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#1 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 9:39 PM Last edited by Jenna29 : 3rd Mar 2014 at 2:09 PM.
Default Trapped in a Foreign Island Challenge
Your husband\wife and you were on a beautiful tropical cruise when disaster struck. Your ship caught fire! You could see people running around bumping into everything, including you! You see a plank of wood that could work as a raft. You grab your wife\husband and escape the flaming ship on the raft.
After days of floating, barely any food except some dried morsel, you wash up on a strange island. You cautiously step on the small land and look around the whole island. Which surprisingly only took about ten minutes. It’s a small island!
Life on the Strange Island
To start off, you may want to stock up on supplies from the bookstore and grocery store. But if you don’t want to, it will make your game more challenging and in my opinion, more fun .After that, you must delete everything on the island (unless you use the island provided). Then, you may put areas of land for you to live on. If you want to have a tiny patch of land, go for it. If you want the 50x50, have it your way. Nobody will stop you. There’s nobody on the island!
When you purchase your land and your optional books and groceries, you must reduce your money to zero. You may garden and fish to get food and money. If you prefer, you may buy a fire pit to roast your fish on, if you need.
When you get enough money, you can buy objects from the catalogue. If you want to make the stuff look like you foraged it from the island, I suggest some awesome castaway sets by lhawk07 on this site, MTS.
Why would you want to do this challenge?
It’s a lot of fun! The point of the challenge is to survive without relying on sources other than yourself and the island. It gets challenging at points, but once you beat the challenge, it’s rather satisfying.
What to do in the Challenge
You will try to achieve your lifetime goal. It can’t be career related or dating related. I guess if you want to be a gold digger, get rich then kill your spouse. But I don’t recommend that, it’s less fun.
You must achieve 15 000 simoleans or more. You are to also try to get more than five kids, but that’s optional. It gets harder with kids, you’ll see why in the rules. But I believe the harder it is, the more fun it gets!
You want to get off this island as quick as possible. Rescuers will find you only when you have more than 15 000 simoleans and achieved your lifetime goal (I can see into the future! )
•You may only control yourself. You can’t even click on others pictures to see what’s wrong or how they’re mood or needs are going. Not your kids or your spouse. If you have kids, it gets hard. Kids are needy and if you can’t click on them, it’s hard to tell what wrong.
•No cheats whatsoever, unless it’s moveObjects. I don’t personally prefer to use that one, but if you need something to go where you want it, but the game isn’t letting you, use it.
•You may use Custom Content or CC’s as people like to call them.
•If you have Island Paradise, no boats allowed. Your cruise line burned down, leaving you with only a plank of wood for a raft, so no boats.
•All aging must be set to normal.
•You lose if both you and your spouse die, unless you have kids. You can continue playing with that family if you have kids, but there are no longer any rules.
•If you get enough money, you are allowed to buy a fridge and stove and toilet etc.
•Try to keep everyone alive
•You may click on the non-controlled sims to change their outfit when they advance into another stage of life.
+5 per each kid you have
+30 for when\if your spouse achieves his or her lifetime goal
-1 per each day spent on the island
+3 per each skill the uncontrolled sims gain
+1 per each skill point you gain
-5 per each death

Some good islands are found here:

Update for Island Paradise: I have gotten the newest pack, Island Paradise (July 9th), But I haven't updated this yet. So here it goes.
•You CAN scuba dive, snorkel, windsurf (it looks a little funny since it's all brand new when everything else is beaten down), step on hot coals.
•You may find unlockable islands (but this is only in Isla Paradiso, so if you delete all townies and every store and building, you can do this.)
•I already said this, but just to clarify, No boats.
So, I hope your satisfied with this updated version!

Update for Into the Future
-Cannot travel to the future
-May use jetpack
Not much new things for this expansion pack but I just wanted to let everybody know.

Happy Simming!

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#2 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 9:40 PM
If you have any concerns or questions, comment please. I appreciate polite criticism. Please no rude comments. Thank you!

Test Subject
#3 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 11:09 PM
This sounds fun!

Field Researcher
#4 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 6:30 AM
Neat challenge
Test Subject
#5 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 3:14 PM
This should be loads of fun with Island Paradise. Are there any other rules for this such as what you can do if you find treasure or limits on scuba diving? Just wondering. I think I am going to try this as soon as I get Island Paradise seems like a good way to start off a new EP.
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#6 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 4:44 PM Last edited by Jenna29 : 5th Jul 2013 at 3:56 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by mssfeathers
This should be loads of fun with Island Paradise. Are there any other rules for this such as what you can do if you find treasure or limits on scuba diving? Just wondering. I think I am going to try this as soon as I get Island Paradise seems like a good way to start off a new EP.

I made one rule for Island Paradise, about the boats, but I really don't know what else is in the Expansion Pack. If I do get it and learn more about how it works, I will most likely have new rules specifically for that Expansion Pack.

Test Subject
#7 Old 19th Jul 2013 at 5:44 PM
Default Doing the Challenge with one sim?
I think this challenge is really cool! I wonder, is it ok to do this challenge solo too, with just one sim? I've actually tried it, it seems just as fun. Although at first I thought trying to earn 15,000 or more simoleans along with achieving your lifetime wish was motivation enough to do the challenge alone without the point system and another sim, so I decided to go solo with one sim, but I think I should be more fair to the challenge and add another sim.

I've also recorded myself doing the challenge solo, tell me what you think about the challenge with just one sim: check it out!

Thanks for writing this awesome challenge!
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#8 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 7:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by meganero
I think this challenge is really cool! I wonder, is it ok to do this challenge solo too, with just one sim? I've actually tried it, it seems just as fun. Although at first I thought trying to earn 15,000 or more simoleans along with achieving your lifetime wish was motivation enough to do the challenge alone without the point system and another sim, so I decided to go solo with one sim, but I think I should be more fair to the challenge and add another sim.

I've also recorded myself doing the challenge solo, tell me what you think about the challenge with just one sim: check it out!

Thanks for writing this awesome challenge!

Doing this challenge solo is perfectly fine. It might even be more fun. I find that with two sims, it makes it harder.

Top Secret Researcher
#9 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 10:44 PM
Default Question Re Money on Trapped Challenge
First...I love this idea and want to start the challenge. I might have missed it in the directions but am confused with: You may garden and fish to get food and money. Here is where I am confused:

To get money from gardening you have to be able to sell your produce. If you are trapped on the island, how can the produce be sold?

Edit: I think I have my answer.. I was picturing just placing my Sim's on a completely empty Island. I just saw some links for island you posted and imagine those islands have the answer to my question.
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#10 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 11:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by barbarat
First...I love this idea and want to start the challenge. I might have missed it in the directions but am confused with: You may garden and fish to get food and money. Here is where I am confused:

To get money from gardening you have to be able to sell your produce. If you are trapped on the island, how can the produce be sold?

Edit: I think I have my answer.. I was picturing just placing my Sim's on a completely empty Island. I just saw some links for island you posted and imagine those islands have the answer to my question.

In your sims inventory, just drag an item over to a blue box that will allow you to sell items.

Top Secret Researcher
#11 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 11:30 PM Last edited by barbarat : 22nd Jul 2013 at 9:33 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Jenna29
In your sims inventory, just drag an item over to a blue box that will allow you to sell items.

Never, thought of that. Ha, and I thought I pretty much had all the "tricks" mastered!! Thanks very much.

Edit: Two more questions if you don't mind. I am new to these challenges. Can Stories with Pictures be submitted and if yes, are they submitted here?
Top Secret Researcher
#12 Old 21st Jul 2013 at 3:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by meganero
I think this challenge is really cool! I wonder, is it ok to do this challenge solo too, with just one sim? I've actually tried it, it seems just as fun. Although at first I thought trying to earn 15,000 or more simoleans along with achieving your lifetime wish was motivation enough to do the challenge alone without the point system and another sim, so I decided to go solo with one sim, but I think I should be more fair to the challenge and add another sim.

I've also recorded myself doing the challenge solo, tell me what you think about the challenge with just one sim: check it out!

Thanks for writing this awesome challenge!

I just watched your video....Awesome! I've been playing since the Sims 1 too... love the game and these challenges really spice things up.
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Original Poster
#13 Old 25th Jul 2013 at 1:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by barbarat
Never, thought of that. Ha, and I thought I pretty much had all the "tricks" mastered!! Thanks very much.

Edit: Two more questions if you don't mind. I am new to these challenges. Can Stories with Pictures be submitted and if yes, are they submitted here?

Yes, you can post pictures and stories here.

Field Researcher
#14 Old 25th Jul 2013 at 2:00 AM
This sounds awesome! I've gotten tired of just "Go to the supermarket, go to the store, go to work, do this, do that."
I've haven't done something like this before. I will come back to do this one for sure!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 25th Jul 2013 at 2:34 AM
Default Island Paradise
Some help with info on island paradise: Island paradise ,of course the boats(House boats too) Consists of 2 main Islands and some "Uncharted Islands" that you have to SOMEHOW discover which after discovery you own. (Trust me I have no idea except for 2 of them) There's scuba diving ,you can get money from scuba diving work ,mermaids (Mhm. MERMAIDS{You need 20,000-25,000 life time reward points to purchase mermaidic kelp to become a mermaid ,I'm not sure how else to become one}) it has some resorts. It allows you to start building off the land and into the water. If you get Limited Edition there's a "Survival Pack" available if you redeem the limited edition code which has clothes and furniture which looks like scraps turned into furniture (Appliances aren't included) It's on the Sims 3 website. There's a new neighborhood "Island Paradisio" I'm not exactly sure if I spelled it right. I hope I helped

The Sims 3 is my life.
Top Secret Researcher
#16 Old 25th Jul 2013 at 6:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jenna29
Yes, you can post pictures and stories here.

Thanks Jenna. I have been working the challenge for several days now and it's so much fun. The fuzzylogic island is perfect for this. Story and pics coming soon...or as soon as I can figure how to upload with photobucket.
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 26th Jul 2013 at 10:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Celeb
Some help with info on island paradise: Island paradise ,of course the boats(House boats too) Consists of 2 main Islands and some "Uncharted Islands" that you have to SOMEHOW discover which after discovery you own. (Trust me I have no idea except for 2 of them) There's scuba diving ,you can get money from scuba diving work ,mermaids (Mhm. MERMAIDS{You need 20,000-25,000 life time reward points to purchase mermaidic kelp to become a mermaid ,I'm not sure how else to become one}) it has some resorts. It allows you to start building off the land and into the water. If you get Limited Edition there's a "Survival Pack" available if you redeem the limited edition code which has clothes and furniture which looks like scraps turned into furniture (Appliances aren't included) It's on the Sims 3 website. There's a new neighborhood "Island Paradisio" I'm not exactly sure if I spelled it right. I hope I helped

IP is a wonderful place but there are restrictions for this challenge. No boats (and they show up all the time on IP). Only one Sim is selectable and responsible for the Survival of his/herself and and offspring. This is a total survival challenge with bare minimum of tools and content. I am about 3/4 through the challenge and I strongly suggest using one of the islands Jenna29 linked to and download the awesome castaway sets by lhawk07 on this site, MTS she suggested.
Top Secret Researcher
#18 Old 26th Jul 2013 at 10:36 PM
Jenna29: My Sim has just aged to Elderly, and so has her spouse. They have 5 kids from toddler to young adult and it is with the "unselectables" (husband and kids) in mind I would like to make a suggestion. It takes away from the theme when you have Sims dressed in regular clothes and shoes running all over an island that has "bare" essentials. The kids are well dressed with random selection as they age up. Does it make sense to install this scenario: as each child (and spouse) ages up, they can be clicked on once and only once to go to the crate dresser and plan an outfit, selecting only swimwear or something torn, or just shorts for all categories of clothing. Also, remove the shoes and jewelry. It's too late for me now as I am well into it and have many pics for a story. It sure does look funny with all these kids dress like they just got back from the GAP! I did download the survival clothes but because I can only select my Sim, no one else has been able to use these. Just a thought. Maybe you have a better way around this. In any event, am enjoying this Challenge.
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Original Poster
#19 Old 27th Jul 2013 at 3:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by barbarat
Jenna29: My Sim has just aged to Elderly, and so has her spouse. They have 5 kids from toddler to young adult and it is with the "unselectables" (husband and kids) in mind I would like to make a suggestion. It takes away from the theme when you have Sims dressed in regular clothes and shoes running all over an island that has "bare" essentials. The kids are well dressed with random selection as they age up. Does it make sense to install this scenario: as each child (and spouse) ages up, they can be clicked on once and only once to go to the crate dresser and plan an outfit, selecting only swimwear or something torn, or just shorts for all categories of clothing. Also, remove the shoes and jewelry. It's too late for me now as I am well into it and have many pics for a story. It sure does look funny with all these kids dress like they just got back from the GAP! I did download the survival clothes but because I can only select my Sim, no one else has been able to use these. Just a thought. Maybe you have a better way around this. In any event, am enjoying this Challenge.

You can click on them to change their outfit. I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that! Thank you!

Top Secret Researcher
#20 Old 28th Jul 2013 at 2:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jenna29
You can click on them to change their outfit. I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that! Thank you!

Wonderful. My story pics I've taken so far will look a little funny but am going to put them all in rags now!! Thanks very much.
Test Subject
#21 Old 30th Jul 2013 at 10:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by barbarat
I just watched your video....Awesome! I've been playing since the Sims 1 too... love the game and these challenges really spice things up.

Thank you! I just recently found out about modthesims and these challenges, these put playing the sims on a whole new level of fun.
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#22 Old 3rd Mar 2014 at 2:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mssfeathers
This should be loads of fun with Island Paradise. Are there any other rules for this such as what you can do if you find treasure or limits on scuba diving? Just wondering. I think I am going to try this as soon as I get Island Paradise seems like a good way to start off a new EP.

If you find treasure while scuba diving, or snorkelling, keep it! You can also sell it to get enough money so you can get off the island. Also if you LTW is money related, that would help a lot with that.

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