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Test Subject
Original Poster
#1 Old 1st Dec 2013 at 9:43 PM Last edited by justJones : 9th Feb 2014 at 3:40 PM.
Default Roar Chalenge (pets needed)
I do not think this is a challenge and this is my first challenge

So here I go, this is basically like the music video.

First chose a world, any world will do.
Then go into CAS create (have the humans look like they were in a wreak):
YA woman, her traits are coward, loaner, green thumb, and other shy traits. ( not athletic )
YA male, his traits are snob, and proper is you have supernatural he dies
A dog ( he is the tiger ),Traits aggressive, hunter, and piggish
A cat (monkey ),traits friendly, playful, absent minded
a horse (elephant), obedient, kind, +1

When you are done chose a lot. NO LEAVING

Make a jungle with plants that make food, a river, cave, and a plane wreak

In the plane wreak no beds only loveseats, a fridge ( no quick meals, or meals you make ), and a bathroom

Do testingcheatsenabled true, to set relationships

YA girl and male: negative relation
"Monkey": none
"Tiger": Enemy with all

an money to 0 with familyfunds cheat

now time to play

at 10 kill the boy NOT THE GIRL, GIRL DO NOT KILL

To be Queen of the Jungle best friends with the monkey and elephant, and find the cave
also remake your girl NEW TRAITS Brave, friendly, athletic, green thumb, +1 brave trait

When queen tame the tiger yes tame the tiger
When she is a young adult she can leave jungle

Keep in Mind
do not socialize with tiger until queen
Feed the animals (if you need money for that go ahead )
Give the girl enough time to become queen

this last part is very lame but........

Test Subject
Original Poster
#2 Old 2nd Dec 2013 at 11:04 PM
pls pls pls comment and post picts
Test Subject
#3 Old 3rd Dec 2013 at 12:38 AM
I love this!! If my computer wouldn't crash when i'm making sims, i could actually play Anyone have a link??
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 1st Mar 2014 at 5:01 PM
I dont know how to help you but i wish i could
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