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#401 Old 25th Mar 2014 at 7:50 AM
He'll I think they'd be crazy to kill off Daryl, not only is he the most popular character of the show, think about all the revenue his merch brings in compared to everyone else's. Not to mention there'd be a lot of angry fans. He's basically the main character now next to Rick, if I'm not mistaken his name got moved to second or third in the opening credits. If they're going to kill anyone off, let it be Beth for Pete's sake, she's been nothing but annoying since she was introduced!

And also I am so glad carol killed Lizzy, that bitch was psycho and what she did to her little sister was horrible. Not to mention she was about to do it to Judith too! It's a shame to think of it but I think it's a very good portrayal of what could happen to a child forced into this kind of situation and made to grow up too quick, all she wanted was more friends, haha.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#402 Old 25th Mar 2014 at 9:10 PM Last edited by Kathwynn : 27th Mar 2014 at 2:39 PM.
I agree with you on most of you posted Neiph. Preserving a character no matter how popular is not what the show is about. Daryyl can be killed. Will The writers do it? I sure hope that Daryyl manages to survive.

As for Beth. I think Glenn and Maggie are going to go after her. Once Daryyl shows up. Presuming he survive. Also presuming that Beth is not already at Terminus any ways.

Though to keep Daryyl alive because he is popular would be breaking the agreement that the show has with both the actors and audience. I think even Norman Reedus would not like that his character is being kept alive because of popularity. This is just my opinion, though.. Not saying you are wrong. AMC is under no obligation to keep faith with either the fans or the actors..

I hate it when the voices in my head talk about me as though I were not there...
Field Researcher
#403 Old 27th Mar 2014 at 2:08 PM
michonne my scone
#404 Old 29th Mar 2014 at 12:20 AM
I think one of the dudes in Joe's group is going to try and rape Carl.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#405 Old 29th Mar 2014 at 4:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by frankokomando
I think one of the dudes in Joe's group is going to try and rape Carl.

What do you base that opinion on.. Just wondering..

I hate it when the voices in my head talk about me as though I were not there...
Mad Poster
#406 Old 29th Mar 2014 at 7:08 PM
Idea that just popped into my head yesterday, I'm curious what people think:

Despite all the love for characters like Daryl and Michonne, I'd argue that Carol is the cast member LEAST likely to be killed of. Why? Because even though she's often only tangentially important to the story, she really WANTS to die, so keeping her alive is much harder for her than death would be. (To me, her "confession" to Tyreese in The Grove really seemed to be her ASKING him to shoot her.)
Leaving someone alive in that situation allows for lots of interesting storylines, and really, she's survived 4 seasons now, even though she's always been on most people's lists of "characters who are probably going to die soon."
#407 Old 29th Mar 2014 at 7:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kathwynn
What do you base that opinion on.. Just wondering..

Just from what I know about the comics and how the finale is suppose to push Rick to his limit or something.
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Original Poster
#408 Old 31st Mar 2014 at 9:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by frankokomando
Just from what I know about the comics and how the finale is suppose to push Rick to his limit or something.

I have not read the comic books. but yes, you were right. One of the scum was a pedo..though rick did what a lot people would like to do to a pedo that almost raped a kid. Especially your own..

And Terminus turns out be TA DA! full of cannibals..really? cannibals.. But then again, why not.

Bad enough the freaken walkers want to eat people. Why should they have all the fun. Besides what is a little Kuro between eating buddies any ways.. Just adds to the excitement.. Every one should want a spongy brain.... RIIGGHHTTT

And so comes to close another season.. With our intrepid bunch trapped in a rail car about to be eaten. Which only begs a few question. Just how does one serve redneck. And which wine goes good with roasted samurai. And will there be o'dourves served.. Before the main course. or as an after dinner treat. Will Snidely Whiplash finally out fox Dudley Do Right. Stay tune at this bat channel.

I hate it when the voices in my head talk about me as though I were not there...
Lab Assistant
#409 Old 11th Apr 2014 at 5:33 AM
For the past two days I've been having Bethyl feels.
I miss this show already... D:
Lab Assistant
#410 Old 24th Dec 2014 at 9:26 AM
I remember the first time I discovered the Walking Dead and watched the first 4 seasons in the space of about two weeks.
And as for Bethyl... don't even go there, man. That just hurts.
Test Subject
#411 Old 14th Jul 2015 at 4:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kiwi_tea
Sophia is still alive. I'm 99% certain she's a survivor.

Not a bad episode, but I'm still feeling out-at-sea over this whole show's direction.

I doubt we're ever going to find out if Shane or Rick is the father, but that'll be a source of conflict.

lol :google:
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