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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 2nd Jan 2024 at 5:37 PM Last edited by billielith : 2nd Jan 2024 at 7:28 PM.
Default Torkoal and the Inferno Cave, help? lol.
Hello fellow creators, Happy New Year! :D

I've been working on a project for my daughter.
She plays Sims 2, but she also likes a Pokemon game called Explorers of Sky. One of the dungeons is called Inferno Cave.

There's many pokemons encountered there, including a fire turtle she likes, Torkoal.

Been working on a decorative Torkoal for her sims game (from a mesh by The Ninth Wave Sims), and the Inferno Cave to visit / live in. I went and grabbed Sadepaiva's Drifloon and Jennisim's Vulpix. They belong in that cave too. With Lamare's "shift everything", you can make Drifloon float, it's really cool, lol.

I've made a residential version where half is a liveable house that can take up to 3 sims, while the other half is the cave. Perhaps it's a bad idea? The house is not really good, lol. And the cave part doesn't look like a cave from the outside.

For the cave, I made a stone wall texture (with Maxis shingles turned grey and made wiggly because that's a bit how the walls look in the Inferno Cave in her game), I made some terrain paints (2 tones of lava, sand, sand with details), I added terrain paints by Pixelhate in the mix.

I'll show you what I have done, it's kinda fugly, I've joined pictures. I'm not good with lots, lol.
I need help to make it look better and making more sense. Appealing to more people, perhaps? If you could look at it and suggest ideas to make it better? Also to better my Torkoal, he is unfinished and I don't see what I am doing. I don't know how to extract the uvmap from an object.

Sorry about the small pictures, I am doing all this from a laptop and the screen is not so big, lol. If you right-click them "open in another window", you can see them from a bit closer.

Thank you!

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 4th Jan 2024 at 1:11 AM Last edited by billielith : 4th Jan 2024 at 1:31 AM.
I didn't really touch the lot yet; I'll try to fix Torkoal first.

I went and found a UV map texture online, to at least have an approximate idea of the placement, but it's still too approximate; here's the tortoise with the map texture, and a 9th version of Torkoal; it's still not "it" yet, not even sure if it's better than before.

I'll look for information on how to extract the proper UV. I didn't mesh in forever and I never meshed objects...
Also, I am wondering if it would be easier to :
1) simplify the shape of the mesh and remove all the spikes on the back, (if I can learn how) since Torkoal isn't so spiky; or
2) just try with a smoother turtle, I found one online but it's much smaller and it's a water turtle, it doesn't look as similar to Torkoal.

What do you think?

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 4th Jan 2024 at 9:26 PM
Hey! First of all, this is really cute.

People have extracted and shared the actual Pokémon models, Torkoal included: https://www.models-resource.com/search/?q=torkoal.
(This site is good for extracted game models in general.)

For the cave, I would add decorative rocks around the lava and beside the walls. Maybe surround the lava with a rocky fence?

I'm http://crispsandkerosene.tumblr.com/ on tumblr, admittedly not very active on MTS.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 5th Jan 2024 at 5:57 PM Last edited by billielith : 6th Jan 2024 at 8:22 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Azelanne
Hey! First of all, this is really cute.

People have extracted and shared the actual Pokémon models, Torkoal included: https://www.models-resource.com/search/?q=torkoal.
(This site is good for extracted game models in general.)

For the cave, I would add decorative rocks around the lava and beside the walls. Maybe surround the lava with a rocky fence?

Thanks so much!

Decorative rocks and rocky fence, I'll look what I can find, but indeed, it would add some depth / 3d to it all !

Your reference is mindblowing. I'll see what I can find and if I can learn to mesh, perhaps we'll have a few more of the Inferno Cave population soon, lol.

Be back soon with a new version of everything

I know I can't do it, but I'm still going to do it. - M. C. Escher
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