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One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#51 Old 20th Aug 2005 at 7:34 AM
Thanks DM
#52 Old 25th Aug 2005 at 1:52 AM Last edited by Howabominable : 25th Aug 2005 at 1:56 AM.
Ok, most of this thread hasn't made much sense to me, but I have been hoping and wishing over and over for something that could help me organize my custom hair. Maxis has made it so it takes FOREVER to delete a single piece of hair, and I have to go through tons of loading and deleting and shifting through all the custom hair. Something that would allow me to personally put the hair I want in whatever category I wanted would be AWESOME and a huge help. That way I could delete all the butt-ugly hair and put the good hair in a place that's accessible without having cobwebs grow up my legs with all the loading.

Anyway, in plain english, can you guys do it? And in a way that dumb blondes like me can understand?

PS: Question: Is it possible for me to delete hair for certain ages of sims while retaining the hair for other ages? For example, I have ALOT of adult custom hair. All of that hair comes with hair for the toddler stage, all of which is extremely redundant and all looks the same. Could I safely delete the toddler stage of hair without getting rid of the other stages? Sorry to ask this here but it won't let me make a new thread for some reason.
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 19th Nov 2005 at 1:26 PM
Ok, I just finished reading through this entire thread and have one small question. While I also dont understand *all* the technical talk, is it possible for hair color to be genetic (or did I miss that being answered). Thats one of the things that still peeves me about the game and while I have (once) produced offspring that had blonde hair color (when using a dark custom skin), it seems that all my simlings tend to have black hair. Granted one of the parent DNA are also black hair, but have tested this with blond, brown, red hair 2nd parent but still end up with black haired simlings.

btw. I make (granted infrequent) use of both SimPE and Datgen and with to extend my thanks to both groups of people working on them. Very nice mod tools so please keep the great stuff coming.

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