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#126 Old 4th May 2024 at 2:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I'm hoping they won't sacrifice anything. I'm hopiong they will make this game so good that building a new computer to play it will be worth it.

I actually hope that, too. I build a new computer awhile ago but the graphics card is the only thing I didn't replace, since it was still good enough. Hopefully they'll release some game specs sometime soon. If the game is truly good, then I probably will have to lighten my wallett once again.
#127 Old 8th May 2024 at 9:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Thanks for all of the new information @FREEDOM_55 It's looking to be a very cool game indeed!

I was really pleased about the filters, I remember Kjun saying that they started with a real-life art style so that it would be easy to apply any filter to customise to player preference.


Someone just posted a small clip seconds video showing all the filters they have so far back in November.

I thought I would share if anyone is interested.
#128 Old 11th May 2024 at 11:10 AM Last edited by Sorceress Supreme : 11th May 2024 at 11:38 AM.
Those filter options are great. I love realistic as possible but this way all those players who prefer cartoon style, won't be excluded either. This is something that EA really should've done, as well (among many other things).

Look at these graphics... and that playground is lovely.

Top Secret Researcher
#129 Old 11th May 2024 at 4:02 PM
It's really nice and I also love the different filter options. I really wonder how this will run. I upgraded my desktop a few years ago but I'm worried it might not be enough.
Do we know if this comes out in Early Access or as the full game?
#130 Old 11th May 2024 at 4:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by 310175
It's really nice and I also love the different filter options. I really wonder how this will run. I upgraded my desktop a few years ago but I'm worried it might not be enough.
Do we know if this comes out in Early Access or as the full game?

Confirmed to release Early Access this year not full game.

No matter how much they optimize it, I am personally certain you will need above a low end computer and graphics card with the final game.

However, some youtubers who got to test and play the beta claimed that they were able to play on their computer on medium settings but it didn't look good.

I will brb and go to those videos in question and post their computers specs but remember this is not official confirmation. Many on the discord asked the same question and was told we have to wait for more news closer to early access and years later in the final release.

Like you I await too, to create my custom rig around those spefications.
Test Subject
#131 Old 11th May 2024 at 4:46 PM
yes early acces will come late 2024 so that means around october november or december. and i also cant wait to create my own scenario's with all the customization in this game
#132 Old 12th May 2024 at 12:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FREEDOM_55
However, some youtubers who got to test and play the beta claimed that they were able to play on their computer on medium settings but it didn't look good.

Not suprising, really. I remember reading somewhere that you might need "substantial" PC specs for getting the best playing result out of it.
Forum Resident
#133 Old 12th May 2024 at 11:25 PM
Holy Shit!!!!! Is this real????
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#134 Old 13th May 2024 at 11:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Simsdestroyer
Holy Shit!!!!! Is this real????

No the whole thread was devised to tease you!

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#135 Old 13th May 2024 at 11:27 AM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 13th May 2024 at 11:51 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by FREEDOM_55
Confirmed to release Early Access this year not full game.

No matter how much they optimize it, I am personally certain you will need above a low end computer and graphics card with the final game.

However, some youtubers who got to test and play the beta claimed that they were able to play on their computer on medium settings but it didn't look good.

I will brb and go to those videos in question and post their computers specs but remember this is not official confirmation. Many on the discord asked the same question and was told we have to wait for more news closer to early access and years later in the final release.

Like you I await too, to create my custom rig around those spefications.

The inZoi team gave youtuber's a gaming laptop just in case to in order to play November's Beta. Lots of Youtuber's tested it on their own computers as well as the PC given to them.

Inzoi PC beta specs:
Nvidia Geforce RTX 4070 Graphics Card
i7 13th gen processor
64 GB ram
The beta took 30GB of storage

RachelRedd's PC specs:
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070 graphics card
i9 11th gen @ 3.50 GHz processor
32 GB ram

acottonsock's PC Specs:
Intel i7-13700k
NVIDIA Geforce RTX 4070
64gb DDR4 Ram

I hope this helps
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#136 Old 13th May 2024 at 3:40 PM
Someone made a high-res compilation of screenshots and game footage:
Lab Assistant
#137 Old 13th May 2024 at 7:03 PM
The graphics are amazing! Everything looks very realistic. The animations look cute as well. Honestly, if the gamplay is not as good, this will be the next Second Life. I have my doubts about building houses and customizing the world because the world seems like it is not very editable, but we still know very little about this game.
#138 Old 14th May 2024 at 9:02 AM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 14th May 2024 at 8:06 PM.
Inzoi : character Routing before & after
Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
The graphics are amazing! Everything looks very realistic. The animations look cute as well. Honestly, if the gamplay is not as good, this will be the next Second Life. I have my doubts about building houses and customizing the world because the world seems like it is not very editable, but we still know very little about this game.

If anything Life by You will be more like Second Life, as the creator Rod Humble was the CEO of Second Life. Second life influence in his design of LBY is very prominent.

Building houses are very detailed.Many influencers used it in the beta but didn't show footage much for some reason. You cannot edit community lots and can't add lots to the city yet or at all.


Here is a video another user just posted showing the new/added changes to routing from the beta to the latest update.

Not only already the routing seems better than how the sims implemented it. It seems that routing is based on personality and what they are wearing! Also, it seems they notice others around them and react realistically.

The zoi moving aside quickly and adjusting his glasses and the other zoi looking back at him when passing is so cute. A nice little attention to detail that adds to the immersion and realism.

While I love the inZoi team's transparency, it seems they like to show not tell. It allows us to notice these little easter eggs every time we watch gameplay. I was going to translate and summarize a lot of inZoi beta test gameplay since they are advanced things people may have not noticed or are aware of already in the game.

The inZoi team implements feedback quickly and it's always exciting to see our suggestions in their latest updates. This makes me excited overall for the game, however, as a Sims veteran, I am trying to be tempered with my expectations.
#139 Old 14th May 2024 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
The graphics are amazing! Everything looks very realistic. The animations look cute as well. Honestly, if the gamplay is not as good, this will be the next Second Life. I have my doubts about building houses and customizing the world because the world seems like it is not very editable, but we still know very little about this game.

I don't hold much hope in terms of town editing, however the hood select screen does show 7 locations globally. If the final version does indeed contain 7 hoods with great variety, on top of the tree / debris settings, Inzoi could still end up being impressive in this respect. We shall have to wait and see!

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
#140 Old 14th May 2024 at 9:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tizerist
I don't hold much hope in terms of town editing, however the hood select screen does show 7 locations globally. If the final version does indeed contain 7 hoods with great variety, on top of the tree / debris settings, Inzoi could still end up being impressive in this respect. We shall have to wait and see!

It will only ship with two worlds on Early Access confirmed.
#141 Old 14th May 2024 at 11:38 PM
Yeah thats why I said the final version haha

Potentially the final list (in a couple of years) could offer good variety

Hood 1: Mini Seoul
Hood 2: US Beach town
Then Europe, Arabia, Africa, South America, etc.

If we had 7 hoods like this, then the lack of town editing would be eased somewhat

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
#142 Old 28th May 2024 at 11:42 AM
Design an outfit for inZOI, win 14K in prizes but more importantly looks like we getting an official modding tool to import meshes.

Mad Poster
#143 Old 31st May 2024 at 1:26 PM
InZoi is probably the only competitor I’m looking forward to release. It may revolutionize how we see The Sims as the game for wharever reason mesnt to accomadate toaster players. We finally deserve The Sims 5 we ever wanted, albeit by a different title and less scummy company. While it may not contain the same inside jokes, references, pop cultural trivia - I’m happy to try get accustume to new things (like their signature CAT being new social/freezer bunny or llama) as I already grew bored of the same old new things.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#144 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 10:15 AM Last edited by SneakyWingPhoenix : 13th Jun 2024 at 10:58 PM. Reason: coding fix
Not Malcolm got kicked from discord for asking (a) question(s)[/url]

Doesn’t look good, when you have PR maturity of that of a SimGuru who can’t handle critic. InZoi do better if you wanna appear/look better.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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#145 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 11:56 AM
I could not bear to watch that- could you give me a summary please @SneakyWingPhoenix ? He got kicked out for asking what questions?
Field Researcher
#146 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 1:24 PM
The video says it's weird that the Inzoi team won't answer questions like "Is it an MMO" or "Will it have microtransations" or even "How much will it cost" if it's releasing this year. I guess the price can be announced when they actually announce a release date but being hush hush about the monetization or MMO status of the game is a bit odd if true.

The question he asked is if there is gay marriage in the game on an influencer only discord (which he got invited to). He got completely ignored as they answered other questions instead and then about a week later he noticed he was kicked from the discord.

Gay marriage is illegal in South Korea and it's a very conservative country. Apparently they later publicly stated/answered there will be an "equivalent" to marriage for gay couples, so it's likely they'll go the Sims 2 route.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
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#147 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 1:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kirabook
The video says it's weird that the Inzoi team won't answer questions like "Is it an MMO" or "Will it have microtransations" or even "How much will it cost" if it's releasing this year. I guess the price can be announced when they actually announce a release date but being hush hush about the monetization or MMO status of the game is a bit odd if true.

Thank you! I think I'm too old for watching videos like that now, my brain doesn't work fast enough!

For the microtransactions, they did talk about it here:

Of course, things can change...
#148 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 2:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
InZoi is probably the only competitor I’m looking forward to release. It may revolutionize how we see The Sims as the game for wharever reason mesnt to accomadate toaster players. We finally deserve The Sims 5 we ever wanted, albeit by a different title and less scummy company. While it may not contain the same inside jokes, references, pop cultural trivia - I’m happy to try get accustume to new things (like their signature CAT being new social/freezer bunny or llama) as I already grew bored of the same old new things.

Now that Life By You has been cancelled, InZoi is it for me. TS5 will be free to play so I'll obviously check it out and probably not like it. I was never impressed with and hadn't planned on getting Para Lives.
#149 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 5:18 PM

video clip
How many of you *actually* enjoy driving?

Today, we're going to talk about cars. More specifically, we want to talk about when a Zoi gets inside a vehicle, which of these two approaches is more suitable for a game like inZOI.
1. *Car 'automatically' drives itself to its designated location*
2. *Player 'manually' drives the car to reach their destination*

Creating a game like inZOI, we wanted everything to be scaled to realistic proportions. We're talking housing, workplaces, and even roads. To make it feel like you're in a real world, we made it so that you can walk to nearby locations, but ideally you'd want to hop in a car to get to places further away.

Today's question initially arose from a more fundamental question of *"Will it be enjoyable if you had to drive everywhere, every single time?"* My perspective naturally comes from the fact that I don't enjoy driving. Not even in the slightest. This is real life driving I'm talking about. I almost always resort to using public transportation which, some may know, is super convenient in Korea. However, I'm also aware (*for reasons unknown*) there are those who do enjoy the act of driving.

Initially, our development team developed both of these options but recently found out it would be unrealistic to make both options work at a high level with the limited time that we have.

Unfortunately, we were in a situation where we had to select only one of these two options, and when we looked back to why we decided to make cars in the first place, it was simply to reduce the long travel time for Zois to get from point A to point B. For that reason, we have decided to focus on the *'auto drive'* option for operating cars in inZOI.

While I would say that was the main reason, we also had some supporting reasons. First, we didn't make the roads in inZOI to be very wide, which makes it difficult for players to drive really fast or with a high level of freedom like you could in something like GTA. If we were to make the roads wider and maybe add some fun driving mechanics, we would run into another problem with optimization.

To make up for the fact that we removed the ability to manually drive your car, we wanted to create some other features that I think you'll like. This includes things like washing and repairing your car to listening to music while you're driving and rolling down your windows to interact with other Zois outside.

What do you think about the direction we are taking with cars for inZOI? As always, we want to listen to your feedback and think hard about what the correct decision is for this game. While I'm not going to boast about how talented we are as developers, one thing's for certain. Our team is very committed to listening to our community so that we can create a game that everyone can truly enjoy.

As always, thank you to everyone.

In my next post of *'Kjun's Concerns*, we will be discussing *'the number of floors in your house'*, and the trade-off that comes with having as many floors as you could possibly want. -Kjun Kim, Discord
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