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#1 Old 28th Jun 2023 at 10:40 PM
Default Base Game Megahood Take 2
I have been very much enjoying my latest playthrough of the premade families in Veronaville, Pleasantview, and Strangetown, and now that all of the original teens are elders, I started writing up histories of all the families thus far. These got to be rather long, so I thought I might document them here instead of overwhelming the community forums. So this thread will be for updates of the 14 premade families as they progress in my megahood.
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#2 Old 28th Jun 2023 at 10:42 PM Last edited by sturlington : 28th Jun 2023 at 10:56 PM.
Default Veronaville: The Capp Family (two households)
The Capps are preoccupied with wealth and status. They consider themselves to be the preeminent family in all neighborhoods. The women pursue the arts and run their exclusive private school while ruling their households with an iron fist. The men take care of the family’s business interests, including its extensive crime dealings, and do what the women tell them to (mostly).

Consort Capp, head of the family and of Capp Enterprises, died after being abducted by aliens. His was the first abduction other than the rumored one in Strangetown. His son, Kent, was also abducted and died the next day. This led to the belief that the aliens may be hostile. His daughter, Goneril, and son-in-law, Cornwall, took over running the business. Cornwall’s wife, Regan, was not interested in the family business and quit to become a renowned artist. They never had children. Goneril’s husband, Albany, started an exclusive private school in Veronaville under the Capp name.

Consort’s granddaughter, Juliette, inherited Capp Manor. One of her greatest enemies after her breakup with Romeo during college was Romeo’s brother, Mercutio. But hatred turned to love as Mercutio wooed her, won her, married her, and took the Capp name. They had one daughter, Diana. Juliette didn’t work in the family business but rather pursued a successful career as a concert pianist and novelist. She ruled her marriage and her household very strictly, and Mercutio grew restless. He had a long-time affair with Lucy Burb that Juliette did not know about. Then, Juliette’s brother, Tybalt, divorced his husband, Tank Grunt, and returned home. Sparks immediately flew between Tybalt and Mercutio, and Tybalt did everything he could to be near Mercutio. Tybalt had long been in charge of the Capps’ criminal dealings, which was distasteful to the rest of the family but did bring in the money. Mercutio had continued working as an executive chef in the Montys’ restaurant. Tybalt suddenly coming back into his life reawakened old feelings in Mercutio, and he fell hard. They didn’t want to hide their love, so they told Juliette. She was very angry, divorced Mercutio, and kicked them both out. They both moved into the other Capp household and are very happy together in their elderhood. Their younger sister, Hermia, married into the Summerdream family.

Elders: Regan and Cornwall; Juliette. Juliette’s daughter with Mercutio, Diana. Diana’s children: baby Philip (with Oilver Pleasant Smith) and teen Edmund (with Bottom Summerdream [d].).

After Albany’s and Goneril’s deaths from old age, their son Hal took over as CEO of the business, and their daughter Miranda took over running the private school. Miranda never married or had children and was very bitter about it. Hal married Jill Smith, and they had one daughter, Yasmin. But Jill had a tendency to develop unhealthy romantic obsessions on just about everyone who wasn’t Hal, and he eventually got fed up with her behavior and divorced her. He prefers to focus on work, anyway. Their younger sister Desdemona also worked for the private school and married into the Broke family. Their other sister Ariel married into the Lothario family.

Elders: Mercutio (Monty), Hal, Miranda, and Tybalt. Hal’s daughter, Yasmin (with Jill Smith Capp), and her girlfriend, Bobbi Broke (unborn baby Broke).
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#3 Old 28th Jun 2023 at 11:05 PM
Default Kent Capp's abduction story in pictures

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#4 Old 28th Jun 2023 at 11:25 PM
Default Veronaville: The Monty Family
The younger Montys have turned the Monty Ranch into a place where pretty much anything goes. They maintain their highly successful franchise of restaurants and other hospitality businesses, and they use their wealth to pursue pleasure in all its many forms.

Patrizio and Isabella both died of old age, happily living in the Monty Ranch with their daughter Bianca and grandson, Romeo. Bianca got very depressed after Kent Capp turned down her marriage proposal (because he was very gay) and later died tragically following his alien abduction. She continued to work in the restaurants but was never happy after that. Romeo married his college boyfriend, Ripp Grunt, and they had one daughter together, Claudia. Romeo died of complications during his second pregnancy, but Ripp continued to live in the Monty ranch, first working in the restaurant and then pursuing a career as a musician. He befriended Bianca and took care of her in her elderhood; she has now passed away. Around this time, Bianca’s brother, Antonio, moved back in with his son, Benedick, who had recently graduated from college. Antonio was now running the family restaurant business, while Benedick had a series of odd jobs. Living together, Benedick and Ripp inevitably got together, although their relationship was always an open one. Benedick eventually got pregnant, which really upset Antonio, and he grew to hate Ripp. He doted on his granddaughter Domenica, though. The fighting got to be too much, and Antonio moved in with his daughter, Beatrice, who had married Ripp’s brother Buck, a match Antonio approved of. Ripp and Benedick remained a couple and have made the Monty Ranch into a party house, although they’re slowing down as they get older.

Elders: Benedick and his partner Ripp (Grunt). Benedick and Ripp’s daughter, Domenica, and her husband, Angelo (Broke, son of Dustin and Kristen).
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#5 Old 28th Jun 2023 at 11:34 PM
Default Veronaville: The Summerdream Family
The Summerdreams have suffered many family tragedies. Because of this history, they stick together and value blood above everything else. In the tradition of their matriarch, they maintain a magical home that is warm and welcoming to all.

About the same time that her son, Puck, married Hermia Capp, Titania gave birth to twins, Emilia and Florizel. Puck and Hermia’s daughter, Gloria, was born soon after. But Titania became ill and died. Oberon contracted the same illness and also died, leaving Puck and Hermia with three toddlers to raise. Once the toddlers were children, they decided to move the family to a new house and have a fresh start. With his teen sister Bottom’s help, Puck was able to move past the deaths of his parents and bring up three happy children. He also became a professional artist, while Hermia worked first in the Capps’ private schools, then as an assistant to Tybalt. Hermia was also a dog lover and got a dog named Mustardseed. Bottom grew up to be a romantic free spirit, having many affairs and even getting Diana Capp pregnant during a one-night stand. But while the three kids were at college, tragedy struck again. A fire engulfed the house, killing Puck, Hermia, and Bottom. Only Mustardseed survived. When the younger Summerdreams returned from college, they reunited with Mustardseed and found a new house to live in. For a while, they remained isolated behind their walls, in mourning, but eventually they reopened the house again. They are patrons of music and the arts, and host many lavish parties.

After the fire:

Twins Emilia and Florizel on either end (children of Oberon and Titania); Emilia’s boyfriend, Malcolm Goth (son of Angela Goth and Dustin Broke)--maybe he’s standing next to Gloria because he just started having an affair with her(!); Emilia and Malcolm’s teen daughter, Juno, in the back. In the middle, Gloria (daughter of Puck and Hermia) and her twins, Ursula and Viola (with Ulysses Burb Dreamer). Plus Mustardseed.
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#6 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:28 AM
Default Pleasantview: The Lothario-Caliente Family
The Lotharios and Calientes have learned over the years that, although romantic partners may come and go–with great regularity–the only ones they can truly count on are one another.

Don Lothario married Cassandra Goth as planned and came into a lot of money as a result. They bought a beautiful house and had two children, and Don also had a daughter with his lover, Nina Caliente. Even though he was married, Don still had his needs. One day, Cassandra caught him in the hot tub with her own mother, which drove her a bit crazy. She began relentlessly attacking Don day and night, until he could take it no more and asked her to leave. Because of Cassandra’s behavior, Don retained custody of their children, whom he adored. He began to build a relationship with his other daughter as well. Once the children were adults, Don realized that even though he had money and lovers, his life was still a bit empty. His daughter, Phoebe Caliente, was now a single mother herself, so he asked her and Nina to move in and share his home. Don still has his affairs on the side, but he is retired now and mainly focuses on family. His adult son, Knightley, also lives with them and has recently married Ariel Capp. Don is very much looking forward to another grandchild. Nina still works as a cat burglar, a job she loves (and one that keeps her fit). Ever since her other lover, Daniel Pleasant, died, she’s been faithful to Don, although she does think his son is pretty hot. Nina had previously lived with her sister, Dina, but Dina now lives with Dustin Broke.

Elders: Don Lothario and Nina Caliente. On the left, Don and Nina’s daughter, Phoebe, and her teen son, Ian (with Julius Burb). In the middle, Don’s son with Cassandra, Knightley, and his wife, Ariel (Capp).
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#7 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:38 AM
Default Pleasantview: The Goth Family
The Goths are highly eccentric–some may even say they’re downright weird–but because of their extreme wealth, they do what they like and don’t care what others think about it.

When Bella was returned by the aliens, Mortimer dropped his gold-digger girlfriend, Dina Caliente, and took Bella in. Bella had lost her memory and frequently acted out, but Mortimer took care of her nonetheless. After he died, Bella became ill and soon followed him. Goth Manor passed to their son, Alexander, who married Angela Pleasant. They were a strategic match: Angela wanted status and stability, and Alexander wanted a beautiful, presentable wife. They did live their separate lives, though, which was fine as long as Angela’s place in the household didn’t feel threatened. They had one son together, Isaac. Alexander founded and ran Pleasantview’s museum and had several affairs, including with Angela’s twin sister. Angela also had a long-running affair with her high school sweetheart, Dustin Broke–she had him wrapped around her little finger, and he came running whenever she called. She even had his son, Malcolm, who carried the Goth name although everyone pretty much knew who his father was. There was one rocky patch in their marriage when Alexander was bringing his coworker Dina home and being blatantly affectionate toward her. Angela didn’t care for that and insisted that, although Alexander could do as he pleased, he could not do it in their home. Alexander spent a lot of time and energy making up with Angela, and as elders, their relationship is stronger than ever. Angela has even stopped seeing Dustin, but she still has her dalliances from time to time, and Alexander’s affairs are all now strictly discreet and short-lived. Alexander’s sister, Cassandra, moved back in after her divorce and she had to leave her job because of her instability. She is tolerated as the “crazy old aunt,” and no one takes much notice of her.

Elders: Cassandra, Alexander, and Alexander’s wife, Angela (Pleasant). In the middle, Alexander and Angela’s son, Isaac, with his wife, Claudia (Monty; daughter of Ripp and Romeo), and their teen daughter, Ginevra, in the back.
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#8 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:43 AM
Default Pleasantview: The Pleasant Family
Daniel Pleasant’s decision to become a polygamist and the highly dysfunctional nature of the Pleasants have resulted in the younger family members acting out in selfish ways, often at the expense of those who care about them.

Daniel made the executive decision to take a second wife, so he moved in his lover, Kaylynn Langerak, and she took his name, although they were never legally married. Mary-Sue mostly tolerated this, although she often fought with both of them. She focused on her career and worked hard until she died of an illness. Daniel got fired from his coaching job, probably because of his unorthodox lifestyle, and never worked again. Kaylynn mostly supported them through a low-level job in politics. They had one son, Nathaniel. Daniel was never close to his older daughters. Angela basically dropped all association with her family when she married into the Goths, although Daniel did get back in touch with her before he died. Lilith returned home after college but had trouble keeping a job. As a kind of payback to her sister, she seduced Angela’s husband, Alexander, and got pregnant. Angela could not have cared less, and Alexander did not even know his other son, Oliver, until he became an adult. After that, Lilith embraced her lesbian side and got engaged to Lola Curious. She and Daniel started fighting a lot, to the point where it became intolerable, and she moved in with her fiancee and her sister, Chloe. Lilith and Chloe started up a romance, which Lola discovered and broke off the engagement. When Daniel died, Lilith decided to move back into the Pleasant house, whether Kaylynn liked it or not, and she brought Chloe with her–it was much nicer than the trailer they had been living in. Kaylynn is a bit of a doormat, so she tolerates them being there, and is even becoming friends with Chloe.

Elders: Kaylynn (Langerak) and Lilith, with Lilith’s girlfriend, Chloe Curious (almost an elder). In the middle, Kaylynn and Daniel’s son, Nathaniel, with his wife, Sylvie (Dreamer, daughter of Dirk and Stella), and their baby son, Riley.
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#9 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:47 AM
Default Pleasantview (now Strangetown): The Dreamer Family
The Dreamers are a creative family of artists and writers who are very accepting of others’ differences and very loving with one another. They have made a home in Strangetown, which they have found to be much less uptight than Pleasantview.

In college, Dirk got engaged to Lucy Burb, but he also met Stella Terrano and fell for her. When they graduated, Dirk and Lucy lived together briefly, and she got pregnant, but Dirk couldn’t deny his feelings and broke up with Lucy to marry Stella. He and Darren moved into Stella’s house in Strangetown. Darren saw Cassandra a bit after his divorce, but he was smart enough not to marry her. He continued painting and became very successful. Also a creative type, Dirk became a journalist and novelist, and Stella worked as a game designer. They had twin daughters. Their marriage went through a rough patch when Dirk saw Stella flirting with someone else and was so upset he divorced her. But he eventually returned to her, and she moved back in, although they did not renew their vows. Darren has since died, but the Dreamers remain a happy, close-knit family–although Tamora’s husband may be keeping a pretty big secret from her.

Elders: Dirk and his former wife, now partner, Stella (Terrano). In the middle, Dirk and Stella’s daughter, Tamora, with her husband, Ulysses (Burb, son of John and Jennifer), and their children, Maisie and baby Timon.
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#10 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:52 AM Last edited by sturlington : 29th Jun 2023 at 2:12 AM.
Default Pleasantview: The Broke Family
The Brokes worked their way from poverty to wealth by building an organized crime empire. As a result, they are extremely loyal and insular. A Broke’s first duty is to their family.

When Dustin graduated from college, his siblings were still young, and they had to move into a rundown house because that was all they could afford. Dustin returned to the criminal career to support them and worked his way up. He continued his affair with Angela and knew about their son, but he also knew Angela would never leave the Goth wealth to live in squalor with him. He saw an opportunity when he met Kristen Loste and married her. The small amount of money she brought in was enough to move the family into a nicer house and expand their business. Dustin and Kristen had a son together–named Angelo after Dustin’s only love at that point–but their marriage was never a good one, as Kristen was erratic and distant. Brandi never worked, and as an elder, she dated John Burb, then widowed, until her death. By this time, Beau had graduated and was also working in the family business. Their little sister, Bobbi, reluctantly followed in Beau’s footsteps, although she really wanted a career as an athlete. After a job went terribly wrong, Dustin decided to hand over the business dealings to his younger brother. He was very distraught and turned to his friend, Dina Caliente, for support. Dina helped Dustin restart his career as a smuggler, which he was much more suited for, and in the process, Dustin fell in love with her. As he had been with Angela, Dustin became obsessed with Dina; he unceremoniously divorced Kristen so he could move Dina in. Beau was much more business savvy than Dustin and began cultivating a relationship with the Capps, hoping to join both families’ criminal endeavors. He decided to marry Desdemona, even though he was not passionate about her, and they had two children. With the Capp money, he was able to buy a much nicer house in Pleasantview where Dustin and Dina could also live. Bobbi stayed with the Capps and is now dating Hal’s daughter.

Elders: Dustin Broke and his girlfriend Dina Caliente. In the middle, Beau and his wife, Desdemona (Capp), with their children, Kelly and baby Scout.
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#11 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 12:59 AM
Default Pleasantview: The Burb Family
The Burbs are so loving and so needy for love in return that they tend to get involved with all the wrong people and get their hearts broken, and the men in particular have lots of babies with women who are not their wives (as well as with their wives).

John and Jennifer had one other son, Ulysses, late in life and were very happy together, if poor, but Jennifer became ill and died before she became an elder. John later started dating Brandi Broke, and although they never married, they were together until her death. Their older daughter, Lucy, was engaged to Dirk Dreamer, but he broke it off–after he had gotten her pregnant. Lucy was very hurt by Dirk’s betrayal and vowed after that to protect her heart by only dating unavailable men. She raised her son, Julius, alone and had affairs with Alexander Goth and Mercutio Monty. The Burbs were never well-off, as John never worked and focused on raising his son and grandson, while Lucy couldn’t seem to hold down a job. Things changed when Lucy’s son grew up and married a Lothario, who brought enough money for them to move into a bigger house and finally feel comfortable. However, Lucy continued to protect her heart; her most recent lover is Don Lothario, a man she can be sure will never commit to her.

As for the younger male Burbs, both Julius and Ulysses have second families elsewhere in the neighborhood. Julius's second family is with his wife's half-sister, and they live right next door!

Lucy with her son, Julius (with Dirk Dreamer); his wife, Helena (Lothario, daughter of Don and Cassandra); and their children, Hugh and baby Will.
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#12 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:03 AM
Default Strangetown (now Pleasantview): The Beaker Family
The Beakers are almost all gone, killed when one of Loki’s scientific experiments went horribly wrong, leaving their castle a pile of radioactive rubble and permanently tarnishing their reputation. As an adult, Quinn Beaker is determined to rehabilitate the Beaker name.

Loki and Circe had one child, Quinn, and Loki’s sister, Erin, moved in with them as a sort of nanny. When Quinn was older and away at private school, one of Loki’s dubious scientific experiments went horribly wrong. Loki was killed immediately in the explosion, and the cloud of radioactive gas sickened Circe and Erin so that they eventually died. The house was made unlivable and condemned, revealing the extent of the Beakers’ nefarious activities and ruining their reputation. Quinn did not receive a lot of money after the accident, but she got enough to go to college and buy a small house in Pleasantview. As an extremely nice and outgoing person, she is not at all like her parents. She works in law enforcement as a way to give back to the community and rebuild the Beaker name and reputation.

Quinn with her wife, Aurora (Curious, alien daughter of Pascal), and their children, Lucius and baby Questa.
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#13 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:11 AM
Default Strangetown (now Pleasantview): The Grunt Family (two households)
The Grunts left the military when Tank finally stood up to his father. They value keeping to themselves, playing endless games of chess, and studying the sciences, especially natural science. They moved to Pleasantview for General Buzz’s political career, but now that they have aliens in the family, they want to return to Strangetown, which has always really been home for them.

When Tank graduated from college, he married his boyfriend, Tybalt Capp, and moved back home with his father. They had a son together, Lennox. Tank joined the military as his father wanted but was very dissatisfied with his career and often skipped work to study his science books or look through his telescope. Eventually, he decided to leave the military. He and Buzz fought a lot over this decision, but eventually Buzz came to accept it, as he had accepted Tank’s sexuality. As he approached elderhood, Buzz began to question his own sexuality, especially because he found himself more and more attracted to Tybalt. They flirted a little, which led Buzz to go out and hook up with a townie, upon which he fully accepted his own homosexuality. He decided to pursue a career in politics, so the Grunts moved to Pleasantview. Buzz and Tybalt continued their flirtation, which never went any further than that, but eventually Tank caught on and was very upset. He felt the fault lay with Tybalt, as their marriage had never been as passionate on Tybalt’s side as it was on Tank’s, and they decided to divorce. Tank pursued a new career in natural science, which his son followed him in. He nursed his anger toward Tybalt but made up with his father, and they were close when Buzz died. He also now has two alien grandchildren, a result of his son’s shared obsession with the telescope, and he would like to move the family back to Strangetown, where he feels the kids will have a stronger community, as every other family living there now has alien family members.

Tank with his son, Lennox (with Tybalt Capp); Lennox’s fiancee, Allegra Gorey; and Lennox’s alien twins, Otto and Nova.

After Ripp married into the Montys, he had little contact with his family, except for Buck. Buck is friends with everyone, and remained close to his father as well as both brothers. Buck married his college sweetheart, Beatrice Monty, and they had twins, Bernard and Charmian. Theirs was a strong and loyal relationship, despite Jill Smith becoming romantically obsessed with them both. There was only one brief hiccup when the twins were small and Beatrice was very tired; she had an extremely brief affair with Hal Capp, but quickly broke that off, and Buck never knew. Buck worked for the Capps’ private school, and Beatrice was a police detective. As he got older, Buck decided he’d rather teach in public school and help more needy kids, so they moved to Pleasantview, and eventually, Beatrice’s father, Antonio, moved in with them as well. They have less money there, but they are still happy together, despite losing their daughter due to complications with her pregnancy, and they will soon celebrate their golden anniversary, fulfilling both of their lifetime wants.

Elders: Antonio Monty; his daughter, Beatrice, and her husband, Buck, with their son, Bernard.
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#14 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:15 AM
Default Strangetown: The Smith Family
The Smiths are a boisterous, loving, and accepting family. Their house is open to anyone with a need, but anyone who comes over will be subjected to Johnny’s endless bad jokes–fair warning.

Pollination Tech and Jenny had one more oops baby after Johnny and Jill whose name was Walter. At this time, Johnny had married his high school sweetheart, Ophelia Nigmos, and they had two children, Reynard and Zach. Johnny worked as a journalist, and Ophelia was a stay-at-home mom. There’s never been much drama here. PT and Jenny both died of old age. Johnny and Ophelia had little bumps in their marriage, but their love was always strong enough to overcome anything life threw at them. They are very close to their kids, and now both Jill (who is divorced) and Walter live with them. They still live in the same house in Strangetown and enjoy throwing parties or having guests over pretty much all the time.

Elders: Jill Smith Capp, Ophelia (Nigmos), and Johnny. On the left, their younger brother, Walter. In the middle, Johnny and Ophelia’s son, Reynard, with his husband, Oliver (Pleasant, son of Lilith and Alexander Goth). On the right, their younger son, Zach.
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#15 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:21 AM
Default Strangetown: The Curious Family
In addition to their obsession with everything alien, the Curiouses have pursued all kinds of esoteric knowledge, which has led to some unfortunate incidents that are best kept quiet. They like to stay home with their books, telescopes, and bizarre scientific equipment, and prefer not to have visitors.

After Pascal had his alien daughter, Aurora, he helped his friend Nervous Subject escape from the Beakers’ and moved him in with him and his brothers. They had to move back to their childhood home to accommodate everyone. Vidcund never married or had a girlfriend but was very successful in his career as a scientist and obsessively got on the telescope every night, hoping the aliens would return. Pascal and Nervous had a daughter together, Venus, but then Nervous died suddenly from food poisoning. Pascal and Vidcund had been studying robotics, so they decided to make a servo, named Nervous II. Pascal fell in love with Nervous II in a rather unhealthy way. Nervous II developed a strong hatred for their younger brother, Lazlo, who grew “special” plants, made huge messes in the bathroom, and seemed like a freeloader. Vidcund never managed to get abducted, but Lazlo went on the telescope one time and was taken. He gave birth to a daughter, Fig, and that very same night, he was abducted again. This seemed to drive Nervous II over the edge. He started a fire while Lazlo was in the kitchen, and Lazlo died. Vidcund realized that Nervous II presented a danger to the children and that Pascal was too in love to see it. So he quietly dumped Nervous II at Olive Specter’s house and never told Pascal what had happened to him. Pascal and Vidcund raised the children themselves. Eventually, Lola also moved in with her half-brothers following her breakup with Lilith. Everyone remained single and insular, focusing on their careers and pursuit of knowledge.

Elders: brothers Vidcund and Pascal with their half-sister, Lola, in the middle. On the right, Pascal’s daughter, Venus (with Nervous Subject [d.]). In the back, Lazlo’s [d.] teen daughter by alien abduction, Fig.
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#16 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:23 AM
Default Strangetown: Olive Specter
Olive Specter has maintained her close relationship with the Grim Reaper, which has kept her long life going indefinitely. Sims who wander into her garden tend to vanish forever.

Olive has had two victims that we know of. One was Kristen Loste, who came there looking for a room to rent after her divorce. The second was Nervous II, dumped in her yard by Vidcund. Olive was curious about this strange thing, so she fed him to her cowplant, then she brought him back as a zombie. Now he is her servant and can be seen occasionally wandering in the desert.

What Olive did to Nervous II in pictures:
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#17 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 1:25 AM
OK, I am all caught up with my families and have posted the contents of my massive Google file on them. I think I may update as the later generations become elders. I also take pictures every time I have a class at college, and I may post those as well. Thanks for tolerating my relentless need to share my Sims' stories.
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