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#51 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Netti876
I'm reading through this and I'm thinking

"Do I need any expansions...?"

you need generations so they can go to boarding school
Test Subject
#52 Old 8th Jul 2015 at 6:13 AM
I had a blast doing this challenge!! COMPLETED IN 13 DAYS! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li...Asl1yrbNbC5uaUb
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 13th Jul 2015 at 11:32 PM
I was in the process of doing this challenge too. But I had a little bit of a tough time to get her out of the house. Between the toddler and another newborn. Even after 8 days I still only earned like 140 simoleons or something. xD But then I thought I should first complete a Runaway Teen challenge and then have that sim be the new Stepford wife. Seems like a good prequel to this challenge.
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#54 Old 27th Jul 2015 at 2:13 AM
Can't wait to start this challenge. Thou I might play the family a few days before starting the challenge part. Simply as I feel the wife needs to learn the husbands fav meals, and he'll need to make friends at work, particularly his boss. Or who is he going to invite over to show off his possesions to? I feel like I'll 'start' it when he knocks her up again, she'll simply not want to bring yet another child into this house that she'll loose to that snobby prep school. The only problem I have is he'll keep trying to put his dish in the dishwasher.
I also made a locked office for him, that only he can get into. That's where he keeps the only computer on the lot and the family's passports, birth certificates, everything he needs to keep them trapped. As an extra challenge to myself she can't leave until she can sneak in there and grab them.
There's a mod over at Nrrass called Money Bag to help keep track of her earnings too, if anyones interested.
I'll post some screenies too soon.
#55 Old 6th Sep 2017 at 3:14 AM
Actually planning on combining elements of this challenge and the religious polygamy one with my current family which is a poly trio of 3, 2 men and a woman whom are myself/my persona and a tv show character/celebrity and historical figure I have crushes on where I am married to the historical figure and we are both romantic interests with the character/actor (yes he and the historical figure are bisexual and with each other too) and my 5 child OCs whom are all toddlers and my nanny OC for the family. Probably going to combine the elements of the wife being devoted to both husbands and them to each other and the elements of the wife having to keep up appearances as they are a royal family while mostly combining elements of the polyandry flavor of the polygamy challenge but with polygyny elements as well and obviously things will be edited where appropriate like the husbands and wife actually all love each other and aren't trying to escape from one another and they obviously have the nanny so the babysitter isn't forbidden and they don't have to raise the kids themselves or send them to boarding school and they already have 5 kids whom are all toddlers but things from both this challenge and the polygamy challenge will be combined with stuff I want to do with them myself.
Test Subject
#56 Old 12th Sep 2017 at 10:07 PM
I know I am several years late to the challenge lol buuuuut this sounds awfully "fun" and challenging. I am going to change it up just a little, like for example instead of her just leaving once she earns enough money she will use "Dexter the Bear" to kill him because she was busy packing that day wasn't able to complete all of her chores. Idk I think that would be funny and feel good buuuuut there's also the kids to think of. I also want to make the challenge longer. I want them to start out with no children and in the dating phase, say he found her and she needed a place to stay so he let her move into his nice nice house (of course he only wants her because she is younger and he will have arm candy to show off to others and she thinks the world of him cause he is "kind" enough to let her stay with him)...He keeps the act up and they date and then he proposes and then after the wedding he implements the rules and such and he has to try to knock her up the first night so she is stuck with him. I downloaded the money bag mod by Ani on NRaas so I am just going to keep track of how much money she earns and add it to her inventory. Can't wait to try this!!!
Test Subject
#57 Old 3rd Jun 2023 at 12:03 AM
Ok, so I won't say I'm going by your rules alone. I'm too much the writer to not put my own spin on it.

Kieran and his three kids already existed in my favorite town, so I just changed his and the kids personalities a bit.
I may have also gotten his husband infected with SIV using Vector. As soon as the husband dies, I'll move Michael into the town in the family estate (Century Manor Then and Now) he's been renovating, since he inherited. He'll start "courting" Kieran as soon as he moves into town. They will marry and as soon as the Honeymoon is over he'll send the kids to boarding school and start his Rules.

Also, I'm combining a couple of challenges into one on this. He gave himself a month for savings, but at day 21 there is a 1/7 chance of an apocalypse challenge starting. Each day it raises by one. lol

I will admit though that if that happens before he's got the 15000 he will just commit a little bit of murder and call home his kids.

I can't see forcing him to live with the monster husband.

If he manages it then some butterfly affect will occur and the Apocalypse will get put on hold.
Test Subject
#58 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 1:25 PM Last edited by Australia lover : 24th Jul 2024 at 1:49 PM.
I found your challenge yesterday and went on to try it (together with another challenge but mostly ended up following yours)!
I raised the money up to 100.000ยง so I would have more of a challenge.
And then I did something dump: I made my sim a gardener/loves the outdoor person so basically no skill that she would be good at seemed to be one she could do xD

But because I coupled it with another challenge I let her (and her vamprie husband) attend university, where he got a Business degree and she started the science/medicine degree but did not finish (storywise I wanted it that he told her to give up and be a stay at home mum so she would not need to get an education).

Since they went to university they both had a few skills; she also mastered the science skill. And that would be my saving grace! Also her life time wish is to adopt 6 strays. My idea was that she was the one secretely having pets, not the kids (at that point she did not have kids).
They moved after he graduated university to Moonlight Falls; their wedding guests consisted of all the vampires in town. He used her as a living blood bag but showered her with affection afterwards. They got into a big fight after the wedding bc of some dump resaon.
A few days later she was pregnant and realized that he was not getting better so she made a secret bank account using the online banking account and sold a few items at the consignment store. My goal was to get out of the house before the kid would be a child. So in my game that would be 10 days (+ like 1 day from her pregnancy).
Her husband told her to not leave the house so she was also not really going out of town since every vampire could say something to him about seeing her in town. So basically I stripped myself succesfully of every major income bc I did not want to get her into writing or painting. She should be an outdoor girl trapped inside.
But then she met a few strays and adopted three of them(two dogs, one cat so far). She housed all of them in like 4 rooms where she locked them in so that her husband could not find them.
She raised their hunting skill and then let them out while he was working. They found a plasma bug for around 4k which she analized and cloned until she had enough money to just flee. Unfortunately in that time she got again pregnant and left her husband with a little toddler boy named Ezra and a little baby boy named Elijah :D
They now live in Appaloosa Plains
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