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Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#76 Old 10th Oct 2024 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX
I've genuinely thought by default that it took being part of a top secret clique I don't know of [or something] in order to be given one of these codes,

But you are- you play Sims!
It's no problem really- anyone who makes content for Sims games can upload there, they just kept it by request or invite to prevent non-simmers from uploading there. Always good to have more than one place to host your files, if you have a google account or mediafire or something, you could upload them there too.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
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Test Subject
#77 Old 11th Oct 2024 at 1:38 AM
OOF. Internet Archive getting DDOSed? Wild. Not on my 2024 bingo card but maybe it should have been.

(For me when I went and got a Sim File Share account I did the world's fastest Google and found someone had posted a handful of invite codes just out in the open in a Sims reddit. Used one of them half thinking "I don't think this is the intent of how to give these codes out for this site" and half thinking "well, I suppose if I use it then it's goin' to a Simmer!" If codes hadn't been a top result I probably would have just requested a code and then waited to get it. And then no one here would have been able to enjoy Table 1 square as fast. )
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#78 Old 11th Oct 2024 at 9:28 AM
Yes, it is true unfortunately.

I repeat, anyone who wants a SFS account to share their Sims content, PM me!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
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#79 Old 13th Oct 2024 at 11:15 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 14th Oct 2024 at 2:01 AM.

ZimFileCher is the new home of The Sims Beta sprite shoppe. Hop onto the post #2 and start downloading, my friend! From now on, everything will be stored as IFF files so you won't have to take as many steps to reach your goal ("to have fun"!). I won't stop uploading the upcoming objects on archive.org as a secondary mirror, because... consuetudinis magna vis est, you know the drill...

I added simsample and purplewowies to the fair share of "massive-thanks" and "objects" attributions over at the first post , respectively =)

(so do you)
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#80 Old 14th Oct 2024 at 9:45 AM
Hopefully the Internet Archive will be back soon, then you will have two file hosts for durability. They seem to have the Wayback Machine up but the file archives seem inaccessible still. Last I heard they were working very hard, cleaning up the code since the attack.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
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#81 Old 14th Oct 2024 at 5:05 PM

I'm currently one of the two monitors in our philosophy class @ uni (graphic design degree..) and at some point I just couldn't wait until the class was over so I could browse the Wayback Machine for this old online feminist first-person shooter of sorts that had been loosely referenced on one of the presentation slides. LOL. Finding out the IA wasn't working put me in a weird place. It came to a point in my life where my standard internet browsing journey is completely borderline dull without it, even though it's free of the clichéd dopaminergic features you see elsewhere online. It's like the everythingest everything website, surprisingly without getting necessarily close to being social. Well! If it wasn't that cool, people wouldn't bother attacking it, right? Sorry.

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Test Subject
#82 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 3:26 AM
As a warm up to trying to work on Sims stuff this week (on break from my job and have decided to take a break from coding something non-Sims related as well), I've tried my hand at producing the six-tile table (AKA the 1 tile table but there's six of them now) and I think I've managed to get it pretty spot on, so I've put it up here: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/5056643/

The rotation adding went MUCH easier this time than it did on the one tile table a few months back--not even a hiccup! If anything MIGHT be off about this table, it's the offsets of the sprites but I think it's pretty good after some trial and error. It's completely base game compatible since it was cloned off a base game table this time! The logic hasn't been modified to match Steering Committee, it's just a base game table with a new paint job. (It has been modified to have proper subcategorization for HD+, though, so it'll be properly categorized as a table instead of only showing in "all" surfaces when the catalog is sorted by function in Hot Date and above.)

Since it seems to share the same pricing and name information in the beta as the one tile version, I've decided it was better to name it "Table... 1 square?" and give it a description of "...Yeah. We don't know. We think the member of the Committee who named this specimen from years long-past might have been jet lagged from Steering the time machine for six days straight and so forgot how to count. MEMO TO THE IT DEPT: Please rename this "Table SIX square" at your earliest possible convenience." (I wonder how many times I can conspicuously shove "Steering" and "Committee" and "time machine" parlance into these descriptions before it gets played out? )
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#83 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 3:51 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 16th Oct 2024 at 4:10 PM.
Dude if I went to a department store and the sellers described me their products like this..they'd have all my 💰 obv.

That's brilliant. Looks like it took some reasonable amount of work. As far as I'm concerned, the final product itself does not have any 6-tile objects with all unique rotations you could use as easy reference. Almighty!

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Test Subject
#84 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 4:23 PM
Yep, so far as I could find, I couldn't easily find any Maxis objects with this number of tiles in my all-expansions install... but I happened to have a rug downloaded into my game generated by RugOMatic, so I pulled the DGRP, PALT, and SPR2 from that (after a failed attempt (partially just to warm up) to just modify a cloned copy of the rug to become a table with beta logic). I put it in the table I'd cloned from the base game and I didn't even have a problem, probably because I referenced a list of what each thing in an iff was for to make sure I didn't forget and so I moved all of them in before starting to mess with it.

...If I'd needed to keep the original rug sprites it might have been a problem, though, because one object was 3x2 and the other was 2x3... which meant a once-coherent rug turned into a nonsense patchwork!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#85 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 5:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by purplewowies
Yep, so far as I could find, I couldn't easily find any Maxis objects with this number of tiles in my all-expansions install... but I happened to have a rug downloaded into my game generated by RugOMatic, so I pulled the DGRP, PALT, and SPR2 from that (after a failed attempt (partially just to warm up) to just modify a cloned copy of the rug to become a table with beta logic). I put it in the table I'd cloned from the base game and I didn't even have a problem, probably because I referenced a list of what each thing in an iff was for to make sure I didn't forget and so I moved all of them in before starting to mess with it.

...If I'd needed to keep the original rug sprites it might have been a problem, though, because one object was 3x2 and the other was 2x3... which meant a once-coherent rug turned into a nonsense patchwork!

Oh, my, that's the quintessential definition of ''getting the hang of it''. You came up with a super clever but simple solution.
Blame my diffusive post-zillennial focus skills, but I misread your post at first and it led me to believe you went ahead and took RugOMatic's own rug template iff's down at the program's subdirectories. I went "eureka!!!!" and pulled down the list of Transmogrifier.com's archived urls down at IA to download RugOMatic again. And, apparently, in spite of the program's paywall, one's free to have themselves a copy of the "premium" rug iffs and manipulate them as they fancy like any other transmogrifier-friendly item. Of course, in a way that it's provided dedicated "nw", "ne", "sw" and "se" graphics, instead of the undesirable "back" and "front". Cool huh

Max size is 4x4. I did not know I wanted a 16-tile dining table up until now. Where are the 3d modellers in the audience??

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Test Subject
#86 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 6:55 PM
...Holy cow, this in some ways solves my question in that other thread about registering RugOMatic OR getting four-rotation bases (since I didn't care about actually... making rugs), because the template rugs can completely and totally function as four-rotation bases!! (But no, I had someone's actually designed rug and used that. Specifically the "Modern Nursery Rug" found here was what I used. I hadn't been specific before because I ONLY used it in the sense of using its rotations and those came from RugOMatic (and also wasn't specific because I was having a hard time placing where it had come from), but maybe I should act as if I cloned it since realizing I had it and grabbing its sprites was an important first step in getting a working object.)

I can't believe it never occurred to me to see if the program's files had template iffs but now it makes complete sense, especially since RugOMatic requires Transmogrifier to work. I almost want to bet RugOMatic just functions by secretly running Transmogrifier itself somehow and plugging in the rug graphics and such added in the program and spitting out a recolored rug. (That seems obvious now, even though I knew it was talking to it because how else would it be using my magic cookie? I suppose it could be looking in the registry for it, but why not just... run Transmogrifier? That's the simpler way to do it! Probably! (I don't know whether running one program from another program is easier, actually. ))
Lab Assistant
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#87 Old 16th Oct 2024 at 7:21 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 16th Oct 2024 at 7:36 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by purplewowies
...Holy cow, this in some ways solves my question in that other thread about registering RugOMatic OR getting four-rotation bases (since I didn't care about actually... making rugs), because the template rugs can completely and totally function as four-rotation bases!! (But no, I had someone's actually designed rug and used that. Specifically the "Modern Nursery Rug" found here was what I used. I hadn't been specific before because I ONLY used it in the sense of using its rotations and those came from RugOMatic (and also wasn't specific because I was having a hard time placing where it had come from), but maybe I should act as if I cloned it since realizing I had it and grabbing its sprites was an important first step in getting a working object.)

I can't believe it never occurred to me to see if the program's files had template iffs but now it makes complete sense, especially since RugOMatic requires Transmogrifier to work. I almost want to bet RugOMatic just functions by secretly running Transmogrifier itself somehow and plugging in the rug graphics and such added in the program and spitting out a recolored rug. (That seems obvious now, even though I knew it was talking to it because how else would it be using my magic cookie? I suppose it could be looking in the registry for it, but why not just... run Transmogrifier? That's the simpler way to do it! Probably! (I don't know whether running one program from another program is easier, actually. ))

HHaha so we just came to the ultimate solution just because it's been thought that that was the original solution in the first place. that's funny. Being your hiccupily skilled english speaker has its pros indeed.
It never occurred to me to see if the program's files had template iffs as well! In the end of the day RugOMatic comes EverythingYouCanThinkOfOMatic... I almost took what I did as pirating, but then again you taught us that in the last straw of the program's useful lifespan it manifested itself like a freeware, so yeah
But I encourage you to still take the advice I gave you via pm though. (carbon-copy lixcpu@gmail.com when you do so ) In a community radius having the program in its full glory can fill a long-time silent gap .

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Test Subject
#88 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 6:05 AM
I had been trying to see if I could get working beta bed logic into a four tile base and work from there but I decided to see if it might be easier to change gears and just re-sprite a cloned final game bed with the beta bed sprites (and give the two footboard tiles zero extent so it's AS IF they might as well not exist). And... well...

I think the bed so far may be a tad uncomfortable...

(To tell the truth I doubt I'm going to have the patience to portray the bed faithfully. XD The non-beta bed's sprites on their own (the number of them as well as how they work together) throw me off, and the fact it looks like the beta bed is put together entirely differently is not helping. ._. But I still had fun giving it a shot. Might give it a little bit longer of trying, but I think I want to look back at making sure Level 1 is polished instead...)
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#89 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 11:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by purplewowies
I think the bed so far may be a tad uncomfortable...

I like the colour though...

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Lab Assistant
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#90 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 3:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by purplewowies
I think the bed so far may be a tad uncomfortable...

Where's the download link tho jk

Yeah! The compulsory learning involving the making of the easiest CC will give us the toughness crescendo that it takes to build the most time-consuming ones I believe. Think about how the bank of knowledge related to the "1 graphic per rotation", "RugOMatic templates" thingies were absolute alien until... they weren't. We'll get there (unless, you know, mankind discovers a proto sprite exporter where a machine does it all in a matter of seconds lol (but I absolutely do not mind doing the work, as the intended outcomes are always the verbatim ones (and yeah, I borrowed your parenthesis-aplenty speech aesthetic...).)!).

I am benefiting myself from a little school break. I think I'll build the stereo or that house plant that best suits the house of Weird Barbie =)

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Test Subject
#91 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 9:04 PM
...I got everything all ready for releasing Level 1 into the wild wild internet... and 80% through writing a readme for the object I realized I never tested it on a female-only lot because I was so locked in to duplicating the beta "plot" with my little "Ross". ...And it errors in that case because of COURSE it does. (Specifically, the scenario hits a hard error trying to find a Sim to run the checks on, and also the "who is Ross" menu item for the player's convenience (to see who the object currently thinks is Ross) just silently leaves the action queue if a Sim isn't manually assigned and there are no guys on the lot.)

To delay sharing it until I have a little time next week to fix that, or to share it NOW NOW NOW but with the added note of "I'm going to fix this very soon, but until I do, you need to manually set Ross to a specific Sim instead of letting the object guess, if your house is all women/girls"? 🤔

Also, thanks for the bed "compliments". XD
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#92 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 9:24 PM
Unlike Eaxis, we are ethically allowed to publish unfinished projects!

Don't worry, no-one's going to think your programming is sexist.

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Test Subject
#93 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 11:58 PM
I just think it's an especially funny/facepalm-able oversight because I'm a woman. XP

At any rate, I suppose I'll share the mostly-complete version and call it a version 0.8. Beta of a port of a beta! XD

I've uploaded it here , a zip this time. That's because it includes the object as well as a few different versions of the house (a version that only requires you have the controller object (all its actual objects are compatible with the base game), a version with as many beta objects as currently exist in use, and a version with beta objects that uses House00 to make a 1-to-1 copy (as closely as I could manage) of the beta lot). This means it includes (three times over) the iff, FAM files if you want to import the house along with a "Ross" Sim to go with it, and a House09.iff if you just want the house itself! (Also the .pub but that was just me grabbing everything with the same name from the export folder...)

(There was also a fourth version of the house where I played around with the terrain coloring of the House00 version in Edith to make it match the beta... but that wouldn't carry over through imports other than in the initial house thumbnail (even pasting the house file ALONG with the import) so it got left out. Eh.)

When I put gender parity in the object, it'll become 1.0.
Lab Assistant
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#94 Old 20th Oct 2024 at 4:54 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 20th Oct 2024 at 8:11 PM.
Ooh the facepalmy oversightopian oversights... 🏳🕊 everyday is a skool day

I think you're making history here, TS1-participatory-culture-wise! This might be the first step toward developing a solid, user-friendly scenario template for funny little stories and challenges in this weird game. Even if the first installment isn’t necessarily the HIPPEST title in the franchise anymore, it’s pretty cool to see that people are still pushing its boundaries and coming up with original ways to increase its play ratio. From my early experience with your mod, everything seems pretty solid, gender detection whoopsies aside. The scenario plays exactly the same as it does in the prototype, from what I can tell. If Ross is dirty, sleepy, or hungry, the dialog pop-ups let one know. It's considerably easier to complete than it is in the demo, but that likely has more to do with the fact that the way Sims boost their motive scores in the demo is a bit weird and rudimentary (Energy, if I recall correctly, can only increase if it’s past the afternoon). I'll save a spot for downloadable "Scenarios" in The List post along with the standard object lists, but first, I'll port that darn stereo.


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Test Subject
#95 Old 21st Oct 2024 at 7:19 PM
I've uploaded version 1.0 of the object/zip to the same url 0.8 was at! (That is, I've replaced the 0.8 version entirely and I don't think it's still downloadable, though I still have a local copy of that zip on my computer if needed...) I've removed the sexism by removing the ability to run the level at all without selecting a Sim as Ross. This aligns with the behavior I think later levels might have (far easier to select a Mercedes and Sam directly than to devise some sort of auto selection that gets two different Sims that might or might not be the same gender, etc.) and was also an easy way to very quickly implement a fix. The parts of the object that auto-select Ross still exist but shouldn't be reachable/run now, so far as I understand the path the object's code should take with my fixes.

Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX
I think you're making history here, TS1-participatory-culture-wise! This might be the first step toward developing a solid, user-friendly scenario template for funny little stories and challenges in this weird game. Even if the first installment isn’t necessarily the HIPPEST title in the franchise anymore, it’s pretty cool to see that people are still pushing its boundaries and coming up with original ways to increase its play ratio. From my early experience with your mod, everything seems pretty solid, gender detection whoopsies aside. The scenario plays exactly the same as it does in the prototype, from what I can tell. If Ross is dirty, sleepy, or hungry, the dialog pop-ups let one know. It's considerably easier to complete than it is in the demo, but that likely has more to do with the fact that the way Sims boost their motive scores in the demo is a bit weird and rudimentary (Energy, if I recall correctly, can only increase if it’s past the afternoon). I'll save a spot for downloadable "Scenarios" in The List post along with the standard object lists, but first, I'll port that darn stereo.

Yeah, the closest idea I can bring to mind regarding scenarios are the looser "institution" objects at Simlogical, which put Sims in a situation... but less of a linear start-and-end one and more of an ongoing style of place (i.e. prison, hospital, school) where some behavior is enforced (i.e. going to cells, sitting for class, etc.) but there's not really an end--it's just a simulation of that kind of place, instead.

I found that the beta phone made it much easier for me to do the scenario than the base game options (i.e. the "steering" versions of the lots felt easier than the actual beta, and the "base game" version felt harder)... but I think that's just because I'm very bad at remembering to talk to visitors on the lot (whereas with the beta phone I could just talk), so social on the non-beta objects lot kept dipping way low before I would do anything about it and then by the time I'd gotten it up I'd have to raise all the other motives again and then I'd forget about social... and then I'd have to raise social again and then the other motives would be low... (I do think differences in the underlying simulation are probably what makes it easier in some respects, though, yeah.)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#96 Old 23rd Oct 2024 at 9:36 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : Yesterday at 12:11 AM.

houseplant.iffIn case you forgot you're a ragdoll living in a dollhouse... allow this flower of astronomic proportions to put your feet on the ground. Pretty solid conversion! LUCPIXlpx_1998_houseplant.iff
Level1.iffThe prototype's first "learning" scenario... now playable in high fidelity in the final product. Nice one, PW! purplewowiespw_steering_Level1 (object and houses) v1.0.zip


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Lab Assistant
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#97 Old Yesterday at 7:53 PM
:another: :DOWNLOAD::

Stereo.iffxxx LUCPIXlpx_1998_stereo.iff


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Forum Resident
#98 Old Yesterday at 10:19 PM
Hmmph.... They had shelves at beta stage? (somehow wished it can be actual shelves that hold decos)
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#99 Old Today at 10:51 AM
@LFact you can get the shelves from post #2!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
Please send me a message if you would like a SimsFileShare account, I can send you an invite!
Lab Assistant
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#100 Old Today at 5:01 PM

paint1.iffIts sprite coordinates are a bit different here — more up to par with those of the other paintings in the game —, considering how weirdly it already presents itself in the prototype. LUCPIXlpx_1998_paint1.iff


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