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#26 Old 20th Sep 2011 at 10:30 PM
Sounds fun! I'm also having difficultly finding the right mod though...
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 21st Sep 2011 at 6:58 AM
So going to do it. Is Awesomemod and Twallan's Woohooer the right tools? And is Above Reproach just as good as the No Jealousy LTR?
#28 Old 9th Oct 2011 at 4:09 AM Last edited by Kestie Freehawk : 9th Oct 2011 at 4:35 AM.
My last post was just deleted by someone that objected to this thread, I am in Utah, Help help !

What I had started was this.

The kick the boys out challenge.

1-One YA and two teen boys can establish a household together.
2-The YA gets a job stocking the shelves at a local pharmacy and the teens sell meth to any female not interested in plural marrriage.
3-When all are YA they find three wives each and buy houses ajacent to each other. As small as possible.
4-All the wives have at least two children and the children live in any house they want to. All sell meth to anyone that wont do plural marriage.
5-10% of the profit of their meth sales goes to the local church as a payoff to stay out of jail and they wear funky clothing so they never get searched, as all the others are deeply religeous no one suspects.
6-The fedral authorities finally notice there are a lot of meth addicts and look around for the cause so the families relocate to the mountians not remembering that half the kids are left behind with one YA. (Just delete all but one that calls occasionally to tell the townies how good the mountians are)
7-Since sales have dried up send the rest back to the deeply religeous home as the ones that should straighten the band of wild children out. Make the children work the feilds till the oldest one realizes that grandpas feilds are more suited to pot than to corn.
8-10% of the profit from the pot sales should go to the local church as a payoff to keep the family out of trouble.
9-When grandpa turns elder kick him out, he must marry a rich widow that has her own house to complete his challenge. Two days before he dies, move a YA and two teen males into the house as they own it now. (They are the ones that are just religeous enough to want to be the only true prophit and owner of the house) The killings begin ...

This can be an endless challenge, and firefruit can be subsituted for pot and meth, as long as the other sims get addicted. There isnt really any points for this ....

PS I am sorry if I seem a little hostile about the Challenge, I didnt mean it that way, its fun to fantasize about that kind of relationship, and I dont blame people for wondering, but the reality is not as simple as the fantasy I do like the challenge with Sims

Some people have a Guardian Angel, you know a little guy sitting on your shoulder that tells you right from wrong, but mine is an Idiot.
Test Subject
#29 Old 13th Jan 2012 at 5:03 AM
I'm just posting to let you know that I am ... sort of doing this challenge. I'm currently doing two simstories, so when I'm not writing those, I'll play this and post pictures here. Maybe once a week?

Here's the starting gen: Alistair Zindel and his three wives. From left to right, Emily, Rose, and Marie. They're standing in front of the 7 bedroom, 5.2 bathroom house that took me about three days to create. I'm exhausted.

Since the game starts on a Sunday, their holy day, there's not much to say. The holy day rules are very family-oriented. No electronics, no woohoo, no working of any sort. Their starting funds (leftover from motherlode) were 32,302. They've just given 3,230 to their church, which still leaves them with 23k.

I also made woohoo, nursery, and outing schedules for the wives, so that each woman gets two nights a week to spend with Alistair, sleeping in the nursery, or going out. Alistair can do whatever the heck he wants, though.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#30 Old 17th Jan 2012 at 4:15 AM
Eh sorry I haven't been around in a while to reply... hopefully most of the questions were figured out but I'll go over them.

The Above Reproach LTR only prevents sims from getting a negative "two-timer" type reputation. It does not prevent jealousy/relationship breakups. By far the easiest method to prevent jealousy and breakups is to give each sim in the plural relationship the No Jealousy LTR. You can either wait until you have enough lifetime happiness points to purchase it, or you can cheat to add enough points to purchase it. I don't have Generations yet so I don't know if the no jealousy bug is still around but if it is, then having the above reproach LTR along with the no jealousy should prevent problems (I assume).

There are also a number of no jealousy mods I've heard of if you just want to go that route. I can't comment on their effectiveness or whether they are up to date though so check with their mod authors. I haven't used any mods personally to do plural marriages since the no jealousy LTR is present in the game so I don't know if they make the challenge easier or not. It can be easy to forget to give one of the spouses the no jealousy LTR though, I admit... I've made that mistake a couple times. haha

The "religious" aspects of the mod can be ignored unless you like the idea. I mostly included them because most plural marriages in real life are due to religious reasons. The "kicking kids out" aspects can be ignored too... it's usually only in the communes where that happens and even there it's getting to be rare. The only reason I really included it was due to the family size limits built in to the game. Really any aspects of the challenge you don't care for can be ignored though... I can't tell you how many times I forgot to tithe in my own game. haha

Hmm... were there any other questions that I missed?
Test Subject
#31 Old 17th Jan 2012 at 9:16 PM
Wow this is awesome!
Test Subject
#32 Old 10th Jun 2014 at 4:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Daishar
So I'm not particularly wanting to do this challenge but I am wanting to have multiple wives. The only polygamy mod that I have found is old by several updates (the one on sexysims) and I have all the expansions so that's not going to work. Does anyone know of a mod or cheat that would allow me to keep more than one wife in the same house? I'm considering trying some of the stuff with testingcheatsenabled true to see if that works since I don't know if I need a real mod.

If you friend Darkpool on Facebook (creator of inTeen who is kind of under the radar for people stealing his mods..) you can get the polygamy mod where you "get legally married" at city hall for $1000, and you can have a 100% "amicable divorce" for the same sum. It does not move the sim you marry into your house, you have to choose that if you want it. Anyway, with woohooer from Nraas, there's a way to set jealousy level to none, may require story progression too because there's another option on my sim computer to make a zero chance of discovering cheating.. And somewhere I got a relationship or reputation "recombobulator" and chose the "kill all" as well as using the LTRs mentioned. Above reproach, no jealousy, and also stone hearted and fertility treatment for all of the sims.

Woohooer does not create any jealousy when you use those interactions to try for baby etc. I have found though that as soon as my sim (woman) married the guys, they stopped getting jealous. Before that, they'd freak over a kiss, and as far as I can tell you need to be romantic interests to get married at city hall so you kinda need to at least kiss once to do that. They also took care of each others kids really well and were friendly and loving.

I studied polyandry and many other marriage/human mating arrangements in university anthropology, and didn't get the idea to do this from the challenge. I'm definitely not religious but sister wives is an interesting show lol.

Anyway hope this helped!
#33 Old 8th Feb 2015 at 12:04 AM
This thread is dead for a quite while, however I found this challenge amusing - at last for some time. Until game defeated me
(sorry in advance for any flaws in english, this is not my 1st language)

1st. a Family photo:

It's from double wedding of the eldest sons of Patriarch. From the left to right:

a sweet couple on the left: Nathaniel and his bride Harmony;
next to them Philip (a little bored as always... such kind of kid) and Anne (eldest daughter, still a teen);
on the chair sits Tiffany with John, she's pregnant (again! ) but she doesn't know this yet;
next to her, stands Esther ("1st wife") and Dedee,
next to them Eric, another teen son and Jonathan "who, me?" who will become a teen soon,
and there is the second newly wed couple: Robert (2nd eldest son) and Magdalena,
Gregory neals between Anna and 2nd eldest daughter: April,
on the right, on sofa sits Faith with her son Christoper and Lou.
In the center: Thomas (Patriarch) with his younger daughter: Nadya.

That was a great wedding, a great mess I mean.

'Cause I thought this challenge is not really challenging I modified rules a bit.
First - I did not create wifes for Thomas - he need to find them, woe them, and convince to such kind of marriage. Which included befriend a potential another wife with all of others before marriage (actual wifes must agree for another women in home). Also I resign from child part of "equal treating", instead - Thomas for keeping this family together had to keep his *each* wife happy, which demanded from him aquiring *theirs* wishes before its own. So, wifes don't have equal number of childrend, instead they have as many as they want. Henever they want. Go figure.

A lot of sims on the lot in result, which eventually made game barely fun.
Test Subject
#34 Old 5th Aug 2024 at 2:53 AM
This thread is old, but I thought the challenge would be interesting.

Jacob is my patriarch and the head of the family. He's kind of like a prophet and I wanted him to be charismatic and charming. He is right now on his way to being a doctor or something.

Deliverance is his first wife. She handles gardening and half of the child-rearing. Right now gardening is our main money maker unless it's winter in which we have the hardest time making money.

Katherine is his second wife. She oversees cooking, fishing, and the other half of child-rearing. Her fishing is essential now that it's winter and the pants are dormant so fish is our big money maker right now.

Deliverance had two twin daughters Jacob, Constance, and Clemence.

Constance's main job and hobby right now is to write. I'm hoping that she might be able to write a holy book for the family. Clemence is mainly a painter but I'm thinking of her fishing too.

Katherine had one daughter named Mary-Anne, I don't know what to do with her right now many an angler or sculptor.

Clemence also has a snake named Levi. I just think Snakes are pretty cool and never had one in the Sims 3 before. He just hangs out in his cage.
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