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#1 Old 16th Mar 2014 at 2:16 AM
Default Wither: A Legacy Challenge
This is my first challenge, and it’s a legacy based on the Chemical Garden book series. if you are uncomfortable with Polygamy or kidnapping as a story element, you may not want to do this challenge

Science has perfected the art of children. A vaccine has been created and distributed to all the newborn children that will make them immune to any and all diseases. However, many years later, the children born to this new generation are dying. A virus kills all girls at age 20, and all boys at age 25. As the First Generation scientists scramble for a cure, more generations die. Girls are kidnapped by Gatherers and sold as Brides to wealthy House Governors, in the hopes that they will bear enough children to ensure their legacy is safe.

Setting up:
You will need 4 sims: 1 male, 3 female. The female sims can be YA (or if you have a teen pregnancy and teenadult romance mod, Teen), and the male sim can be YA, Adult, or Elder (or, same as the female sims, teen if you have a teenadult romance mod.) All of the sims can have whatever appearance and personalities you want, it doesn’t matter.
The male sim MUST be rich and MUST have enough space for his brides and future children, so you may want to move them into a mansion. Because your male sim is a House Governor and must be rich, money cheats are allowed if you choose to use them. You could use money cheats just to get your house and use other cheats to get him a high paying job, or you could use money cheats for everything, it’s up to you. Your brides may not leave the house on their own, however the House Governor doesn’t want his brides to die of boredom, so you may give them any toys you want to keep them entertained. You can use any life setting you want, however if you want to use a longer setting I recommend you use a mod to extend the pregnancy lengths.

The House Governor must have children with at least one of his brides. I don’t think there is a mod that allows polygamy, but you can use a no jealousy mod to avoid problems. As stated earlier the brides cannot leave the house, however the House Governor can choose a “First Wife” who is their favorite wife, and may go out with them for special occasions or dates. Women will die before adult (either on the day of their birthday before they age up to Adult or the day before their birthday), and Men will die before Elder (again, day before birthday or birthday before aging up.) Children must grow up well and can leave the house as they wish. You can also have servants living in the house to do all the cooking, cleaning, caring for the kids, etc., (in the books, each bride had a personal servant to care for them) but this isn’t required. If you choose to have servants, wives can escape by first befriending (maxing out their relationship) and then having an affair with one of the servants.

Last 10 generations until a cure is created and the virus is no longer killing the new generations. The heir of each generation can be male or female however a female heir would be a harder challenge, as men are not sold so she would have to find her husband the old fashioned way, and may only have one. (She may be a sister-bride if her husband is already married.) To choose brides for male heirs, you can send them out on the town and use cheats to add the brides to your family. They must have at least 2 brides.

As I said earlier, this is my first challenge, so any suggestions are welcome! Also feel free to ask questions. If you want to do the challenge, feel free to share pictures! I would love to see how people are doing.
#2 Old 16th Mar 2014 at 2:30 AM
I love the Chemical Garden series! I'm already doing eight challenges, maybe I'll start this one tomorrow.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 16th Mar 2014 at 3:10 AM
I will try this soon. Now I'm interested in reading the books
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 16th Mar 2014 at 8:34 PM
Oh, wow! This looks awesome! I may make a few alterations bit yeah this is cool! Do you mind if I do a Sims 2 blog with this? I'll post link so you can see.
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#5 Old 16th Mar 2014 at 10:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PikachuMaiden
Oh, wow! This looks awesome! I may make a few alterations bit yeah this is cool! Do you mind if I do a Sims 2 blog with this? I'll post link so you can see.
Thank you so much! Sure, that's no problem, go ahead!
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