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#1 Old 12th Oct 2014 at 9:16 AM Last edited by justJones : 17th Jan 2015 at 8:08 PM.
The Sims 4 Civilization Challenge
Welcome to the Sims 4 Civilization Challenge. This challenge does not require any knowledge about history, just read on and you might be a historian by the end of this challenge...(hopefully)

Tech Tree(Part 1)
Tech Tree(Part 2)

Important Stuffz
Morale=Friends, if your leader has more then 5 friends, your civilization is sophisticated, if your leader has less that 5 friends your civilization is uncivilized. If you have gave birth to more than 5 children, it's the relationship with your family.
There are era bonuses. These era bonuses will help you with your civilization.
Tech points are satisfaction points... I know a bit weird but I don't know any other things in sims 4 which you can just set freely besides money, (cause that's actually a technology that you'll need to research( Spoiler Alert!)) You can freely change satisfaction points with this mod Tech tree will be here soon... hopefully

The Basics
So to start of, you'll need to of course choose a civilization! Duh...Your choices are:
Whatever! You can choose anywhere, you may choose like Roman, Greeks, Spanish, French the possibilities are endless, you can also make up your own names like... Simburbia, or like Uninfinitan. It's your mind, your choice.

So your leader can be a famous one or you can create your own. Mine is called John Major. So the leader is the only one which can pickup 2 skills. As in like athletic skill, which will help with fights and make them win.

There are four types of wins.
  1. Alpha Centauri, you'll need to build a spaceship. And then launch it and then you'll win! More info on how to build the spaceship below.
  2. Dominator, you need to defeat all the people in the neighborhood and repopulate the neighborhood with your civilization people.
  3. Peace and Artifactual, you need to build all the wonders.
  4. Technological and Prosperous, you need to research all tech and be the richest - more than 50,000 simoleons

You can only create ONE sim as your leader. And another sim as the tech collector. More information below. You must repopulate with other people in the neighborhood. Choose a lot as your city. You must remain there forever. You don't see Rome or Greece moving around everyday do you? I believe no, so let's move on.

The Tech collector
The tech collector is the person who collects tech, because you use satisfaction points as tech, so yeah! You need to make his/her moods static by shift-clicking the sim with cheats enabled. Your leader cannot interact with the sim. Do not use your leader's satisfaction points as tech points.

Objects on lot
A double bed
A fridge and a stove
A toilet and a shower
All the objects are the cheapest you can find in the store, no walls please. No skill objects allowed yet.

More rules
  • Any fight = Death. Period. If you haven't research Ceremonial Burial, you must delete the tombstone
  • If you choose to start in Willow Creek, if you want to win as a Dominator, you only need to dominate and repopulate people in Willow Creek, no need Oasis Springs.
  • No school! Till school is invented.

About the skills
Each person can only have one skill except the leader. Athletic skill can increase the chances of winning in a battle(fight)

The Leaders
The last child that you give birth is your heir. If you don't have any children well, you fail.

Moving in to your civilization
The sims that can move in to your civilization are people who are married. So let's say you have 3 children, they are all married. Then their wives can move in.

The Eras
Ancient Era - Use some common sense and the clothes that you gave them are more... suitable. Please prepare food. Lasts for 3 generations

Dark Ages - Food is scarce. Your civilization cannot make food. Add a Viking to your household. Lasts for 2 Generations. The Viking's relationship with the other sims on the lot is all negative.

Medieval Era - Delete the Viking. You can make food now! You still can't have any jobs or any skill objects. Nor go to the community lot. Lasts for 4 Generations

Classical Era - Err, just move on with your lives. Still no jobs available. Lasts for 3 Generations

Post Modern Era - Finally, JOBS! You can have jobs and skill objects, you can also upgrade your stuff and have walls! Lasts for 3 Generations

Modern Era - Just play Sims how you would normally play it, no other rules.
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#2 Old 16th Oct 2014 at 11:14 PM Last edited by Uninfinite : 17th Oct 2014 at 11:06 AM.
Finally Starting (if I didn't miss anything)
The Tech Tree is very confusing so the starting will have to wait. Aww... But then you ask I want to play it now! But I'm sorry you just have to wait! This game WILL take patince... wait I spelled that wrongly didn't I? P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E That spells peh-tee-urn-say? Whatever. Remember to take notes. This is Civilization Challenge 101~

Tech Tree
Ancient Era
  • Alphabet, 5 Tech Points. Unlocks the Oracle of Delphi wonder. Required to research Writing, Code of Laws and Literacy.
  • Bronze Working, 6 Tech Points. Unlocks the Colossus of Rhodes wonder. And also fishing. You can mine gems and metals. Required to research Iron working and Currency.
  • Pottery, 6 Tech Points. Unlocks the Hanging Gardens wonder. Unlocks Mixology. Drinks can be tradable for money, if Currency is invented. Required to research Masonry, Irrigation, Ceremonial Burial.

Late Ancient Era
In order to advance to this Era, you'll need to research all the tech above in order to proceed, if not you'll have a hard time in the Medieval Era.
  • Ceremonial Burial, 8 Tech. Unlocks the Great Pyramids of Giza wonder. Requires Pottery to be researched. Required to research Monarchy and Religion. If a sim dies, you can keep the tombstones. If you mourn the people that you killed, you might place incense, which can be changed for money.
    Mourn 10 times = 100 simoleons if Currency is researched.
    Mourn 25 times = 250 simoleons.
    Mourn 50 times = 500 simoleons
    Mourn 100 times = 1000 simoleons.
    After this you can only earn simoleons by hundreds. Just add a 0 add the back OK?
    The mourning can be done by a as many people.
  • Iron Working, 10 Tech points. But then you ask why is it so much? Because this tech leads to everything else. Unlocks the Trajan Column wonder. Requires Bronze Working to be researched. Required to research Construction, Metallurgy and Steam Power.
  • Masonry, 9 Tech points. Unlocks walls! You can build walls! Unlocks the Great Wall wonder. Requires Pottery to be researched. Required to research Irrigation, Construction and Maths
  • Writing 11 Tech Points. Unlocks the Great Library of Alexandria wonder. Requires Alphabet to be researched. Required to research Code of Laws, Monarchy, Navigation, Maths, Literacy.

Post-Dark Ages
If you have researched all of the tech above, you can cut down 1 generation in the Dark Ages! Yay!
  • Code of Laws, 15 Tech Points. Unlocks Republican Government. Requires Alphabet and Writing to be researched. Required to research Currency, Democracy, Monarchy and Banking.
  • Construction, 17 Tech Points. Unlocks the Colosseum wonder. Requires Iron Working and Masonry to be researched. Required to research Engineering. Any trees nearby will cut down 1 day for any wonder constrtuction.
    1 Tree = 1 Sim day less to build the wonder.
  • Irrigation, 12 Tech Points. Unlocks farming. Requires Pottery and Masonry to be researched.
  • Literacy, 20 Tech Points. Unlocks the Great Theatre wonder and the University of Sankore wonder. Children can also go to school. Requires Alphabet and Writing to be researched. Required to research Democracy, Banking, University and Invention.
  • Mathematics, 15 Tech Points. Requires Masonry and Writing to be researched. Required to research University, Navigation, Currency and Engineering.

    If Tech Points exceed 15 Tech and you have built at least one wonder, you can reduce the era by 1 generation, well because you exceeded the actual expectations of time, it's like discovering phones in the Medieval Era.

Dark Ages
You don't have much to do here, you just need to survive. Keep tech for Medieval Era, there you'll need to research quite a lot to win

Late Dark Ages - Post-Medieval Era
  • Currency, 28 Tech Points. Unlocks simoleons, the Trade Fair of Troyes wonder. Requires Mathematics, Bronze Working and Code of Laws to be researched. Required to research Banking
  • Democracy, 25 Tech Points. Unlocks the Magna Carta wonder. New government available: Democracy. Requires Code of Laws and Literacy to be researched. Required to researched University
  • Engineering, 30 Tech Points. Requires Mathematics and Construction to be researched. Required to research Steam Power, Metallurgy, Electricity and Invention.
  • Monarchy, 27 Tech Points. Unlocks the Himeji Samurai Castle wonder and New Government available: Monarchy. Requires Writing, a Code of Laws and Ceremonial Burial To be researched. Required to research Religion
  • Navigation, 27 Tech Points. Unlocks the East India Company wonder. Fish can finally be sold. Requires Mathematics and Writing. Any lots which have your civilization people living will add 2 Tech Points per sims day.
    Medieval Era
  • Religion, 35 Tech Points. Unlocks the Cristo Redentor wonder. Able to choose religion. More info below. Requires Monarchy and Ceremonial Burial to be researched. Required to research Printing Press and Modern Medicine
  • Banking, 32 Tech Points. Unlocks the Bank... wait what? Sorry my bad. Unlocks the Bank of Banker's Banking Banks of Banker's Banking Banker's Banking Bank. Nah just kidding you have a in-game bank already. Requires Code of Laws, Literacy and Currency to be researched. Required to research Industrialization and The Corporation
  • university, 33 Tech Points. If researched, increase Tech Points by 10. Unlocks the Oxford University wonder. Requires Literacy, Mathematics and Democracy to be researched. Required to research Metallurgy, Printing Press, Communism and Atomic Theory.
  • Invention, 40 Tech Points. Unlocks the Leonardo's Workshop. Requires Engineering and Literacy to be researched. Required to research Atomic Theory, Gunpowder, Steam Power To build the Rocket of Wins if you are going for Alpha Centauri Win type and Flight.
Classical Era
Adds 4 Tech Points per sim day
  • Gunpowder, 27 Tech Points. Requires Invention to be researched. Required to research Combustion
  • Metallurgy, 40 Tech Points. Requires Engineering and University to be researched. Required to research Electricity, Flight, Steel and Combustion
  • Printing Press, 29 Tech Points. Requires Religion and University to be researched. Required to research Mass Media. Able to publish books, computer allowed: cheapest one.
  • Steam Power, 42 Tech Points. Requires Iron Working, Invention and Engineering to be researched. Required to research Combustion, Electricity, Industrialization, Railroad and Steel.
Next Part of Tech Tree is coming soon
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#3 Old 17th Oct 2014 at 3:19 PM Last edited by Uninfinite : 22nd Oct 2014 at 3:15 PM.
Attention! We are now entering Tech Tree Zone Part 2. Please be quiet and we can move on. Thank You.

Post-Modern Era
Add 8 Tech Points per sim day
  • Combustion, 52 Tech Points. Requires Gunpowder, Metallurgy and Steam Power to be researched. Required to research Flight.
  • Electricity, 60 Tech Points. Requires Engineering, Steam Power and Metallurgy to be researched. Required to research Atomic Theory and Electronics. Lights and other electronics can be placed in house, still all cheapest except for lights
  • Industrialization, 58 Tech Points. Unlocks Community Lots (Let's just assume that the community lots are factories okay? Jeez people are sooo unimagi- I should really learn my spelling now) Requires Steam Power and Banking to be researched. Required to research Mass Production, Advanced Flight, Communism and The Corporation.
  • Railroad, 53 Tech Points. Requires Steam Power to be researched. Required to research Mass Production.
  • Steel Unlocks the Steeple of Steele. Requires Metallurgy and Steam Power to be researched.

Modern Era
Hmm, you guys learn fast. Well you still got a long way to go...
Add 15 Tech Points per sim day
  • Communism, 70 Tech Points. New Government available: Communism. Requires University and Industrialization.
  • Flight, 76 Tech Points. Requires Metallurgy, Combustion and Invention. Required to research Advanced Flight and Information Technology (IT)
  • Mass Production, 77 Tech Points. Unlocks Build-Mode, like the rest of the catalogue. Requires Railroad and Industrialization. Required to research Nuclear Power, Modern Medicine, Information Technology(IT) and Superconductor.
  • The Corporation, 75 Tech Points. Unlocks Mil. Ind wonder. Requires Banking and Industrialization to be researched. Required to research Mass Media, Electronics and Networking
  • Atomic Theory, 79 Tech Points. Unlocks the Manhattan Project wonder. Requires University, Invention and Electricity to be researched. Required to research Nuclear Power and Laser.

Tier 2
  • Electronics, 99 Tech Points. Unlocks everything else electronic. Requires Electricity and The Corporation to be researched. Required to research Networking, Space Flight and Laser.
  • Mass Media, 95 Tech Points. Unlocks Channels on TV and the Hollywood wonder. Requires Printing Press And The Corporation to be researched. Required to research Globalization.
  • Advanced Flight, 102 Tech Points. Requires Flight and Industrialization to be researched. Required to research Space Flight, Laser and Future Technology.
  • Nuclear Power, 105 Tech Points, Obtanium is 3 times the price, you do the math... Requires Mass Production and Atomic Theory to be researched. Required to research Space Engineering.
  • Modern Medicine, 110 Tech Points. Unlocks medicine, if a sim is dead you can revive him/her with ambrosia. Requires Religion and Mass Production.
  • Information Technology, 115 Tech Points. Unlocks Silicon Valley wonder and hacking, programming plug-ins etc. all functions available for computers and phones. Requires Electronics, Mass Production and Flight.
Tier 3
Add 25 Tech Points per sim day
  • Networking, 155 Tech Points. Unlocks the Internet Wonder. Requires Electronics and The Corporation. Required to research Globalization.
  • Space Flight, 200 Tech Points. Unlocks the Apollo wonder. This is very important if you are going for Alpha Centauri, you need to build a SS Fuel System, SS Propulsion System, SS Life Support System and SS Habitation System. Requires Advanced Flight, Nuclear Power and Electronics to be researched. Required to research Superconductors.
  • Laser, 160 Tech Points. Unlocks the Laser Prism Wonder. Requires Advanced Flight, Atomic Theory and Electronics to be researched.

Modernized Modern Era
Add 50 Tech Points per sim day.
  • Globalization, 350 Tech Points, Unlocks the next world... Requires Networking and Mass Media to be researched. Required to research Future Technology.
  • Superconductor, 500 Tech Points. Unlocks the Superconductowonder wonder. Requires Space Flight and Mass Production to be researched.
  • Future Technology, 1000 Tech Points. Unlocks the Future??? Who knows? What stuff unravels in the tear between space and time... I do not know? I am just a twelve year old kid... I'm not kidding...
    Requires Superconductors Globalization and Advanced Flight to be researched.
Test Subject
#4 Old 21st Oct 2014 at 10:28 PM
This looks like a fun challenge but i dont have the sims 4. Can you post a sims 3 version or sims 2 version because i love civ 5
Test Subject
#5 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 3:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jckgwk
This looks like a fun challenge but i dont have the sims 4. Can you post a sims 3 version or sims 2 version because i love civ 5

This is a sims 3 challenge ------> http://linna.modthesims.info/showth...ighlight=COLONY
#6 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 11:14 AM
Is this challenge finished already or should I still wait before starting it? I have a few questions (how to build wonders and are they useful? How to defeat and to dominate the people in the neighborhood? How to use aspiration points to collect tech? etc.), but if you're going to add more rules and instructions later, I'll just try to wait patiently before starting the challenge.
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#7 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 3:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Aislynne
Is this challenge finished already or should I still wait before starting it? I have a few questions (how to build wonders and are they useful? How to defeat and to dominate the people in the neighborhood? How to use aspiration points to collect tech? etc.), but if you're going to add more rules and instructions later, I'll just try to wait patiently before starting the challenge.

@Aislynne Its not finished yet, the wonders have their benefits, I'm still writing them. The aspiration points thing is used with the tech collector, create a sim, your leader cannot interact with him or her. Everyday just add the respective amount of tech points. The world domination is changing everybody in the town into your own civ. Let's say that your sim's name is Sim Sim. Your children's last name will be sim, so if everybody in the town last name is Sim, well then you won the dominator type.
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#8 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 3:58 PM
  • Great Pyramids of Giza. Requires Ceremonial Build to be built. Takes 8 sim days. Gives you access to all governments.
  • Great Wall of China. Requires Masonry to be built. Takes 15 sim days. Forces other people to make peace with you.
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Requires Pottery to be built. Takes 11 sim days. Add one sim your civilization.
  • Stonehenge. Takes 12 sim days. Able to speed up time.
  • Colossus of Rhodes. Takes 11 sim days to be built. Doubles the amount of money you earn from selling things like incense etc.
  • Oracle of Delphi. Requires Alphabet to be built. Takes 12 sim days. Increases the chances of winning. Use a randomizer, 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 these are winning numbers, if you get them you win, even if you lose.
  • Great Library of Alexandria. Requires Writing to be built. Takes 14 sim days. Unlocks a tech in the same tree immediately. Able to use 3 times.
  • Great India Company. Requires Navigation to be researched. Takes 13 sim days. Any of your cities(lots) are bear water, all items that are sellable like incense increases by 100 simoleons.
  • Oxford University. Requires University to be built. Takes 12 sim days. Unlocks ONE tech from a era ahead of yours.
  • Shakespeare's Theatre. Requires Literacy to be built. Takes 15 sim days. Increase comedy skill by a point. (If required)
  • Himeji Samurai Castle. Requires Monarchy to be built. Takes 13 sim days. Increase athletic skill by a point to a sim.
  • Leonardo's Workshop. Requires Invention to be built. Takes 20 sim days. -2 Tech Points to all Tech.
  • Magna Carta. Requires Democracy to be built. Takes 14 sim days. Add a friend to the leader.
  • Trade Fair de Troyes. Requires Currency to be built. Takes 15 sim days. Doubles money received for all tradable goods.
  • Mil.Ind Complex. Requires The Corporation to be built. Takes 16 sim days. Decreases price for athletic objects.
  • World Bank. Takes 23 sim days. If you have accumulated 100,000 simoleons, you win a secret win, the Rich and Famously Rich win.
  • Steeple of Steele. Requires Steel to be built. Takes 17 sim days. Decreases time to build wonders by one sim day.
  • United Nations, final step to win the Peace and Artifactual victory. Takes 18 sim days.
  • Hollywood. Requires Mass Media to be built. Takes 25 sim days to be built. If you defeated one sim in that colony, the whole city is yours.
  • Internet. Requires Networking to be built. Takes 22 sim days to be built. Unlocks the Internet, able to publish books etc.
  • Apollo Program. Requires Space Flight to be built. Takes 35 sim days. Unlocks all Tech that haven't been researched.
  • Manhattan Project. Requires Atomic Theory to be built. Takes 28 sim days to be built. Unlocks ICBM. One ICBM can be built per game. An ICBM will wipeout the whole area of a town.
  • Trajan's Column. Requires Iron Working to be built. Takes 24 sim days. Increase athletic skill by 2 points.
  • University of Sankore. Requires Literacy to be built. Takes 27 sim days. Increase one skill point to all sims in your current playing household.
  • Cristo Redento. Requires Religion to be built. Takes 24 sim days. Add two friends to the leader.
  • Colosseum. Requires Construction to be built. Takes 23 sim days. Cut 2 sim days for building wonders.
  • Red Cross. Requires Modern Medicine to be built. Takes 22 sim days. Able to use ambrosia on a sim once per sim week.
  • Silicon Valley. Requires Information Technology to be built. Takes 28 sim days. Add 10 Tech to your civ.
These are all the wonders, if you want me to do Great People, please reply.
#9 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 5:16 PM
Cool, thank you, @Uninfinite!

I still have some questions before I can start. Please tell me if my questions start to annoy you and I'll promise to stop!

1. Can I get aspiration points by completing the tech collector's whims or only by letting time pass? If it's the latter, how many points do I get per day during the ancient era and the dark ages?

2. Can I research a tech and build wonders at the same time? So if I'm building Shakespeare's Theatre, for example, can I research a tech or build another wonder simultaneously, or do I need to wait the required 15 days before I can do anything else?.

3. Can I actively do something to decrease the amount of time required to research a tech or build a wonder, or do I just need to wait passively for days to pass? If I can't have a job, go to a community lot or use objects that build any skill, there aren't very many things to do.
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#10 Old 22nd Oct 2014 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Aislynne
Cool, thank you, @Uninfinite!

I still have some questions before I can start. Please tell me if my questions start to annoy you and I'll promise to stop!

1. Can I get aspiration points by completing the tech collector's whims or only by letting time pass? If it's the latter, how many points do I get per day during the ancient era and the dark ages?

2. Can I research a tech and build wonders at the same time? So if I'm building Shakespeare's Theatre, for example, can I research a tech or build another wonder simultaneously, or do I need to wait the required 15 days before I can do anything else?.

3. Can I actively do something to decrease the amount of time required to research a tech or build a wonder, or do I just need to wait passively for days to pass? If I can't have a job, go to a community lot or use objects that build any skill, there aren't very many things to do.

@Aislynne You can only wait for time to pass to get aspiration points. No whims. 1 point per day in Dark Ages 2 points in Ancient. You may build and research at the same time only if you have more than one sim in the household. You can actively do something you can make up your own set of like mini challenges and you can do those. There are objects for you to build skills. You just need the money!
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#11 Old 23rd Oct 2014 at 1:08 AM
  • Communism. Requires Communism to be unlocked. Decreases time taken to build wonders.
  • Democracy. Requires Democracy to be acquired. Unable to initate wars. but able to defend if attacked. Increases money acquired when selling by 20%
  • Despotism. U locked if Great Pyramids have been built. Able touseNuclear Weapons, ICBMs without significant decrease to culture level
  • Fundamentalism. Requires Religion to be unlocked. Libraries and Universities provide extra 5 Tech Points
  • Monarchy. Requires Monarchy to be unlocked. Doubles the amount of culture if palace is built.
  • Republic. Requires Code of Laws to be unlocked. When expanding civlization, like moving someone put into a new lot. Instead of moving the couple, you may move only one person

These are all the Governments. The Religions are complicated so I will post them in another post.
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#12 Old 23rd Oct 2014 at 6:06 AM
And also, if you're going for the Alpha Centauri win, you'll need 4 Obtanium, 3 Plumbobite and 2 Pyrite and 1 Fridge Upgrade Part for the SS Fuel System. 7 Obtanium, 8 Flamingonium and 1 Toilet for the SS Propulsion System. 7 Flamingonium, 2 Punium and 1 Frog for the SS Life Support System. 3 Pyrite, 3 MySims trophies, 2 fish and 3 frogs for the SS Habitat System.
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#13 Old 25th Oct 2014 at 2:31 PM
Having a religion is optional but it's quite good and fun too!
Religion can be founded if you have more than 10 Faith (friends). You can name your Religion anything you want. Example:
  • Christianity - Simianity
  • Hinduism - Simduism
  • Buddhism - Plumbobism
You get the idea.

To determine that that particular city (lot) is following your religion, you need to determine something to represent your religion.

When you have founded a religion, your whole civ (active household) will be following the religion. You'll need to send someone who is a follower to another city (lot) and do it there. Once you send him out, you'll need to go into buy mode and choose something that represents your religion.

Religion adds 3 Faith, just add three friends to the leader. Also, religion unlocks a secret win, ipsius enim est religio Which means Lord of the Followers, all of the cities (lot) on your planet (town) is following your religion you win!
Test Subject
#14 Old 5th Dec 2016 at 9:51 PM
Hi. I know that this thread is really old, but I just saw it and I'm really interested in your challenge and I'm going to try it out. Are there any other parts and/or other rules/explanations? Thank you!
#15 Old 27th Feb 2018 at 7:04 PM
As a big Civ player ( I mean, I modded under CivIV and I actually like Beyond Earth ) I'm in awe before your imaginative mind.

*slow clap*

I make sims worlds ... can you believe it ?
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 30th May 2018 at 1:19 PM
This is great! I'll play this when I get the hang of challenges with a lot of rules.
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