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#1 Old 20th Feb 2014 at 5:24 PM Last edited by Alpha_Is_TimZ : 25th Feb 2014 at 11:10 AM.
I am castaway Challenge
Hi Simmers out there I am a newbie in this site which means this is my 1st post

Background Story
You, your fiance, your friend & his girlfriend take a trip to Hawaii by ship. One night, the ship drowned and all 4 of you were the only survivors. You were the only ones in this unknown island. However, 1 of you managed to grab some needed stuffs for survival.

How to Play

Getting started
Delete everything in neighborhood, annihilate everything except seed source lot (for planting) & book store lot (to learn recipes, skills, baits, etc)
Having the mod which allows 8+ sims in a lot makes this challenge harder and more interesting since you can make grandchildren until you are feeling tired & you will get better score
Create 4 YA Sims in CAS, 2 males, 2 females (OPT if you want them having different last name, you can make the couple once at a time & combine them when moving in)
Make a pair of them enganged & the other dating, the couple must not be related with the other (a.k.a siblings)
Each of them must have 3 different skill-related personality the rest & orders are up to you but mustn't be any of these 12, I suggest Family related though
Sim 1 : Nature cook, Green thumb, Angler, (I recommend Neat)
Sim 2 : Charismatic, Handy, Friendly
Sim 3 : Genius, Active, Brave
Sim 4 : Virtuoso, Artistic, Lucky
Move them all in the largest lot you have

It's Building Time
Like what I said above, use the largest lot possible
Use motherlode twice but that's it
Surround the lot with pond but put a small 2-tiles-wide bridge with gate (if you cannot manage it, you can simply replace it with 2 -tiles-wide normal terrain)
make 2 side-by-side bathroom faraway from the entrance filled with a toilet, sink, & bathtub each) & then surround it with thick piles of plants of any kinds (about 5 tiles will do)
Use moveobjects on to move the trashcan inside.
You are only allowed to make a 5x5 house in the beginning but you can build 5x5 more by following this format (only up to 7 times) so, the biggest shack you can have is 250 tile square. You can build after NOON on the specific day. The shapes are really up to you BUT it MUST remains the same and you cannot change it later, but you are allowed to move furniture.
Day 1: moving in, initial 2x5x5
Day 2: 1st renovation of 2x5x5
Day 5: 2nd renovation of 5x5
Day 10: 3rd renovation of 5x5
Day 20: 4th renovation of 5x5
Day 35: 5th renovation of 5x5
Day 50: 6th renovation of 5x5
Day 75: 7th renovation of 5x5
You MUST build 10x10 swimming pool in the beginning to get physical skills because gym-related stuffs are NOT allowed.
You may only have a double bed, a bookshelf, a fridge, a counter, a crib, a chess table(2 chairs must be purchased separately),an easel, an indoor lamp, and 5 outdoor lamps near the shack, all furniture must be inside all the time, or else you cannot use it.
You can buy 2 extra furniture every 12 hours (which means 12 AM/PM) & if you sell 2 furnitures, you can buy 1 more furniture at that time only (no more plumbings, no more electricity except musical instruments)
No alarms at all time since you are alone in this island anyway.
The only stove allowed is outdoor grill & may be placed outdoor

It's Time to Play

General rule
Children may go to school but must ignore all chance cards, home schooling makes more sense
You managed to save 2 fishing rods, 2 shovels, an easel, & a chess table which means no more than 2 sims can be fishing, tending the garden at the same time
The person who has skill-related personality should master the skill 1st before the others can even learn it (natural cook for cooking, etc)
No hospital
Use testingcheatenabled to drop their energy depends on the "thorny plant" rule
YAs/older need to have 5 physical skills & Teens need to have 2 physical skills before they can go outside the lot. However, they don't have to do this if they have Brave personality. Children are freed from this handicap. This also applies to schooling teens, so you will want them to get those skill points.
NO food delivery
IF the couples are fighting due to cheating with other's spouse, the children cannot get married OR even talk until their parents are making up again.
Make money by using non formal jobs like gardening, painting ,etc.
I recommend you to save your initial money because you will need it badly for constructions.

Generation I
Get them married ASAP
Each couple is limited having only 1 child (& you'll want them having opposite gender since you have to marry them later on)
In the beginning, The only 1 who is allowed to leave the lot is Sim 3. If someone needs to as well they must have at least 5 skill points in physical or having Brave personality.
It is recommended that Sim 3 is going to the bookstore immidiately in the beginning to buy all kinds of books for learning ONLY
No electricity is allowed except for the initial lamps.
Earn money by planting/painting/anything you want to but no doing common jobs or using electricity)
The "Thorny plants" near the bathroom will "damage" your sims badly (drain their energy by half of the max point, if it is not enough, you sim will pass out, so don't do it)
I recommend you to make friends with the household because it will come handy later
You can go seed hunting if you have green thumb
No vehicles but if you have pet expansion, horse is allowed
This generation ends when the children turn into teenagers

Generation II
The parents must be friends first before the children can be best friends (do it from Generation 1 saves you from troubles)
The parents must be best friends with the other and friend with the will-be-child in law before the children can date :lovestruc
The children can go steady after the parents are close friends to the will-be-child in law
The "Thorny plants" near the bathroom will "damage" your sims badly (drain their energy by quarter of the max point, if it is not enough, you sim will pass out, so don't do it)
The children have to get married as soon as they turns into YA
Bicycle is allowed
You can go seed hunting if you have green thumb (brave/ physical level is still needed)
Have At least 2 grandchildren (you may have more if you have the mod which allows more than 8 sims in a lot)
This generation ends when the 1st grandchild turns into child

Generation III
You are allowed to buy a laptop in the grandchildren's birthday & starting that midnight you are allowed to buy 1 more electricity included with the normal furniture rule (2 items a day) BUT NO more PC/Laptops
Your sims finally managed to get rid of the "Thorny plants" but everybody'e energy & comfort are reduced by 75% only this time
This generation ends when the 1st grandchildren turns to young adult & you beat the challenge

Scoring Policy
Finishing the challenge +1000
Every A+ report for children/grandchildren +50
Every skill points +10
Every maxed skills extra +50
Train a toodler with all 3 kinds of teachings +50
Extra Grandchildren +100
IF the Grandchildren are twins/triplets extra +50/75
Full-sized house +100
Every pass out -5
Every social worker warnings -5
Every E report card - 5
Every F report card -10
Every time you break the furniture rule -15
Every children taken by social worker -25
Anybody dies except old age -25

These things can cause you instant game over
Any 4 parents die before giving birth
Any 2 children die/taken by social worker
Any grandchildren die young/taken by social worker

That's all for now i am looking forward for screenshots :P
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#2 Old 20th Feb 2014 at 10:58 PM
I'll try this out soon
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 22nd Feb 2014 at 5:19 AM
Hmm, I'm going to try this one now =D I need a new challenge to keep me occupied! Thanks for making it in-depth, I like it when challenges have alot of though in them.
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#4 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 11:49 AM
Guys I've updated some stuffs including: Easel is allowed as initial furniture :D
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