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#1 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 5:47 AM
Default HELP using SimPE
Okay, I know this may not be the place for this, but I knew there would be no better people to ask then you guys! So heres the situation, I have never used SimPE in my life, however, I got it open and I have found what I am looking for:

I was editing my town and I accidentally bulldozed a lot with half my sims family on it. (The grandparents live on another lot, and one of their daughters was at college). So the parents and 3 of the kids got deleted. Now I am told that there is a way to add them to another family using simPE, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how.

I have found the people I am looking for in the neighborhood bin, and under sim description, and when I click on show family or whatever it says they are now with the default family, so I also took the advice from someone else and tried downloading a teleportation device to see if I could just use it to teleport them to my house and add them back to my family, but I could not find them listed there at all. Can someone please help me, I really want my family back!
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#2 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 7:59 AM
It should go to Sims 2 help, a mod will probably move it for you.

I am not at all sure what happens to sims if you bulldoze the house with them inside. I thought the game would not allow it? If you deleted them they would be gone, not in the sim bin. Perhaps when you tried to bulldoze the lot the game put a pop up saying it couldn't do that and asked you if you wanted them moved to the bin and you clicked yes. So are they in the sim bin or not? I'm kind of confused.

In SimPE open your town and then sim browser and see if your sims are listed. If they are there good, if not they may in fact be deleted which is very bad as your hood would be corrupted. Do you have a recent backup at all? Go to the top where it says tools and neighbourhood and browser is in there.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#3 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 10:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
It should go to Sims 2 help, a mod will probably move it for you.

I am not at all sure what happens to sims if you bulldoze the house with them inside. I thought the game would not allow it? If you deleted them they would be gone, not in the sim bin. Perhaps when you tried to bulldoze the lot the game put a pop up saying it couldn't do that and asked you if you wanted them moved to the bin and you clicked yes. So are they in the sim bin or not? I'm kind of confused.

In SimPE open your town and then sim browser and see if your sims are listed. If they are there good, if not they may in fact be deleted which is very bad as your hood would be corrupted. Do you have a recent backup at all? Go to the top where it says tools and neighbourhood and browser is in there.

Thanks for replying. I had the boolProp cheat on, so I am not sure if that would have had something to do with it.
They aren't in the sim bin, I wish they were. When I go into SimPE and then click on "Sim Description" they are each listed in there (separately) and their picture screen is blue (not red)
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