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#1451 Old 27th Aug 2024 at 6:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54

Even bathroom doors have slowly grown to be move inclusive, transitioning away from being Gendered, to being Bi-Gendered, to be A-Gendered (Showing only a toilet). I support it, but saying "This penis-centric toilet is patriarchal" is very strange and somewhat comical. The pendulum swung too far.

This is what happens when Maxis gets too deep into their own heads.

When I started playing TS1 so many moons ago, I never would have imagined that Maxis would go out of their way to become unhinged over a urinal. If I had a crystal ball at the time, I would have done something else with my time rather than clowning with Bob and Betty Newbie...
Mad Poster
#1452 Old 27th Aug 2024 at 6:51 PM
Most of the issue is likely a budget/time issue, but it's weird being given the most random things, but not something people literally use everyday.

At the rate things are going now, we'll inevitably get an expansion pack with one gameplay item in it.

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#1453 Old 27th Aug 2024 at 11:48 PM
Budget my arse! We are accepting things like Lovestruck as expansion packs - so of course these are standards are upholding to continue further down the line of upcoming EXPANSIONS to be. Urinals might take a kit or even as a whole stuff pack featuring that as a SINGLE gameplay item.

Heck, if they ever get around making water/amusement parks as a theme, expect the only special object coming is a tube that serves as a one-level water slide we used to always have, oppose to dreaming connecting tubes. This is WHAT we letting them do the bare and ONLY minimum. This is what fristates me the most!

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#1454 Old 28th Aug 2024 at 3:10 AM
I meant in terms of them forgoing it to make literally anything else. They had a urinal model in some beta screenshots, and men using the bathroom is already a thing. Not at all hard, but tiny issue never get resolved in a timely manner, despite their ease. If we get any kind of amusement park, at this point, I expect rabbit holes galore, like high school years.

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#1455 Old 2nd Sep 2024 at 10:09 AM
Happy 10th Anniversary, TS4.

It has been 10 years of unnecessary BS and nonsense. Because this is Maxis' game, the fourth patch from LoveStruck has yet to be released.

Best clap Game clap Ever! clap
Mad Poster
#1456 Old 2nd Sep 2024 at 4:42 PM Last edited by matrix54 : 2nd Sep 2024 at 6:00 PM.
I assume the 4th patch is "delayed" because there's a patch coming this week for the new content. We better get something to make up for the nonsense we've been dealing with...

Like, how some of the game packs have more gameplay objects than lovestruck.

I'm bored, so, oooh... a list...

*Excluding Purchasables, Collectibles & Craftables gameplay items, as these are connected to other systems (like the Garlic Hangables in Vampires), but the list will include the first implementation of an item seen in other packs, like the Fish Tank in Spa Day.

For fairness, Love struck only has one, which is the feedable food box.

Lovestruck - 5
Heart Bed
Board Game
Costume Chest
Woo-Hoo Blanket

Outdoor Retreat - 4

Spa Day - 10
Massage Chair
Massage Table
Meditation Stool
Yoga Mat & Yoga Instructor Mat
Fish Tank
Drink Tray
Spa Mini Fridge

Dine Out - 5
Booth & Corner Booth
Warming Lamp
Host Podium
Waiter Station
Chef Station & Window Chef Station

Vampires - 2

Parenthood - 4
Family Board
Block Table
Doctor & Vet Play Set

Jungle Adventure - 2
Work Bench
Treasure Chest

Strangerville - 2
Listening Device
Training Bot

Realm Of Magic - 1

Journey To Batuu - 1
Sabacc Table

Dream Home Decorator - 4
Sectional Sofa & Lounge
Play Tent
Countertop Oven
Counter Oven & Countertop Stove


3/11 Have About As Many
2/11 Have As Many
4/11 Have More Hidden Gameplay Item Than Lovestruck
(E.g.: Realm Of Magic: Brooms, Wands, Familiars, Potions, etc.)

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#1457 Old 3rd Sep 2024 at 11:17 PM
Weird how a hotel mod doesn’t ensue a loading screen between room visits.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#1458 Old 5th Sep 2024 at 5:07 PM
When you get a road map, but not as much as an acknowledgement of a huge milestone.


As a consumer, it’s like being asked to give them more money, but not taking the time to celebrate what had been done thus far. I'm not even referencing giving players free content, but at least a "Happy 10th Anniversary! Here's a New Road Map" - Bad move.

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#1459 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 1:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54

As a consumer, it’s like being asked to give them more money, but not taking the time to celebrate what had been done thus far. I'm not even referencing giving players free content, but at least a "Happy 10th Anniversary! Here's a New Road Map" - Bad move.



I'm not defending Maxis here, but why should they do anything when all they have to do is wave new content in this communities face and all is forgotten / forgiven until the next round of error codes, problems, bugs and a slow roll of patches show up. There has been endless complaining about how people's game won't even load at this point, but "Oooohhhh, 2 kits and a GP being sold as a EP is on the immediate horizon."

Under normal circumstances I would say something along the lines of make this make sense, but I'm not going to. This is how the TS4 community rolls. It's rinse, wash, repeat every new fiscal quarter.

If TS4 has taught me nothing else, it is sometimes trying to make sense of something is completely pointless and a waste of energy. Thankfully I didn't pay over $1500.00 for said lesson...
Mad Poster
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#1460 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 2:42 PM
If TS4 stays for another 10 years, I’m throwing a fit. Im gonna close someone (actual person) in a room and remove a ladder from a taken swimming pool if I hear another bullshit. Do you really want to play like this, EA?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#1461 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 2:43 PM
I agree. I don’t even want to buy any more content because the game isn’t rewarding. They know that, which is why they have that reward program.

Move items to do what with, Maxis? The free vending machine was giving out slices of cake. I’d rather this effort be put into a gameplay object but whatever.

They don’t even do the cheap stuff anymore to pad the catalog, like extra rabbit hole careers. They’re probably saving those for packs. So, we don’t have an architect career yet. Are they saving that for a game pack, too?

I even look at stuff we have now and think it’s be better as a system they can plug features into instead of it being a singular item.THERAPY would have been a great feature of Lovestruck, but it’s just couples counseling.

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Lab Assistant
#1462 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 5:48 PM
I think the upcoming expansion pack is going to be like a spin on the famous and iconic TS1 expansion pack Livin' Large. I know we already have servos and the Grim Reaper, but we might get a revamp of ghosts or something in the lines of that. Maybe we also get zombies and new active careers inspired by those in the Livin' Large expansion pack. And I cannot forget the genie NPC. But, this is just my speculation.
Mad Poster
#1463 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 7:59 PM Last edited by matrix54 : 6th Sep 2024 at 8:28 PM.
After Growing Togther… Horse Ranch… For Rent, and now Lovestruck… that sounds very ambitious.

I do not want old TS4 concepts to be revamped (unless it’s a refresh style overhaul). I want something new. There’s a ton of content still missing from the game. We have ghosts and a grim reaper. They do not need any revamping. It’ll be cute but we’re still in need of certain content after a decade.

It’s wild how we’re still waiting for content from the first two expansion packs from The Sims 2. Hell, even 3. Gnubb was such a random game but it’s cheaper to make then a pool table.

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#1464 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 1:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54

They don’t even do the cheap stuff anymore to pad the catalog, like extra rabbit hole careers. They’re probably saving those for packs. So, we don’t have an architect career yet. Are they saving that for a game pack, too?

Isn’t that a thing in Home Dream Decorator pack? Wouldn’t be surprised if its watered-down version like with anything they di, but I dont think they will create another variation and upgrade it to be architect designer, since they done with what they done.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Lab Assistant
#1465 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 7:36 AM
I feel like ghosts are like cowards in TS4. I know certain types can break certain objects and sims are kind of scared of them, but that is it. I need ghosts like those in TS2. Their creepy voices and animations are just excellent. They actually scare our sims and then they can die of fright.

This is what everybody is complaining about, from my opinion, and that is the lack of consequences. If you want to kill other sims from TS2 (especially with fire), there will be consequences and that is that you will have a lot of angry ghosts in the house of your sims.

I know this is kind of creepy, but I watch paranormal content in genreal. TS4 ghosts never scared me even though they should be mad about their fate. I got one ghost (from the lot trait) that drowned, but he seemed kind of happy breaking objects around.
#1466 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 9:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
If TS4 stays for another 10 years, I’m throwing a fit. Im gonna close someone (actual person) in a room and remove a ladder from a taken swimming pool if I hear another bullshit. Do you really want to play like this, EA?

I got some bullshit for ya.

Kayla AKA Lilsimsie in typical influencer form made up a story to cover Maxis' butt.

According to her, Maxis was waiting to sell the masses this upcoming new EP and kits as a from of celebration. Happy 10th, give us [Maxis] money! She doesn't actually say these words, but does so in her own special, take advantage of her young audience kind of way.

You don't have to listen or watch the whole thing, just the first few seconds.

the sims just announced a DEATH EXPANSION PACK???


Later her story would fall apart when she goes on to explain that Maxis does this kind of thing anyway every 3 months. I'm guessing she sez this in a attempt to try to make the radio silence on Sept 2 look better. It doesn't, but here we are.

Kayla, just like Maxis, doesn't know how to read the room. While Twitter is a absolute hell hole and I don't know who Maxis hosts their website with, but both platforms have the ability to schedule posts. Even free sites hosted on Wordpress have this ability. If the story Kayla was trying to sell were true, those posts would have been up Sept 2.

Shady is what shady does. Best... influencer... ever!
Forum Resident
#1467 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 11:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I got some bullshit for ya.

I love it ....let's be honest though, finding asinine BS from EA isn't much of a challenge!

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥ Now playing Sims 4 but probably not for much longer.....
#1468 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 12:55 PM Last edited by Gargoyle Cat : 8th Sep 2024 at 1:54 PM. Reason: typo
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor
I love it ....let's be honest though, finding asinine BS from EA isn't much of a challenge!

I know, it is all low-hanging fruit at this point.

That being said, Kayla doesn't learn. She was just clapped on about a week and half ago over running her mouth about Inzoi and Curse Forge. TS4 mods are hosted on CF which she later owned up to in a tweet. The only reason Andrew Wilson closed up shop in Israel is because the Wall St overlords were breathing down his neck about cutting costs. Why doesn't she tell that story. As if...




She lives in her little magical bubble where people constantly tell her how wonderful, great, and wholesome she is. The minute there are clicks and money involved though, suddenly the mousy, wallflower schtick flies out the window.

I miss the days when YouTube was just a hobby. When people talked about video games or whatever, it came from a genuine place, most of the time. Now it is just about money, clout and no fucks given.
Lab Assistant
#1469 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 1:20 PM
The majority of simfluencers is being payed by EA or they are given free stuff (DLCs) so of course they are going to sugarcoat the truth.

If I were them, I would acknowledge the high prices (which increased recently) for very little content, shallow gameplay, all the bugs and hollow, empty worlds that are full of set dressings.

Did anyone ever wonder why we get worlds with so many set dressing, but the developers say that the worlds have so little lots because of optimization?
Mad Poster
#1470 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 2:29 PM
I'm bored, so here's another list to give me another reason to stop shopping here.

A count of every first iteration gameplay objects in every Sims 4 Expansion Pack... since we're 10 years in. I will not list them by name.

This will include:
Normal Gameplay Objects
(Hidden/Lot-Specific/Career-Specific/Debug Gameplay Objects)
[Collectible/Craftable/Misc Gameplay Objects]

This will also include similar duplicates that have different utilities or functions (Like the Warming Rack & Retail Freezer) or child versions of adult objects.
However, repurposed gameplay objects use in new packs will not count (Like the reused Chemical Analyzer or Vendors).

Get To Work: 21
7 (10) [4]

Get Together: 14
14 (0) [0]

City Living: 33
15 (7) [11]

Cats & Dogs: 36
19 (3) [14]

Season: 20
18 (0) [3]

Get Famous: 21
8 (11) [2]

Island Living: 11
10 (0) [2]

Discover University: 25
11 (0) [14]


Growing Together: 17
16 (0) [1]

Horse Ranch: 20
10 (3) [7]

For Rent: 18
8 (8) [1]

Lovestruck: 7
5 (0) (2)

I'm stopping now, because I'm tired of counting. I'll probably finish later, but...

Over time, object count and object complexity completely diminished. For example: Growing Together. While it has more gameplay objects than Get Together on paper, Growing Together has a lot of duplicates. 3 splash emitters, 2 suitcases, 2 sleeping bags, 2 table games... I counted them as unique because they require unique animations, footprints, functions, etc., but are virtually identical. Comparatively, almost every object in Get To Work is unique. Almost.

Another example: For Rent also features a lot of objects that have gameplay but don't do much. For example: Water heaters, Radiators, Air Conditioners... gameplay items, but are highly situation and also don't have any unique animations.

Prayers for Lovestruck.

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#1471 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 6:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
The majority of simfluencers is being payed by EA or they are given free stuff (DLCs) so of course they are going to sugarcoat the truth.

If I were them, I would acknowledge the high prices (which increased recently) for very little content, shallow gameplay, all the bugs and hollow, empty worlds that are full of set dressings.

It should hurt their ego if I were to mention that half of the community are busy playing the game than watching their stupid videos with clickbait thumbnails because their dont have sophiscates content ideas than the popular simmer channels who aren’t EA-ass kissing butt the Game Changer/Yib club.

People can see the prices - those who are rational can see through the fluff. People who are displeased have already switched to older games (granted, those who are not lazy and willing to go through hooos making it work on their newest software). Those playing and defending the game on their living body are probably have nowhere else to put money and get themselves preoccupied other than Sims.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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