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Original Poster
#101 Old 26th Jun 2008 at 9:59 PM
sharna, if you need a few extra hours i'm not adverse to providing them since you ARE working to resolve the problem i can't lose anyone else or i'll have to throw in the towel,lol.

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
#102 Old 26th Jun 2008 at 10:14 PM
The interior doesn't seem homely at all (big, cold rooms), so I thought of substracting another point for playability, but then I didn't...Creativity is 9/10, but only because I think that for 10 perfection is required and I miss something in your entry -

What's missing is the furniture and the wall color, lol! I always use beige tones for building contests, so as not to take away from the structure. I decided to use this for one of my simmies, and after a few tweeks, it certainly isn't cold any longer; the furniture filled up the space pretty quickly too. I'll take some pics and add them next time I play. (Although,it probably won't be soon, I'm currently imersed in "The Settlers-Rise of an Empire")

Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.
Lab Assistant
#103 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 6:27 AM
longdaysend, in all the contests I've been in I've never asked for an extension (I hate them!), but I need one now.

The video card didn't come in, but it should be here sometime tomorrow (through the tracking, it's been in Little Rock since Friday evening, but UPS doesn't deliver on weekends ... blech!). Barring installation complications, I can get the landscaping done for round 3 and do the screenshots easily tomorrow.

I've just spent three hours ingame trying to do it with this older card, and simply attempting to revolve around the lot is a study in jittery patience, not to mention the detail is not there.

Add to that, I spent a couple of hours helping the spousal unit fix the dryer (my job also consisted of keeping four cats out of all the various pieces and folderall, and I'm frazzled).

I need a drink and a long bath lol.

Anyway, my apologies to all for holding everyone up. I hate this. I'm so sorry. I love this contest and want to finish it.
Original Poster
#104 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 3:47 PM
Sharna,in the words of a gret philosopher, may the force be with you. i can give you one more day but i either need to drop round 4 (whith if ice doesn't get hers in would be pointless anyway) or have it only last 2 days in order to meet our contest deadline. that being said, we will cross that bridge when we come to it (aka tomorrow). extention granted.

on a side note i have 3 kids with chicken pox right now so thats why i've been sort of awol myself this past round. but we're heading into the scabby stage so it's almost over

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
#105 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 5:46 PM
Considering a vaccine against chickenpox has been available since 1995, and has been mandated for school admission since 2001, I'm surprised they managed to catch it.

Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.
Field Researcher
#106 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 5:48 PM
I'll have mine in =] I kinded needed the extension myself to finish landscaping and stuff. So the round is due tomorrow now?
Original Poster
#107 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 6:02 PM
Kat we don't vaccinate for religious reasons, and they caught it ,during a weekly play date, from a friend who was vax'ed that morning. i wish their mother had just called and told me before hand,but thats neither here nor there and completely off topic.

yeah I'll leave the round open until tomorrow since Sharna is working to resolve her issues and get her entry in. if i ever do the last cycle of this there will be no extensions given. it's kinda ironic that i make the rounds all ahead of time and post them to avoid the extension insanity and yet every round has needed one by somebody *eye roll* so much for my foresight.

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
Field Researcher
#108 Old 30th Jun 2008 at 9:18 PM
I'm sorry about needing the extension, I have all the rounds done but it just so happened that when my game was messed up the other week this rounds lot didn't make it so I had to redo it all.

OT-Even if you have the vaccination you can still get chicken pox, thats what happened to my nephew. That was when the vaccine had only been available for a few years though.
Lab Assistant
#109 Old 1st Jul 2008 at 8:24 AM
Oh, oh and oh. I'm here! After waiting all freakin' day for UPS, the package finally got here at 7:10 pm. Jeeeez. I wasn't worried about the video card, but this new power supply... um, I had to wait for my son to get off his shift at midnight to come help me, and that took two hours, plus much fiddling. I fixed him a really good dinner, though.

Then I went ingame, and we oohed and ahhhed at the wonderful detail. I thought I was going to have to pull an all-nighter to complete the landscaping, but it didn't take much.

I know, I'm spamming with chatter, but I'm just so happy. It looks so beautiful! I'm going to load photoshop and get my screenies done. I don't want to take any more time than I have to.

Thanks for the extension!

Oh, and I do know what you're going through, longdaysend. Long ago, I had two of them go through that together, despite vaccinations. It happens. My condolences. I remember that weird smell, too, when they sweat with the pox (ick, let me shudder a moment).
Lab Assistant
#110 Old 1st Jul 2008 at 9:04 AM
Default SharnaPax - Round 3
While I did this house, a small story came to mind. This is an older beach vacation home, adored through many generations. Additions were added as needed through time, somewhat haphazardly. The siding and shingles couldn't always be made to match. But still, it's weathered time and elements, rambunctuous children and pets, and it's sheltered much love, laughter and growth. I hope the Sunny's will be as happy here as the several previous owners.

Front shot:


First Floor:

Second Floor:

Choice: A closer look at the rear, including the screened porch.

Field Researcher
#111 Old 1st Jul 2008 at 5:45 PM
Sorry to make you wait, I was having problems with uploading and now I'm babysitting at my sisters house so unless you close the round (which I would totally understand if you did, you've been waiting) I will have the round up as soon as I get home later today.
Original Poster
#112 Old 1st Jul 2008 at 11:38 PM
the round is over and the final round starts now....it's gonna be tight..very very tight guys, i can only give you until the 4th at noon since we have to be done by the 5th...judges, you also need to be as timely as possible here somehow we made it to the end...and no more drop outs dagnabit

OT; oh gosh! i thought i was imagining that funky smell, Sharna! thanks for confirming I'm not crazy or losing control of my sense of smell,lol

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
Field Researcher
#113 Old 2nd Jul 2008 at 4:41 AM
I'm sorry I didn't get my round in, I had it done and everything but when I got home my stupid internet was down and it just got fixed >.< I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I'm going to enter anymore contests for awhile because everytime I do either my sims starts acting up or my internet does. This sucks, my house was very vacation-y and cute =[
Original Poster
#114 Old 2nd Jul 2008 at 4:47 AM
its all good ice, i understand the problems , i just couldn't take any more time since we're coming up on the end of our alloted time. no worries

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
Field Researcher
#115 Old 2nd Jul 2008 at 5:32 AM
Oh, I understand completely =] And without a 4th round the winner wouldn't get a star & that wouldn't have been fair.
#116 Old 2nd Jul 2008 at 6:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IceAngel12891
Oh, I understand completely =] And without a 4th round the winner wouldn't get a star & that wouldn't have been fair.

Dosen't the contest have to start with at least 10 people for the winner to qualify for a star (and including the aplication, we already have four rounds)? And with only two people left, why even bother?

You can have as little or as many rounds as you would like or you can manage in the time allotted (1 month). But for your contestants to be able to earn a star, they must have won a contest with 4 rounds (yes, the application round is included in those four rounds).

Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.
Field Researcher
#117 Old 2nd Jul 2008 at 6:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kattenijin
Dosen't the contest have to start with at least 10 people for the winner to qualify for a star (and including the aplication, we already have four rounds)? And with only two people left, why even bother?

Yep, I totally forgot about that rule.
Original Poster
#118 Old 3rd Jul 2008 at 8:18 PM
if both of you are in agreement then we can end it now with a winner being the top score. just let me know at some point today if thats what y'all want I'm sorry things got so crazy,although for once (yay!) it wasn't because my life got in the way. once the trauma of this one is a distant memory for me I'll submit the final cycle for those who liked the contest and had to drop out or missed the application deadline... most likely not until after i move and get our lives back in order.

if we're ending it now i'll post the scores and announce the winner at some point tonight or tomorrow.

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
Lab Assistant
#119 Old 3rd Jul 2008 at 9:27 PM
longdaysend, I'm fine with ending it now, if kattenijin agrees. It does seem odd to go ahead with only two contestants.

I did like this contest a lot, and I will certain look for others from you. I particularly liked how you posted the round information at the start, so that everyone could work at their own pace. That was a breath of fresh air.

Thank you for your hard work.
#120 Old 3rd Jul 2008 at 10:25 PM
Ending now works for me. I totally understand your fustration longdaysend, my last contest got all of two entries, so I just closed it after the app period.

Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.
Original Poster
#121 Old 5th Jul 2008 at 4:04 PM
Playability: 4
Appearance: 3
Creativity: 9

I just had a lot of nitpicky things with this house, I didn't like the roof, it didn't seem to go with anything else, if you had had some red elsewhere it might have worked. Things are too far from each other, and I didn't like the front of the garage paint choice, personally I would have gone with the clapboard all around. I did like the pool area and the upstairs sunroom. Those were my favorites about this round.

Playability: 5
Appearance: 5
Creativity: 10

Love, love, love it! Want it for my game! I love that its on a beach lot and the weathered clapboard. Very cute. I do wish that you had used a different roof over the sunroom, if not the actual greenhouse roof. Great entry!


kattenijin 19/20

Nice, really nice. No complaints. Huge, but cute and liveable and I love the landscaping. Distracted one point for appearance, but really only because I compared your and SharnaPax's and and find her entry is better.

Creativity: 10
Appearance: 4
Playability: 5

SharnaPax 19/20

Great entry again, you showcased a rustic home very good. I love these gentle colours of background. But I don't like the big hall and square rooms in the second floor, so I'll distract a point.

Creativity: 10
Appearance: 5
Playability: 4


Kattenijin: Creativity 9 Appearance 4 Playability 5

Comments: I loved this house. The Red Roof works really well and completely finishes off the house nicely. I think the Landscaping you have used is spot on for this style of house and is attractive yet managable. Room layout is good and you have used windows well also. Great entry.

Sharnapax: Creativity 9 Appearance 4 Playability 5

Comments: I Loved this house also. I really like the shape of your house and feel that you are always creative with coming up with room layouts. I'm not really too keen on all the different exterior wall styles on the rear, but hopefull the family moving in is more modern than I am. Overall a really great entry and I have really enjoyed all your entries througout this contest.


well thats the final scores/comments and the winner is.....

Sharnapax with 173 points total congrats!

Kat you were close behind with 165 points. thanks for participating guys, and your kind words. despite all the insanity i think it was a good contest,if i do say so myself :D

My policy is: If you have any complaints about anything at all...I hate you.
Lab Assistant
#122 Old 6th Jul 2008 at 9:49 AM
Nice. You were both good ^^
Lab Assistant
#123 Old 6th Jul 2008 at 11:17 AM
Yes i just want to say well done to you both as well. It was always a Very tough contest to judge as all of your entries were superb.

Thanks for a really fun contest Longdaysend.

Hosting my first contest "Style and Culture" :D
Find it here: Style and culture contest
Lab Assistant
#124 Old 7th Jul 2008 at 4:50 AM
Oh, wow! Thank you!

Like I said earlier, I joined this contest to force myself to build more creatively, instead of just plopping a foundation down and adding rooms. I guess it worked! I'm actually going to save these houses, I think, and if any of you want to share yours I would love to have them.

Longdaysend, great contest. I did enjoy it very much and look forward to more from you. kattenijin, my formidable opponent, you were superb.
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