthesims2.com]

  • When the Scenegraph Rename Wizard pops up, select and copy the suggested ModelName, including the square brackets :
    - Select -> Right click -> Copy
    - Click OK in the Wizard window
    - Open Windows' NotePad -> Right click -> Paste
    You will need this later on, to correctly link the diagonal!

  • Choose a name for your file and save it.

  • You only have to edit and import your new meshes (GMDC), textures e mask (TXTR).

  • Register a own GUID for all the Object Data files. . Remember to update the MMAT for the GUID Master, with the right option "Update MMAT and commit". NEVER select the option "Update all MMATs".

    For more details about GUIDs you can follow this TUTORIAL by Numenor

  • Copy your GUID Master. You'll need it to link the automatic diagonal.
    The GUID Master is the one without coordinates ("0,0" "0,1" etc.)!

  • Save and Close the file.

  • Clone the slave Diagonal related to the Master you have used.
    Follow the same steps explained above.

  • Import your new meshes and mask for the diagonal shape.
    ATTENTION:The diagonal meshe doesn't need to be rotated by 45°, basically it's the same as the straight one, just made a little wider (again, use the mesh in the template as a reference). It will be automatically rotated by the cres, as it happens for all the windows.

  • Link the diagonal shape to its straight master:
    - Select one of the Geometric Node files (GMND).
    - Go to the block tsMaterialsMeshName
    - Replace each occurrence of "[CustomName]" (square brackets included) with your own ModelName, the one you have copied earlier from your straight shape. Do this for both subsets!
    - Be sure to preserve intact the ##0x1c050000! prefix. (exclamation point included)

    - DO NOT forget Commit and Save!
    (Remember to commit before passing on the next GMND)

    - Repeat to the other GMND.

  • Select, now, one of the Shape files (SHPE). Go to the tab "Parts" and replace (like you did for the GMND) all the occurrences of [customname] with your own ModelName. (Always the same!)
    Do this for all the three subsets, shadows included!

    DO NOT forget Commit and Save
    (Remember to commit before passing on the next Shape)

    Repeat to the other Shape.

  • Register a own GUID for all the Object Data files. .

  • Link Straight and Diagonal
    Copy the main GUID of the straight shape (that you have copied before) into the selector "Grid-Aligned GUID" of the diagonal file.

    Commit and Save

    Copy the GUID Master of the diagonal.
    The GUID Master, when not specified, is the one without coordinates ("0,0" "0,1" etc.)!

    Close the file of the Diagonal shape.

  • Open the file of the Straight shape.
    Copy the main GUID of the diagonal shape (that you have just copied) into the selector "Diagonal Guid"

  • Commit and Save

    For more details you can follow this TUTORIAL by Numenor
Note: Ignore the tab "Catalog Sort". You must NOT select any option. Your window, in game, will show up in the right catalog section, i.e. among the windows.

FINISHED! The clone is ready to be used for your custom window.

You only have to edit and import your new meshes (GMDC), textures e mask (TXTR).

If you need assistance for this task, read the tutorial "How to create windows, make new mesh and new mask" by IgnorantBliss.

If you want to create an entire set of windows, with different shapes but all enslaved to ONLY one Master, you can use the "Special Templates" (they are built using the "Repository" technique, as explained in this TUTORIAL by JWoods).

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 2:53 PM Last edited by MaryLou : 15th Apr 2007 at 9:18 PM.

If you want to create a Set with ONLY one Master, you can use the Special Templates, whose files are already all arranged to be link correctly.
  • Clone the Master file "MaryLou_TEMPLATE_SET_MASTER_SingleWindow_Straight.package "
    and follow the previous steps.

  • Write down your unique ModelName (of the Master, of course): you'll need it for ALL the files of the set.
    In each package in the set you must edit the 2 GMND and the 2 SHPE exactly as explained above: replace ALL the [customname] with your ModelName from the Master, both in the files "Straight" and in the files "Diagonal".

  • Automatic Diagonals
    Each straight shape must refer, as for the GUID, to its own diagonal shape and vice-versa.
    Follow the steps explained earlier.

    The straight shape "SingleWindow_Straight" must refer to the diagonal shape "SingleWindow_Diagonal" (and vice versa); the straight shape "DoubleWindow_Straight" must refer to the diagonal shape "DoubleWindow_Diagonal"; and so on.

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 2:53 PM Last edited by MaryLou : 15th Apr 2007 at 9:22 PM.

The texture for the subset "glass", meaning the file TXTR: it's not necessary for the glass to be visible, nor recolourable.
The only purpose of the TXTR file is for creating a decorated glass (for instance: frames, cracks to simulate a broken glass, satiny effects, scratches, etc).
If you want to give to the users the opportunity to fully recolour your windows, then leave the texture in the packages.

On the other hand, if - for any reason - you want to delete the texture of the glass (not the glass itself!), while keeping it recolourable via the TXMT file, just perform the following easy steps.
  • Create your straight Master

  • Delete the glass' texture, whose name should be something like [customname]-straight-glass-marine_txtr
    Go to the Resource List -> select the file -> right click -> Delete

    Save the file

  • Select the related TXMT, whose name should be something like [customname]-straight_glass_marine_txmt

    - In the Properties tab, select the line stdMatBaseTextureEnabled and change the "Value" field to "False"

    - Select and delete the line stdMatBaseTextureName (Property -> Delete)

    Commit and Save

    Go, now, to the File List tab and delete the first texture, something similar to ##0x1C050000![customname]-straight-glass-marine

    Commit and Save

How to recolour a textureless the glass via its TXMT
  • Select the TXMT for the glass.
    In order to edit the transparency, go to the "Properties" tab and select the line stdMatUntexturedDiffAlpha: edit the decimal value, assigning a value between 0 and 1 (0= fully transparent, i.e. invisible; 1= not transparent, i.e. opaque)

  • Go to the "Categorized Properties" tab.
    Select the line stdMatDiffCoef and click on the arrow located at the end of the line, to open the colour palette.
    Alternatively, you can manually fill in the RGB values for the desired colour.

  • Commit and Save.


If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Forum Resident
#5 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 3:46 PM
Wow. Thank you...

Subtle In Spades
Greatest Dad Ever
#6 Old 8th May 2007 at 9:03 AM
Amazing work MaryLou , Thank you so much for these .. As a window maker I really appreciate the time it took to get this set together .....
Test Subject
#7 Old 15th May 2007 at 10:43 PM
Thank you MaryLou! :D
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 23rd Jun 2007 at 10:42 AM Last edited by MaryLou : 23rd Jun 2007 at 10:54 AM.
Default Update: 23 June 2007 BUG FIXED
23 JUNE 2007 - BUGFIX
There was a problem with the light of the 3-tiles templates (the windows cloned using those templates needed OFB to work properly).
Now the bug has been fixed: please redownload the 3-tiles templates (the new versions are included in the "ML_TEMPLATE_3Tile-Window.rar" and in the "ML_TEMPLATEs_SET.rar").

All the 3-tiles windows created so far using the old templates suffer for this bug: I'm afraid you have to re-clone them (the 3-tiles only! The other ones had no problems whatsoever). Sorry for the inconvenience.



If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Test Subject
#9 Old 18th Sep 2007 at 11:26 PM

Its been said before, but not by me, and when I learn something that truly helps me move to another level, I like to say "Thanks".

I had avoided the "Repository" concept because it seemed over my head still, but your window set gave me the chance to start seeing it in action.

I had been working on a 2 story window and door set for days, but just couldnt seem to get the two tile and four tile windows to look the same. (Always a subtle difference in how the frames were lit, even though all the texture settings matched)

This solved all my problems and I now have a really nice set of windows to share. :D

So thank you very much!!

Test Subject
#10 Old 21st Feb 2008 at 11:24 PM
These are marvelous! Thanks to your ingenuity, I might yet complete a project before Sims 3 comes out!

Thank you, MaryLou!
#11 Old 29th Feb 2008 at 3:39 AM
What SimPE version do I need for those templates,please?
The one I'm using goes up to pets and it works fine with objects,
but not with windows.
Thanks so much.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#12 Old 29th Feb 2008 at 7:40 AM
It's always better using the last version of SimPE.
In any case you have to choose, in the Object Workshop, the option "Open" and browse to the file on your machine.
You don't have to click on the button Start and wait the load of SimPE, the custom files will not load if you don't set the custom path of their folder in the "Sistem Folders" of SimPE.

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
#13 Old 29th Feb 2008 at 8:32 AM
I've been doing that and I followed Numenors and IgnorantBliss tuts.
But in game all I get is the frame and a pink wall.
The wallmasks don't cut through the wall.
Someone suggested to update SimPe,since I'm using the one up to Pets.
I'll try that and see if it works.
Thank you so much MaryLou.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#14 Old 29th Feb 2008 at 11:13 PM
Can you tell me please, which template did you tried?

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
#15 Old 1st Mar 2008 at 6:54 AM
The 2tile one.
I don't have the files anymore,
I deleted them all and started over with a maxis window.
Same problem,I posted in the Repair forum.
Thanks MaryLou.
Test Subject
#16 Old 9th Apr 2008 at 4:26 AM
Default Rename the OBJD files?
Just tried my hand at windows and must say your templates made the job way easier than I had imagined windows would be. One little and probably stupid question though. Is it safe to rename the OBJD files from "SingleWindow -TEMPLATE- Straight" to something more reflective of my actual window? I am going to clone the window I created versus using the templates for the rest of my set since I removed the glass texture and added a subset and they aren't all going to be straight/single etc.

Thanks for the great templates.
Test Subject
#17 Old 10th Aug 2008 at 8:30 PM
Default Pink walls...
Hi Mary Lou,
I got the same problem like Dee (but with the single window template): I just followed your description to clone the template (updating names and guids), all other items I left untouched.
I get a pink wall around the window, and also the mask has no effect.
I didn't find a solution for this posted at MTS2.
Btw, I use SimPE

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