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#226 Old 20th Oct 2018 at 4:55 PM
Lea Smith

Danielle Kaya Hampton

Field Researcher
#227 Old 25th Oct 2018 at 9:32 AM Last edited by tysika : 25th Oct 2018 at 9:51 AM.
Default My collection of school bus pics

#228 Old 19th Mar 2023 at 5:40 PM
Max birthday. Little dude finally aged up to kid stage.

#229 Old 12th May 2023 at 3:48 AM Last edited by Elynda : 28th Mar 2024 at 8:33 PM.
As some of you may have heard Lisa Loring, who at the tender age of five created the role of Wednesday in the original 'Addams Family' TV show, passed away recently. A sad loss.

Ever since Sims 1 there has always been an Addams family in my game. In Sims 2 they always resided in Pleasantview, and now that there is a Sims 3 version of that town I recently moved them there. And as a little tribute to Lisa I gave my Wednesday a bit of a make over...

Goodbye Lisa. We'll never forget you.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Forum Resident
#230 Old 18th Mar 2024 at 2:07 AM
Indie and Marlyn are apart of triplets but I find it interesting that Marlyn favors his sister Indie out of all his other siblings. I also find it interesting that he tends to wait to near orange or red for most of his motives which is something I also observed in his older brother Taz who has the insane trait. I forget what you call it but it has to do with prioritizing whatever task you are doing over things like, I need to eat, I need to go to the bathroom, I need to sleep, etc. Though it varies from person to person and can fluctuate intensity. I'm sure everyone at some point does this but some has a tendency of this far more often and my Sim Marlyn is typically worse than Taz though Taz is the only one who had an accident so far, lol. Marlyn waits moreso on his hunger, sleep and sometimes hygiene motives while Taz is mostly bladder.

I was happy to see Marlyn's father autonomously read him to sleep. Though I'm surprised the interaction went through because he literally was in the red. Maybe he's doing this for attention or maybe not? Hmm....

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#231 Old 9th Apr 2024 at 1:52 PM Last edited by Elynda : 18th Apr 2024 at 9:20 PM. Reason: correcting spelling
It occurred to me that so far, apart from Lucy and her personal page Harry Tremaine, there was only one other child aged sim in Nantrelor. So I set about making some Victorian children, and here they are.

Before being raised to her present exalted position Lucy attended the village school with all the other kids. These are some of her former classmates. I haven't thought up full names for everybody yet, but the two on the left are a brother and sister: Morwena and Tommy Pencarne. The other two are called Jo-Jo and Margot. And, since I had to have a grown up to move them in with, Miss Abigail Southern seemed to fit the bill. So she'd better be their teacher.

They are all posing on the back lawn of the Old Priory - now doing service as a village school, all of them scrubbed and brushed up, ready for the photographer's visit (Morwena insisted on wearing her new hat). Nobody looks very cheerful, but people seldom did in Victorian photographs: you had to stand stock still while the photographer timed the exposure. And, as was usual, the final print was in sepia, which is of course cuttlefish ink. Fortunately I had Photoshop.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Forum Resident
#232 Old 14th May 2024 at 3:40 PM Last edited by Deshong : 15th May 2024 at 2:12 AM.
I knew I remembered correctly that kids could play with the drum from The Titanic Toy Machine from the store. Unfortunately it is autonomous only and not also player-directed. Just like it is autonomous only that Sims can prepare a single serving of any dessert but is not player-directed. (Edit: Hmm, apparently I can click on the drum and have kids play it but before there were no options. Maybe it was a glitch.)

Galila visiting the Mwangi household.


Since Taz loves fishing so much, I got him a rowboat where he took two of his younger sibling triplets along on a fishing expedition. But I found out that Marlyn gets motion sickness and doesn't do well in boats; it didn't take long before he swam back to shore to do his homework and then went home, lol.

Taz has seemed to have inspired his sister Indie and brother Marlyn to get into fishing. Taz also inspired his father to get into fishing as well from all those late nights after curfew to fulfill his wish of acquiring death fish.


Marlyn is obsessed with this toy. He will play with this for hours and hours whether in his sister's Indie room or the one near the staircase downstairs.


Nora as a toddler and I just realized I don't have many screenshots of her but then again it wasn't that long ago she aged up.


Lulu in her room playing with her imaginary doll that I got rid of because I just cannot deal with that feature anymore. I don't even like it when animals are too clingy and so personality is important to find the right balance. Ferrets were a good fit, those cute, funny little weasels who were mostly independent but very playful and at least they would tolerate my cuddles every now and then.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
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