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#76 Old 11th Jan 2017 at 12:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AngieMFAK77
I have to agree I will be disappointed if I have to have a calendar in my TS3 game that has screenshots of TS4 on it - I detest that game and want no association with it at all, probably to the point where I won't bother downloading the calendar if that's the case.

I agree.
I wont be downloading any calendar that has anything from that foul game included, it wont be interesting to me at all, and I'm very disappointed to see this decision made. What a shame

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#77 Old 11th Jan 2017 at 5:04 AM
I was disappointed that there were so few entries this year, especially for TS4. I am sure it was a considered, though difficult decision to combine the calendar. I am happy there will even BE a calendar this year, and perhaps going forward, a combined calendar will allow this beloved tradition to continue.

As far as not having TS4 pics in your game, the calendar is postage stamp sized, and for TS3 you manually choose which month you want, making it quite easy to display only the months you want shown in your game.

Thanks Karen Lorraine, for hosting.

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#78 Old 11th Jan 2017 at 9:07 PM
I think it will be great fun to have a calendar with Sims 2, 3 and 4 on it- after all, there are plenty of 4to3 and 3to2 conversions, so some people like to have a bit of crossover.

Now, if I can just persuade MTS to have a Sims 1 calendar contest too... :lovestruc

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#79 Old 11th Jan 2017 at 10:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
I was disappointed that there were so few entries this year, especially for TS4. I am sure it was a considered, though difficult decision to combine the calendar. I am happy there will even BE a calendar this year, and perhaps going forward, a combined calendar will allow this beloved tradition to continue.

As far as not having TS4 pics in your game, the calendar is postage stamp sized, and for TS3 you manually choose which month you want, making it quite easy to display only the months you want shown in your game.

Thanks Karen Lorraine, for hosting.

This is how I feel, as well.
Test Subject
#80 Old 16th Jan 2017 at 8:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Karen Lorraine
The calendars should be available for download by the end of the week

Are the calendars available yet and I just missed them somehow?....or did that change too?
#81 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 1:55 AM
@Karen Lorraine

I'm sorry but I am a brutally honest person and don't like flowery sugar-coated language which is seemingly imposed on this forum culture.
No offense, but honestly I see this recent contest is pure disappointing and poorly managed. After contest ended, without warning announcement, you suddenly changed the winning rules & prizes. That is extremely unfair for contestants.
You didn't explain what is exactly ,"COMBINED" Calendar. Is it TS2 & TS3 & TS4 combined together? Or else? because you said you didn't want default winner.
You didn't put rule NO DEFAULT WINNER in the first place as winning rules before contest ended. You moderators, staff, made the rules by your own after contestant asking several times about when the prizes due, which is after the contest ended.

See how many disagree buttons press on your post, which means most contestant disagree with your decision. PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM. Contestants feel cheated because of the sudden decision change.
You expect contestants to play fair, but you contest holder, doesn't want to play fair. Who's cheating on here?

With this disappointment, don't expect many contestants will participate again in future same contest. Highly doubt these contestants will participate again if they felt cheated like this event.

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#82 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 8:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
I'm going to throw my two cents in here at the chance of sounding like an ass, but here goes.

I don't think it is fair to the contestants of this, or any contest, for the rules and/or prizes to be changed a month after the contest has ended. I say prizes because that what having your picture featured in the calendar would have been. I also think that if the thread had been started by any member who was not a moderator there would be an issue with things like that being changed at the last moment and the member who started the thread would be expected to honor their commitment.

You may agree or disagree, but this is my opinion. Respectfully.
I agree with this 110%! I really think this is unfair the contestants of this contest. If there is no Default winner rule then, I really think that everyone should of known ahead of time and not combine the Sims 2 sims 3 and Sims 4 Pics since they are different genres. If that's the case then why have 3 separate categories in the First Place then?
#83 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 9:47 AM
I agree, it's unfair to change contest rules last minute, after everything...As a participant, I am really dissapointed. By the way, where is calendar? It was promised for last weekend, but it wasn't uploded yet.
Test Subject
#84 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 10:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
I'm going to throw my two cents in here at the chance of sounding like an ass, but here goes.

I don't think it is fair to the contestants of this, or any contest, for the rules and/or prizes to be changed a month after the contest has ended. I say prizes because that what having your picture featured in the calendar would have been. I also think that if the thread had been started by any member who was not a moderator there would be an issue with things like that being changed at the last moment and the member who started the thread would be expected to honor their commitment.

You may agree or disagree, but this is my opinion. Respectfully.

I also happen to agree with the @MurderPrincessK post here. While I do realize that it's just a silly calendar contest for a game, but it's also about the integrity of those who are staff behind the site, and yes, honoring their commitment as well as expecting the entrants to honor theirs. It's a two-way street.

Furthering that, when you, as staff, post a response like:
Quote: Originally posted by Karen Lorraine
I am sorry that you are all disappointed by our decision to make a combined calendar but...

You only underscore the mentality that your decision is where you put the worth, and not in those who put forth the effort to bother entering in the first place. It's that 'us' versus 'them' mentality that I can assure you, you should never be presenting to those you want to stick around.

Poor Ass Form. Period.
#85 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 10:58 AM
Have you guys actually made a calendar yet of any kind? Will we see it before February? Look at the date and PLEASE make a decision!!!

MKATSONP is a Sims 3 Medieval Comedy Drama on Youtube and Tumblr
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#86 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 11:40 AM
Guys, can you please keep in mind that staff is doing this in their spare time, as a hobby. Sure, waiting sucks. Sure, adding rules weeks after the contest was closed sucks. But they made their decision, they gave reasons for that, so bear with it. If you don't want that calendar anymore - ok, don't download it. You are disappointed? I understand, I am, too. No reason to throw a tantrum here. Enjoy at all those beautiful entries in this thread or download the pics, make your own calendar. With all this drama (and lack of participation in the first place) I doubt there will be a calendar contest held in the future at all.
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#87 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 2:40 PM
The calendars are made, I just need to find time to post them. Unfortunately I have a real life and a very busy schedule of work and other commitments especially at the beginning of the week. They'll be up tonight.

I'm sorry that you don't agree with the decision made about the calendars. This was a joint decision, made by the staff and not solely by me!

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#88 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 4:48 PM
I, in fact, was the one who first suggested to combine the entries in the first place. The calendar contest has been my "baby" for as many years as I have been a moderator (this is the 6th year we've done it). I have watched as, each year, the entries for each month get smaller and smaller. I've watched this contest go from having completely full months to having some months only receive a single entry at last minute. The latter is not fair. People wait until the day (or even an hour) before the contest ends and then put in an entry that they may or may not have worked hard on and win by default because no one else entered that month.

Yes, I understand that combining all the entries into one calendar and then choosing 12 winners instead of 36 is sucky for the contestants. I get that; believe me I do. However, it still seemed more fair than letting people win by default. Per contest rules, generally contests that do not have 10 contestants to go forward do not continue. If you look at that, the calendar contest in the past has actually been lenient (if you consider each month a mini-contest) in almost all years. 4 or 5 per month usually seems to be the average; this year it was about 2 per month when averaged. After all, what's the point of having a contest where you only have one entry?

As for years going forward; at this point, it will most likely be either a joint contest or not at all. There's just not enough interest to continue doing 3 (or 4, sorry @simsample ) separate contests.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Mad Poster
#89 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 5:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by heaven
As for years going forward; at this point, it will most likely be either a joint contest or not at all. There's just not enough interest to continue doing 3 (or 4, sorry @simsample ) separate contests.

Makes perfect sense, though I also do understand the frustration this year. I wonder if a combined contest in the future could realize @simsample 's dream though, since there'd be no real obstacle to TS1 being part of a combined contest!

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#90 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 8:32 PM Last edited by 9b8ll : 18th Jan 2017 at 9:19 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by heaven
I, in fact, was the one who first suggested to combine the entries in the first place. The calendar contest has been my "baby" for as many years as I have been a moderator (this is the 6th year we've done it). I have watched as, each year, the entries for each month get smaller and smaller. I've watched this contest go from having completely full months to having some months only receive a single entry at last minute. The latter is not fair. People wait until the day (or even an hour) before the contest ends and then put in an entry that they may or may not have worked hard on and win by default because no one else entered that month.

Yes, I understand that combining all the entries into one calendar and then choosing 12 winners instead of 36 is sucky for the contestants. I get that; believe me I do. However, it still seemed more fair than letting people win by default. Per contest rules, generally contests that do not have 10 contestants to go forward do not continue. If you look at that, the calendar contest in the past has actually been lenient (if you consider each month a mini-contest) in almost all years. 4 or 5 per month usually seems to be the average; this year it was about 2 per month when averaged. After all, what's the point of having a contest where you only have one entry?

As for years going forward; at this point, it will most likely be either a joint contest or not at all. There's just not enough interest to continue doing 3 (or 4, sorry @simsample ) separate contests.

Then it should of been combined in the first place if this was a Join Contest, instead of having 3 separate categories! It just causes confusion. I would have no Problem it this was a Joint contest in the first place!

Quote: Originally posted by Vincent T.
Guys, can you please keep in mind that staff is doing this in their spare time, as a hobby. Sure, waiting sucks. Sure, adding rules weeks after the contest was closed sucks. But they made their decision, they gave reasons for that, so bear with it. If you don't want that calendar anymore - ok, don't download it. You are disappointed? I understand, I am, too. No reason to throw a tantrum here. Enjoy at all those beautiful entries in this thread or download the pics, make your own calendar. With all this drama (and lack of participation in the first place) I doubt there will be a calendar contest held in the future at all.

So the Participants in this contest can't be concerned the rule changing at the last minute? it's not about the wanting to downloading nor making this a Joint contest. it's the principle and there is a reason why some of them are confused in the first place!
Destroyer of Worlds
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#91 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 2:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by 9b8ll
Then it should of been combined in the first place if this was a Join Contest, instead of having 3 separate categories! It just causes confusion. I would have no Problem it this was a Joint contest in the first place!

So the Participants in this contest can't be concerned the rule changing at the last minute? it's not about the wanting to downloading nor making this a Joint contest. it's the principle and there is a reason why some of them are confused in the first place!

It wasn't intended to be a joint contest; it never had been in the past because we didn't have issues with getting enough entries in past years. We only knew it was a problem at the end. We did not have any precognition that we would not receive enough participants and therefore should make it a joint contest from the start.

If this was any other contest; it would have gone "Oh well, not enough entries", contest would have been closed, and that would have been that. Thread locked, entries collecting dust, no winners. Instead, we decided to combine the three contests into one joint contest so that anyone who entered still had a chance at winning, rather than be disqualified due to lack of participants.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
#92 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 9:56 PM
So disagreements and discussions aside, are we still getting any sort of calendar soon then?
Now I know we can display only the pics we like, I am looking forward to seeing it

MKATSONP is a Sims 3 Medieval Comedy Drama on Youtube and Tumblr
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#93 Old 21st Jan 2017 at 12:19 AM
Here are the Calendar winners. We will be adding participation and winner stickers over the next few days. Congratulations everyone!

January Charmful
February Pary
March joandsarah77
April simsample
May clw8
June Essa
July gdayars
August Averex
September AngieMFAK77
October N_Fluen$e
November Zarathustra
December Spladoum

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#94 Old 21st Jan 2017 at 3:02 PM
Thanks to everyone that entered, it was a fun contest! I love the idea of a combined calendar, congratulations to the winners and thanks to the mods for running the contests and creating the calendars!

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