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#1 Old 4th Sep 2024 at 8:51 AM
Default Diphylleia
I usually enjoy world-building, but lately I hardly have time at all to play so I decided to try an user-made neighbourhood.
Diphylleia does look great, right?

So I'm making a first short rotation thru all the households, just to learn a bit more about each of the characters (and also so I can go fixing their ages to fit my custom lifespan).
Probably not going to play according to the creator's backstory, just because I won't remember it and I'm too lazy to keep checking it

[Gonna post about them separately so it's easier to update later on.]
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#2 Old 4th Sep 2024 at 9:00 AM Last edited by Amura : 4th Sep 2024 at 3:12 PM.
I'm playing the hood from left to right, so the first household were the Adventurers.
They are both Pleasure Sims, so I gave them Family secondary aspiration to encourage them to settle in this hood

Then it was the Ode brothers, both party animals.
They are working in the criminal and slacker career, but they had a locked want to get a job in their LTW career so I let it be - sounds like they might pursue something else other than parties if they are giving the chance, but in the meantime I'll have them socialise.

Nicholas Walls is filthy rich and a Romance Sim, so it is no surprise he already has three lovers, one of them being a maid.
I'm expecting some slapping here in the future, dramatic characters are the best

Dakari Okanlawon is a Family Sim (secondary aspiration is Knowledge), so it's no surprise he already got his wife Zuri pregnant again. Hopefully everything will be alright! (I use a death-by-childbirth mod, so you never know.)
Their teen daughter Jahzara is a Knowledge Sim, and they also have a child named Zyaire.

Mary (Family) and Oliver (Pleasure) O'Connor had their only son quite late in life, so they are already elders. Oliver's vibes are "cheater" btw, so I hope he does not break Mary's heart!
Daniel is a teen with Knowledge aspiration. I made him 1 day younger than Jahzara Okanlawon so they don't get into college all at the same time (so I can ease into college subhood easily when the time comes).
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#3 Old 5th Sep 2024 at 9:05 PM Last edited by Amura : 6th Sep 2024 at 7:30 AM.
Today I managed to play 5 households more, I'm weirdly proud of myself

Bruno Müller is a Fortune Sim, and his second wife Angelique is a Popularity Sim but I gave her Romance as a secondary aspiration, so we'll see if they work together
Since I was updating their ages, I made her quite younger than him. So if they remain together she'll survive him.
His youngest daughter, Klara, seems to be accepting on her step-mom and even asked her for help with the homework.
The eldest daughter, Meg, does not give a damn. Btw she's a Popularity Sim, and I've set her age as 1 day younger than Daniel O'Connor - again for the sake of not going all together to college at once.

Carrie Bradshaw has quite the name, and she looked like a grandma (I'm using the no-CC version) so at least I chose a new hairstyle (wavy hair was a must!) and she might need to go clothes shopping...
She's a Romance Sim who wants to whoohoo with 20 different Simmies, so she decided to have a head start and already went ahead with some townie called Justin Louis and with Nicholas Walls.
I did not mean to make them interact with other households in this early rotation, but well, since they are both Romance Sims I guess no harm was done

I'm not sure how the Aurora surname works. I can't help feeling that Harry, upong marrying Charlotte and taking her surname, decided it would look fancier or noble or something if they added the "von" to it. That must be why their daughter Diana inherited it, right? Anyway, aunt Elisa kept the original "Aurora", without "von".
Btw the family seems quite happy. Elisa being another Romance Sim with whoohoo LTW, already got it on with Nicholas Walls. (Dude is getting a lot of action...)

Douglas and Camellia Wenn (neé Quin) look like a happy couple. They live with their three children, and although young Denis wants to party, I wonder who did not at his age!
Camellia's parents live next door, which I guess might come handy?

Catarina and Bradley Quin are Camellia's parents.
I'm not sure how this is going to pan out in the future. I suppose that when Denis moves out (for college or to live on his own) they might go to live with their only daughter. Or maybe they keep their own place and some of the grandchildren end up crashing there...
Btw I set Cheese as Catarina's secondary aspiration, just for fun
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#4 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 7:06 AM
And I played the last households of the introductory rotation.

Lindsay Rose is a Popularity/Fortune Sim. Her cat is called Black Rose
Her LTW is reaching the top of the Music career, but she's already at level 10... so I lowered it to 9 to make it feasible, if hard.
She's in love with neighbour Mia Alonso, so there might be a new couple soon.

Mía Alonso is a Romance Sim though, and her LTW is having whoohoo with a bunch of Simmies,
Because I only played her shortly, she did not have time to attempt any romancing, but I expect to see her finding lovers soon.

Kauã Bleu wants to excel in the Criminal career, in which he got a job.
His wife Vanessa would like to see three children through college, so I guess it's time to have more babies?
So far they only have one child, Gabriel, who is a Knowledge teenager, so I'm certain he'll want to go to college.

Lucas and Karen Fresnillo are both Family Sims looking forward their anniversary, so this is going to be easy
Lucas has a good job too, so I don't think raising Sky will be any difficult.

And finally Jonggi Im, whom I almost missed playing with because he was at work instead of at home, and apparently I neglected him to the point of not downloading his family thumbnail. Whatever.
I'm not a fan of bussinesses, so I'm not sure how long I'll keep playing his, but he's so focused on it...
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#5 Old 9th Sep 2024 at 2:37 PM
There we go, first actual rotation!

Both adventurers (Gabriela Pitanga and José Monte) rolled wants to date, but tbh dating each other would be too obvious...
So instead Gabriela asked out resident don-juan, Nicholas Walls. Whom btw ended in a fight with the neighbours next door, but, well, that's their problem I guess
José is trying to socialise too, so hopefully he'll meet someone soon. And better too...

Jonas Ode got a new job, in the Music career, as he dreams of being a star.
Hopefully that means he'll get promoted more often, since he and his brother really need the money to keep up with all their social life.

Nicholas Walls aparently has a job he does not love. Which takes him time from flirting.
I'm thinking that unless he finds something in Sports (his LTW) he should quit that crappy job. Dude has §200k in savings, a few hundreds a day won't make that much of a difference anyway...
Btw after his date with Gabriela he rolled a want to get engaged to her Man, not sure if you ought to do that...

Zuri Okanlawon gave birth to a baby boy (the first in-game born Sim of this hood!) whom they named Uduak. Yay for having a big family!!
She got 3 days off, but I think she'll probably share them with her husband Dakari, so they can both attend the baby.

Mary O'Connor was demoted. Oh, well.

Bruno Müller, on the other hand, had a promotion.
His eldest daughter, Meg, is still obssesed with her mother's death, although she does not seem to hate daddy's new wife...

Carrie Bradshaw was probably the most interesting one of the whole rotation.
She got all flirty with Christtopher Walls (Nicholas' father, townie) and this created a whole situation with the neighbours.
Well, he first slapped Mary O'Connor. I assume she was being sweet towards her own husband, and he felt betrayed. Were they once lovers or what? Anyway she's been married for a while, her son is a teen, I think Christtopher is a bit too entitled for his own good.
Then he was the receptor of Angelique Müller's rage. I'm guessing this girl was after money or something, but now she's married to Bruno, so I don't think she's got any right to complain...

He also accepted Elisa Aurora's affections, when I played that household.
And since he's also related to Nicholas, I'm thinking maybe he ought to become playable, somehow...

The Wenn family is doing well, pretty happy family, and so do her parents - the Quins - who life next door.

Lindsay Rose focused more on social than romance, so he did not go after next-door girl Mia with whom she's in love. But she did not reject her advances when I played Mia's household
Unfortunately for her, Mia's not interested in being monogamous, and as a matter of fact she already hooked up with some townie named Jared Cross.
Also Mia is looking for a roommate to help her pay the bills...

Young Gabriel Bleu had his first date, with a townie girl called Fei Liu with whom he seems to get along. Ah, teen dates are so cute!

The Fresnillos are very focused on their toddler, Sky, because - as everybody knows - toddlers require all your attention and you barely have enough time to exist outside that.

And finally Im Jonggi is driving me nuts.
He was in his community lot as I loaded the game for the first time, I played that lot briefly to see how it looked and just saved, as I did with every other one.
Now I wanted to see the house, but... he won't go. Walking does nothing, he can't call a taxi, I can't move him out from his house because he's stuck in the community lot... His dogs are so glitchy too
Only one thing I can think of is moving him into another household, by marriage or friendship, so either he could be friends with the Odes, or become Mia's new roommate... Gotta think this carefully. And I'm not even sure it would work!
Other option would be killing him, I guess...

I also think I'll be playing the Clearance family too. They are in the bin, but they are already Mia's friends, so it makes sense not to let their friendship go to waste.
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#6 Old 13th Sep 2024 at 3:56 PM
I began by moving in the Clearance family, as planned, but I consider them the last family of the previous rotation - so as a matter of fact I played them twice in this one, to keep them in sync.
I like their style, specially that they are pierced. I use very little jewelry in my Sims (I'm too lazy, I guess) so their look is refreshing for me.
Oh, well, they bought a 1-bedroom cabin, which is pretty much the best thing they could afford, but when I learnt more about them I realized they wanted kids... and well, why not?
Maybe a bit cramped, but surely they'll make do.
I did not expect them to have twins though. One girl (Sylvie) and one boy (Aaron). That's four people in a one-bedroom cabin. Damn it, they better save up quickly, cause they are gonna need an extra bedroom in no time!

Then I followed again with the Adventurers, keeping the same order as in previous rotations.

Some drama is boiling in this hood, and the first one involved is Lola Pitanga, who proposed to Nicholas Walls.
Yep, yep, she did propose and he accepted, even though he's not very happy about it.

As a matter of fact, when it was his turn, he spent the day with Mia, not with his fiance, so...
Ah, he also got a job in the athletic career, which was his dream, so maybe (just maybe) he is more interested in work and less in flirting, who knows. (I doubt it )

The Ode brothers keep throwing parties as usual. They are fun to play.

Baby Uduak Okanlawon grew up into a toddler.

Oliver O'Connor had a bad outcome in a chance card, and had to pay a fine as high as all his savings. Which meant the family had only §0 at a point.
And the maid was not going to wait a minute for her pay, so she took a chair It was hilarious!

Angelica Müller seems not to be a very loyal wife (not a great choice, Bruno, it seems your daughter was right about her...) and she went on a date with flirty neighbour Elisa Aurora.
They were caught by one of Elisa's lovers (Yan Ode) but that did not damped the mood between the two ladies, who had their fun anyway

When playing the Aurora household, Elisa decided to hit on Mia Alonso... so at this point I think most of my Romance Sims are already seeing each other
On a cuter note, Diana von Aurora seems to get along with Daniel O'Connor

And they are not the only ones, Denis Wenn seems to have strong feelings for townie Joaquín Gómez.

There was also some sickness in the Wenn and Quin households, but with rest and some soup it seems like they are all cured. So all is good.

I wanted to move Jonggi Im into Mia Alonso's, as a roommate, but apparently it's not possible because he's not home. But I can't get him to return home from his community lot. He's kinda stuck, and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Whatever. So Mia got another roommate, a blonde girl called Suzana Lopes.

Kauä Bleu and his son Gabriel share hobbies, which is cool.
Gabriel also found the time for a date with that townie girl he likes, but it was kinda dull tbh.
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#7 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 9:37 PM
There we go, with yet another rotation.

José Monte asked out Mía Alonso, and had quite a new date. Which means he might want to get serious, and she's not so much the type.
It looks like he's going the same path as his roommate Gabriela Pitanga with Nicholas Walls...

Nothing remarkable happened in the Ode household, other than Jonas' promotion.
Same at the Walls household, where Nicholas spent his time with one of his conquests - Elisa Aurora.

Something did happen at the O'Connors. Oliver is cheating on his wife with neighbour Carrie Bradshaw!
Their date was quite boring though, and she actually left. So maybe it's a one-time thing and the O'Connor marriage goes on happily from now on?

Some sort of virus got into the Müller household, and both Bruno and youngest daughter Klara had to stay at home. Him taking a day off wasn't much of a big deal, but losing a day at school means lower grades, so Klara will have to work harder in the future!
Also teen daughter Meg got a job in the Journalism career, so she can get some experience for his dream job - although she'd want to go to college before she takes it more seriously.

Carrie Bradshaw was flirting with Christtopher Walls again.
I'm thinking maybe I ought to move him into some household, before his own son gets older than him and the un-sync drives me nuts? But since all his lovers are the flirty type, it's a bit odd that they would be interested in marrying... unless they married for money, of course.

Diana von Aurora threw a party for her teenage friends, they had a great time. Aunt Elisa also had a great time with townie Jared
Also the HoodChecker moved grandma's grave back to their lot, and now they have a ghost lurking around. Time to add some cemetery lots to the hood, perhaps?

Mía Alonso asked out Elisa Aurora... but Lindsay Rose, her neighbour and lover, caught her and slapped her good.
Yeah, that's why it's better not to date someone in the same building if you're not planning to be loyal

Vanessa Bleu wants 3 children to graduate from college. Gabriel is about to go to college, so that part is fine, but unfortunately he's her only child.
She's been trying to get pregnant since I started playing, with no luck so far. She even tried to adopt a kid, but they are not wealthy enough to qualify either.

Sky Fresnillo grew up, she's a child now.

Sylvie and Scott Clearance grew up too, and they are toddlers, which is the most stressful time for the parents.
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#8 Old 27th Sep 2024 at 6:31 AM
Finished another rotation

I started which college, because Gabriel Bleu is my first YA in this hood. His townie friends Ivan Mercutio and Fei Liu also moved into the dormitory to make sure they grow up, but I re-townified them right away.
He did very well in his first semester, and chose to major in Physics. Bold move for someone who wants to be a gamer!

Lola Pitanga keeps looking for a job in the Culinary career, because she wants to settle, but in the meantime she spends the days with her fiance Nicholas.
When I played his household, he was focused on his job (now that he really likes his career) so maybe they are meant for marriage after all...

Jonas Ode had one strange career event card. Apparently he messed up and he was fired... but he returned home being demoted to level 1. I guess the bosses changed their minds? It's all good, since Music is his dream career, so at least he is still in the right path.

Fire at the Okanlawon house! The firemen came promptly, no big losses.

The virus at the Müller household is still going strong. They all had to stay home, so Meg and Klara lost a grade at school - and that's the second one for Klara.
Bruno and Meg felt better in the afternoon, so they decided to go to work... and both got promotions. I guess their bosses valued that they were not sick for long?

Carrie Bradshaw seduced Jonas Ode AND townie Olivia Jones. Now that's what I call a busy day

Denis Wenn is about to go to college, but instead of focusing on studies he decided to go on a date with Joaquín Gomez. Dude has his priorities

Next door, grandma and grandpa Quin were visited by a burglar. Bradley phoned the police station right away, but the agent they sent was quite useless...
The burglar did not steal very expensive stuff, because they had none to begin with, but with their minimal income it's not gonna be easy to buy it all back.

Lindsay Rose is sick too. Yeah, the virus is spreading.
She did not go to work, but had no days off, so her bosses are not too impressed. She'll have to keep an eye on it, because she's got a great job in her dream career, so it would be a pity to lose it.
Even her cat stayed home and missed work

Mia Alonso got a promotion, which means she got the Hydroponic Garden reward, and in this wintery neighbourhood it does make sense!

Vanessa Bleu wants to have more children, but apparently she can't get pregnant, and they have no money enough to be able to adopt. Now that Gabriel left the nest, it's time to focus on that.
So she decided to do the only thing she can do: get a job, and try to save up! (Her job is in a Test Subject, just because it was the highest pay for a level 1 job that day.)
Also Kauä finished the car he worked on with his son.

Been trhinking about what to do with Im Jonggi. I figured out I could townify the pets, so at least they roam free. But the human remains stuck in the community lot.

The Clearance family has been too busy trying to survive to twin toddlers. They are such a handful!

Sky Fresnillo wanted to make friends her age, so Lucas invited the Müller family - Klara is a kid too.
Bad idea, because they brought their virus with them... and now Lucas is sick too
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#9 Old 27th Sep 2024 at 10:33 AM
Oh dear! You need someone to make soup (re: the virus)!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#10 Old 27th Sep 2024 at 3:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Oh dear! You need someone to make soup (re: the virus)!

But... those families do not have anybody with the Family aspiration, nor the Medical reward for creating a cure, so it's gonna be a bit tough on them.
Not that I care much... stories are more amusing when my simmies are struggling. (I'm evil, yeah, I know, I know )
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