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#126 Old 15th Oct 2008 at 6:16 PM
Great entries you guys! :D
Lab Assistant
#127 Old 15th Oct 2008 at 7:56 PM
Wait, can I still post mine? My internet was down yesterday. D: I'm sorry.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#128 Old 15th Oct 2008 at 8:46 PM
If your entry is prepared but not posted, you have a half hour to get it in. Otherwise, or if it's still missing by 4:15, I'm going to have to close the round. I didn't close it last night only because the site wasn't loading for me.

EDIT: Okay, Round Three is closed, and I'm going to PM the judges shortly. Good luck, everybody.

Lab Assistant
#129 Old 15th Oct 2008 at 11:02 PM
Awww, poo. Oh well. D:
Field Researcher
#130 Old 17th Oct 2008 at 3:55 PM
'Hello'..... Echo.... 'is anybody there?'

Just wondering what is going on here.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#131 Old 17th Oct 2008 at 9:06 PM
Default Round Three Scores & Comments
Grey Family

I loved the spontaneous way she found her brother. - Great creativity. I wish more of the family had been featured in the memory, but I love the background you've added to their story. - awwwww! Great, great, twist! I find this really a nice entry - well done! - The memory pictures were good and very creative with the two strangers reuniting as brother and sister. Very good job!

Gustav Family

I loved everything about this family, they seemed original and very close. For the bonus round, I think their living space could have showed a little more personality since the family themselves seem so full of personality! - The memory idea could have been more creative, but your pictures are action-packed and interesting. I like how colorful the bonus room is - definitely reflects the family. - I liked the way you showed the mind of Pia, And also the hidden backgrounds inside too. I enjoyed reading this! - Very colorful pictures! The storyline was really good and I got a good sense of who they were. They seem like a loving family.

Lauren Family

It was nice to see how they were before the birth of Maria. Aside from the fun time with his teaching how to swim, I was wondering what his father taught him on that vacation or if they spent any time together doing something. - Ward comes off authentically childlike and likeable. Although every kid has a vacation memory, you did well picking out the bits that a little boy would remember fondly. Nice job. - Liked the way you showed the world through his eyes, but I felt it lacking in Written Content - but the pictures were really nice! - The storyline was cute. Although I wish you had showed a picture of the new baby. Very nice job!

Fairbanks Family

From the storyline and throughout the pictures of this entry, you really understood what made this family count on each other for support and love. - I love the way Wren's personality showed through in her interview. Very sweet storyline, and great job overall. - I liked this one, It was almost moving and I really felt attached to the character. Well done! - The storyline was very sweet. Great job!

CiaoAlora... has it really been that long? I only received the last set of Round Three scores late last night, and you will have the normal amount of time to complete Round Four. Not to worry.

Field Researcher
#132 Old 17th Oct 2008 at 9:11 PM
Oh, I was just playing around. I saw that no one had posted anything in the thread for two days. I wasn't actually worried.
#133 Old 17th Oct 2008 at 9:11 PM
Thanks Daisie, and the judges. .
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#134 Old 17th Oct 2008 at 9:15 PM
Default Round 4 - Something Special
By now, your family is known far and wide as one of the greatest. It's a busy job, and sometimes, your family needs to take a break from other people and spend a whole day doing something special together.

In this round, your entire family will spend a day together for the first time in a while. Planned or unplanned, it can be a holiday or any old weekend, but you must do something special and different from your normal routine. You could put on a play, or take a trip, or bake cookies, or anything really. Be creative! In addition to three or more images of the day, please include a thorough (not necessarily long) description of what happened and why. Each family member (aged child through elder) must participate in the storytelling. This is a great way to show off their personalities.

Round Four will be due Tuesday, October 21 at 8PM EST. I'd love to have all the entries a day or so earlier than that, though, if possible. Just get them in as soon as you can.

#135 Old 18th Oct 2008 at 10:55 PM
Round Four

Surprises and Celebrations!

A couple of days ago it was Anya's birthday - no longer the cute little toddler in the tiger face paint that Dyna remembered! She had been enjoying teenagerhood, by celebrating and staying in bed a little longer than usual. Unfortunately they hadn't been able to do anything spectacular for her birthday, due to her dad's having to work. Still, they cherised the few short hours they'd had together all the same. That morning, on a summer's day like any other, Anya woke up for an extended lie in. She didn't notice anything unusual, and she didn't spot the man outside her window just walking along the path...

But, as she got dressed, her attention was taken by the chattering of many voices outside. Stepping outside her room and peering tiredly around the doorway, she spotted the entire family clustered around the entrance lobby. Granted, Anna and Dirk were more interested in playing, but everyone else was curious about what a congregation were doing on the front porch. Tom came to a stand beside his eldest daughter and scanned the faces - they were all familiar: People who came to the restaurant on the special days, a couple of older folk who danced at the club...they were all grinning like people with a particularly bubbling secret.

As it turned out, they did have a secret. After all the times the Grey family had helped the community, they were getting something pretty great in return. The community had banded together to say thank you: Starting with a celebratory buffet. It was the reason someone had been in the garden so early that morning - preparing food, tables, chairs and colourful balloons. There was turkey and sausages, salads and fruit bowls and gelatin. Anna and Dirk liked the gelatin the best.

Anna: I have a huuuuuge sweet tooth!
Dirk: Mine's bigger, so there!

For all their attempts at trying to outdo each other so loudly, they're still good as gold.

After sating their appetites, the neighbours told the Grey's that there was something else in store for them. All they needed to do was get into their car and drive to the townhall. That in itself was unusual...it was a Sunday, and everyone was aware that the townhall was closed on that particular day of the week. Still, they did as instructed as curiousity prompted them to do.

Tom: In my professional opinion, our neighbours are very sneaky.

He was teasing of course!

When they parked in front of the townhall they spotted a crowd, and more balloons - and the mayor was at the podium. He smiled warmly when he spotted the bewildered family... And were quickly embarrassed as realisation hit them. The community were giving what they could back to the Grey family, in the form of a commemoration of all the hard work they had done for the people of the town over the years. All of them were getting something, right down to three-year-old Toby. And it didn't end there, either.

They had put together for a day trip to a new theme park that had opened up on the outskirts of the big city.

The first stop, on Anna and Toby's adporable insistence, was the Gingerbread House, for obvious reasons! Such a sweet-toothed person as Anya and, in all honesty, Dyna too, could not possibly resist this place! The House was full to the brim of gingerbread men, boiled sweets, fudge and toffee, chocolate and candy floss of various colours. After that there were biscuits and cookies, fairy cakes and Victoria sponges, shortbread and marshmallows! Toby's eyes remained big the entire way through the exploration, while Dyna showed how full they would all feel if they ate everything at once!

A little later on, as it got darker, Anya took adventurous little Dirk to the haunted house. This particular "ride" stayed open until the evening, to make it even more atmospheric. The eight-year-old maintained that he wasn't scared in the slightest! It took them through a wood at first until, abruptly they found themselves inside the haunted house itself.

Dirk became a little bit afraid when he felt a gentle scraping on his back, and he span around rapidly! The trees, its eyes glowing a fiery orange in the darkness had moved- at the same time his big sister to try and make him jump, unfortunately something had brushed across her bare arm and the haunted house became an area of screams! They laughed about it later on, and a snapshot had been taken of them so they could remember the moment forever.

While the kids enjoyed their time at the park, Derek and Tom had a bit of much-needed "them time". They had a romantic dinner at the Garden View Restaurant in the evening. It was nice, for once, to not need to run Fantasia or go to work. It was relaxing; the food and drink was a delight, and the in-house photographer took a picture of them, too.

While the rest of the family had their fun, Dyna took a wander into the Medieval Realm - a trip back into what life was like a few centuries before. As someone who loved history, it was a nice treat. Unfortunately she wasn't dressed for the part - but one of the handsome young men who worked there was. She thought he looked really quite dashing in his knights uniform. In face, they talked for quite a while...

She found out his name, and he gave her his phone number! Dyna couldn't help swooning as she left...

It was long past the kids' sleep time when they arrived back at the townhall to pick up their car - a special bus had been arranged to drive them to and from the Theme Park. They had a bit of a relax on the steps first, and had a long and excitable chat about what they'd each been doing all day - though the different members of the Grey family had spent some of the time on the rides apart, they had still been on many together as well, and they recounted tales of nauseas rollercoaster rides and heart-stopping waltzers.

Before getting into the car, Tom and Derek took a good look at their family and then each other, grinning as they held hands. They had to admit, they still had the best family ever!

...Even if the kids did decide they needed to use the toilet before going home.

#136 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 1:52 AM
Default Round 4: The Gustavs
Christmas with the Gustavs

Toby: *Tis' the Season to be Jolly, falalalalalalalala* Oh hi there, Merry Chistmas to you, my friend. It's only October, but it's snowing as if it's in December. Being the first day of Winter, it calls for a very special weekend that if not like any other.

Pleasantview is known for its very slippery roads (drivers, beware!). It's even more so during the winter. Cars have been left in driveways and garages and many, if not all residents skate on the icy roads instead of simply walking or driving (which leads us to consistent First Place wins in the inter-hood Ice Skating Competition.)

Marvin: Winter is my second favorite season (my fave is Summer of course, beach season!). A very big contrast in the atmosphere, but you can do a lot during the Winter, like building big, sturdy snowmen and hot, firey devils...

...KIDDING! They look more like airy, ethereal snow angels that melt away after a half on an hour. Mom really loves the Snow Angels to the point of attempting to take the angel with her. Must be on a reagent high again.


Marvin: UGH! Dad's silly naming ideas. Good thing they have gone their separate ways.

Mayee: and when hands are getting cold and bodies shivering, we head inside for a cup and a little song from everyone. Who cares if you sing off-key? It's more entertaining that way. *lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!*

Toby: While I was buying a cuppa, I saw the barista's tired eyes and dark circles. She must've been working there all day long without any break. I graciously offered to help her and take over barista duties for at a couple of hours.

However, only the four of us were there...*sigh* I got 32 simoleons, though. A little extra for some food to eat.

Mayee: As soon as we got home, we started setting up our Christmas decorations. The lights are effin' hard to set up. We had to step on a very high table just to reach the top and move some furniture around.

Pia: ...and don't forget to turn the lights off. You know what could happen.

Mayee: Yes mom.

Pia: ...and what's better than Christmas shopping? BARGAIN CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Yes, we have been hunting bazaars for gifts and decorations. And did you know that the tree costs only a hundred?

Toby: Make sure it passed Sim Safety Council standards, though, or else...

Toby: Looks like somebody forgot to turn off the lights. I smell really bad smoke from the basement.

Marvin: What, grandpa? Smoke?

Pia: Maybe it's coming from...Oh dear! *whole family runs upstairs*

*fireman, aka. Kevin is at the scene*

Kevin: *background* All taken care of, Sirs and Mesdames.

Toby: Thank you, Mr Wilkie, for saving everything.

Pia: Yeah, I was supposed to use Exflammo if it wasn't for you.

Marvin: Since everything's finally okay, maybe we can treat ourselves with com hot cocoa from the finest beans and the purest sugar and...

Okay, I get your point. Just stop yakking and make the chocolate.

Marvin: Yes, Miss.

Pia: Okay, so fire's out, decorating's done and winter fun is up...So how else can we conclude this uh, joyous night with a nice little feast. Main course: Mama Gustav's finest Holiday Roast.

Toby: *sniffs* Oh Rosetta, why have you left me so soon?

Mayee: About Granny Rosie, she's a really good cook. In fact, she created a five course dinner recipe for Mom and Dad's wedding 10 years ago. From what I remember, Marvin and I were 6 when they got married and it was a really colorful celebration. but 5 years later, the marriage went POOF just like how mom lets dirt disappear from the kitchen.

Pia: Mayee, this day's supposed to be a wonderful event. Please don't make me remember something about your father...

Mayee: Shh...mom still holds a little grudge on Dad.

Marvin: Oh, and my friends say that Holiday Roast makes you fat...

Pia: Me, Pia Gustav the Infallibly Good Witch, fat? It can't be! It's against the Common Witches' code. Fatness increases the chance of a spell backfiring. *chants Corpus Athleicus* Much better.

#137 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 6:34 PM
Daisie, I don't know if I'll be able to get my entry in. I've got some revision classes after school and have no idea if I'll have enough time to play my game. I feel awful because soooo many people have had to drop out for various reasons and I was really enjoying it. I will try and get my entry in before Tuesday, but I doubt that I'll be able to. Oh, and you don't have to extend the deadline for me, its not fair on the other contestants who want to see who won! Again, my apologies.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#138 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 7:13 PM
Ah well, that's too bad. I really hope you can manage to get your entry in, but if not, I understand how real life is - so no hard feelings.

^ Great entries, you two.

Field Researcher
#139 Old 20th Oct 2008 at 5:04 AM
Default The Lauren Family, Round 4
Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Danielle: Hello there, welcome to my kitchen! It is about 6:00 in the morning, and I'm preparing the turkey for our big dinner tonight.

Steele: Actually, we will eat around three, don't forget our plans this afternoon, dear.

Danielle: Well that's right, and thank you for helping me clean up darling.

Maria: nom nom nom

Steele: Mmmm, this pie looks wonderful!

Ward: I can't wait to eat your pie dad, it smells so good!

Several Hours Later:

Everyone: Nom nom nom

Danielle: As soon as everyone is finished, We have a surprise for you!

Ward: Is it the pie, cuz I already know about it and I can't wait to eat it!

Steele: No, it's something even better than pie...

Ward: Dad, there is nothing better than pie!

Danielle: You will just have to wait and see, now be sure to clean your plate.

At the local Tree Farm:

Ward: Dad! Look at this one! It is perfect... has all its branches and everything!

Steele: Well I don't know, we didn't really look at very many trees yet.

Danielle: Oh Steele dear, see how excited the children are? Lets get this one.

Maria: shivers... sn...ooo!

Steele: Well I should cut it down before the snow storm gets any worse.

Steele: Grunts This hand saw keeps getting stuck, It might take a few minutes to get it cut.

Danielle: Your doing great honey.

Ward: Can I help dad?

Maria: Halp oow daee?

Steele: Hahaha, sure you two, hold onto a branch, that will help me a lot!

Danielle: Oh, look Steele, hot cocoa!

Steele: I'll get us some.

Ward: May I have some marshmallows in mine?

Steele: Sure my boy.

Maria: ...arshmolo...

Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#140 Old 21st Oct 2008 at 2:01 AM
All right, guys, I'm going to go ahead and close the round and PM the judges, so that they have plenty of time before the contest ends. Good luck!! :D

Ferret, you can still contact me if you want to participate.

Top Secret Researcher
#141 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 7:58 PM
goodluck everyone, ferret i hope you do get a entry in i'd love to see it but we all know how tough real life is *sighs* Anyway gooodluck you all did fantastic whoever wins really deserves it!

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#142 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 8:25 PM
D'oh - I just noticed I had TBC... still on the end of my entry. It is finished, I just forgot to take off the TBC... So please don't think I turned in an unfinished entry.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#143 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 9:50 PM
Default Round Four Scores & Comments - WINNER ANNOUNCED
Gustav Family

I loved the family togetherness in this round! The ending had me laughing! - Sounds like the family had a good time besides the fire happening. Good job! - Great memory! And definitely a story they'll tell for a long time. Nice job overall.

Lauren Family

I felt like they were a family that enjoyed the holidays together! I loved how they went to the tree farm together, lovely creativity! - I like the dialogue between all the family members. And I thought my family was the only one who put up their tree on thanksgiving. Great job! - I love Maria's comments. So cute! Nice job.

Grey Family

It seemed like a nice day for the family! - That’s great the community had did that for them, as they deserved it. Very nice job! - I wish the family had spent more time all together as a group. Still, nice creativity. Good job.

Which means that our winner, based on cumulative scores from all four rounds, is...

:clap: :1st :clap:


:2nd TRIriana :3rdCiaoAlora

Congratulations, guys!

I will send the grand prize to the winner shortly, and I will most likely be putting together a little something for all three of you as a thank-you for sticking with this the whole way. I hope you had fun (as I know I did!) and again, congrats.


Top Secret Researcher
#144 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 9:52 PM
Congrats duderocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Congrats TRIriana and CiaoAlora aswell! :D

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#145 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 10:12 PM
zOMG!!! It's 5 am and this is what happens. Thank you soo much to Daisie, the judges and to all other contestants. Never expected this. :D
#146 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 10:45 PM
Congratulations duderocks! And great contest, Daisie Everyone did awesome.
Field Researcher
#147 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 11:52 PM
Congratulations duderocks!!!! Well deserved. This was a fun contest Dasie, thank you. :D
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