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#1 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 9:36 AM
Default Fringe
Fringe is a sitcom on Fox Network that is similar to XFiles. It stars Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson. I am currently watching it from www.fox.com since I work evenings and don't get to watch prime-time. Here are a few questions to get the discussion started:

What was the last episode you watched and how would you rate it?
Season 1, Episode 10 - Safe Rated: :1st

Who is your favorite character in the show and why?
My personal favorite is Olivia - she comes off with both a masculine and feminine air. I love it that a woman is in a traditionally male work place and she is taking a lead role - its really liberating.

Do you think Olivia and Peter will have romantic involvement in some future episode?
I think they will - there seems to be a lot of electricity flowing between them and it somewhat appears as though Olivia tries to avoid Peter because of her prior hurt/loss.

Who do you think is behind "The Pattern"?
I am not quite sure just yet. The show is leading you to believe that Massive Dynamic is behind it all...but I am not convinced just yet. I think its a ploy by the writers to throw a curve at the audience.
#2 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 10:06 AM
I've been watching this in the UK, not sure which episode we're up to.... 6 maybe? Rating: 7/10
I don't have a favourite character, they all annoy me in some way!
I don't think there will romantic involvement... I think they will be more like Mulder and Scully :D
#3 Old 28th Dec 2008 at 6:38 AM
I tuned in for the pilot, only because J.J. Abrams is my favorite director, and I haven't watched one since, I dont think it's as good as Alias or Lost, imo
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