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#1 Old 18th Nov 2020 at 5:05 AM
Default The Dungeons and Dragons Challenge
Welcome to the Dungeons and Dragons Challenge! In this challenge, you will create a Sim based on character creation from the Dungeons and Dragons world, and then you will randomly roll to complete different quests as you level up your Sim. This will also include leveling class skills as well as reaching the top rank of a job that is applicable to your given class.

Real Dungeons and Dragons can get pretty goofy, and in the spirit of the Sims and D&D, some of the quests that you have a chance to encounter are quite goofy too.

The Beginning Lore:
In a world full of relatively tame sims, there has suddenly been an influx in strange occurrences. Your sim(s) has just reached Young Adulthood and is not an ordinary sim. Your sim has aged into their innate powers, and they are here just in time to intervene with the sudden shift in the world and to right the wrongs. Your sim begins with a sinking suspicion that the unusual behavior in the sim world originates from somewhere out of this world, but there is much to be done in order to get there.

Packs Used to Develop the Challenge:
Get Together, City Living, Get to Work, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventure, Realm of Magic, Vampires, Strangerville, Spa Day
If you do not have all the packs that are listed here, there is the option to substitute out skills/careers/quests within reason.

The main goal of the challenge is to reach the maximum level of 20, just like in real D&D. It is important to remember that part of the fun is the journey! There are also goals that you will have to meet each level to level up to the next.

Make a sim(s)! The way this has been tested is using an individual sim, but you can also play using a party of sims. Each sim should have a different Class that will permit them individual leveling and growth, while the group of sims may quest together. Please refrain from selecting a vampire for your sim as they are typically bad-aligned.
Traits & Aspirations! Trait selection has some limitations. While you are free to pick traits that you would like to see in your sim(s), you should not select any traits that are bad-aligned such as Evil/Mean/Hates Children. Your sim is a bringer of good!
Get a Job! Once you are in the game, your sim will need a career that falls within the given list for each class.
Home Sweet Home! You may choose any starter home to begin the challenge with, or you may choose an empty lot to build on yourself. Using the money cheat, give your sim 6000 simoleons to cover the cost of the rocket. You will spend 5000 on the platform for the rocket, and an additional 1000 to begin building it. Your sim should not be granted any additional funds.

Additional Rules:
Fighting, Magical Duels, and Contests! Your sim may end up in a fight or a magical duel. If they lose the fight/duel, they are considered "knocked out" and must return home immediately to recover until the next day. This is also applied to events like karaoke contests.
Rewards! When it comes to rewards in the game, it is HIGHLY recommended to take the "Observant" reward as soon as possible. It will come in handy for some of the quests. Other rewards may be unlocked with the exception of the Potion of Youth. Rewards can be considered small bonuses for leveling and gaining life experiences basically from completing whims and aspiration goals.

If Either is listed, that means you can choose either tree within a given career that is listed in parentheses.
o Charisma, Guitar/Violin/Piano/Singing, MAGIC
o Musician (Entertainer) OR Internet Personality (Social Media)
o Gardening/Herbalism, Fishing, MAGIC
o Green Technician (Civil Designer) OR Either (Conservationist) OR Either (Gardener)
o Fitness, Logic, Handiness
o Space Ranger (Astronaut) OR Detective OR Judge (Law) OR Officer (Military)
o Fitness, Wellness, Logic
o Either (Athlete) OR Charity Organizer (Politician)
o Fitness, Charisma, MAGIC
o Space Ranger (Astronaut) OR Detective OR Judge (Law) OR Officer (Military) OR Politician (Politician)
o Pet Training, Handiness, Gardening/Herbalism
o Green Technician (Civil Designer) OR Either (Conservationist) OR Either (Gardener) OR Veterinarian
o Acting/Charisma, Mischief, Handiness
o Actor or Actress OR Management (Business) OR Either (Engineer) OR Politician (Politician)
o Mischief, Charisma, MAGIC
o Management (Business) OR Politician (Politician) OR Internet Personality (Social Media)
o Writing, Logic, MAGIC
o Author (Writer) OR Either (Engineer) OR Writer (Freelancer) OR Professor (Education)

*Barbarians were not included because of similarity to Fighters. Clerics were not included due to lack of applicable skills. Sorcerers were not included because of similarity to Warlocks and Wizards.

Your character will have a level, starting at level 1. For each level, there is a set of requirements that must be fulfilled before moving on to the next level. Once you complete the objectives and finish any applicable quests, you may level up to the next level, all the way up to level 20 where you must complete the final set of tasks to be considered complete with the challenge.
Leveling Example! At level 1, you must reach Rocket Science Level 1, Class skills Level 1, Magic Users learn 2 spells/potions, and you roll for a level-appropriate quest. Once all of these items are complete, you level up to level 2 and begin those objectives so you may move on to level 3, and so on.

Level 1
• Rocket Science LEVEL 1
• Learn each of your class skills/each class skill reaches LEVEL 1
• Magic Users: Learn first 2 spells/potions (2/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 2
• Rocket Science LEVEL 2
• Start your Career/Career (1/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (4/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 3
• Rocket Science LEVEL 3
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 2
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (6/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 4
• Career (2/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (8/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 5
• Rocket Science LEVEL 4
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 3
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (10/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 6
• Career (3/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (12/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 7
• Rocket Science LEVEL 5
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 4
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (14/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 8
• Career (4/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (16/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 9
• Rocket Science LEVEL 6
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 5
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (18/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 10
• Career (5/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (20/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 11
• Rocket Science LEVEL 7
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 6
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (22/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 12
• Career (6/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (24/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 13
• Rocket Science LEVEL 8
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 7
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (26/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 14
• Career (7/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (28/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 15
• Rocket Science LEVEL 9
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 8
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (30/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 16
• Career (8/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (32/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 17
• Rocket Science LEVEL 10
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 9
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (34/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 18
• Career (9/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (36/39)
• Quest MUST be completed
Level 19
• Each class skill reaches LEVEL 10
• Magic Users: Learn 2 spells/potions (38/39)
• Roll for a level-appropriate quest
Level 20
• Career (10/10)
• Magic Users: Learn 1 spells/potions (39/39)
• Quest MUST be completed

Below is a list of quests that you may randomly select from at the appropriate level. Each quest has objectives. Once you complete all the objectives, the quest is complete. The final two quests are not random. The quest at level 17 completes the lore, while the quest at level 19 is kind of a cheers to making it to the end.
Consequences! Anytime there is a mention of a consequence to be dealt out, this can be a number of things. Fighting the target sim, using mischief against the target sim to make them miserable, being mean to the target sim, or using magic against a target sim are all one route that you may have your sim take. Another route would be through kindness. Befriending the target sim, having a hilarious conversation with the target sim, giving the target sim a nice gift. All of the nice actions are done with the idea that the target sim will be swayed to change their ways. The choice is ultimately up to you and what you think your sim would do/how they would behave.
Selecting a Quest! To receive a quest for levels 1-16, roll a random number on a generator. Use the number you get to figure out which quest your sim should embark on. For example, at level 1 you roll for a quest. There are 6 possible quests, so you would want to generate a number between 1 and 6.

Quests by Level:

Level 1 – 6
• Your Sim has a dream that a Koi fish is mocking them…
Catch a Koi fish
Mount the Koi fish on your wall
NOTE: Koi spawn in ponds on the map
A hoard of stray animals is making so much noise at night that no one can sleep
Find a Stray Cat/Dog/Fox/Raccoon
This animal is the leader of the assault
Adopt this animal into your home to change the outcome of the stray assault on sim sleep
NOTE: Visit locations in Brindleton Bay (the cat hangout or the dog park)
• The nightclub has been cursed!
Break the curse by dancing for 8 hours at the nightclub and successfully win a dance battle (if you lose the dance battle, that is considered a "knock out")
• There is a serial romancer who has broken the hearts of one too many sims
Find a Sim with the Romantic or Non-Committal trait (or both!)
Bring consequences to this person
NOTE: Visit the rewards section and get the “Observant” feature for 500 points
• Someone is stealing candy from children
Find a Sim with the Hates Children trait
Bring consequences to this person
NOTE: Visit the rewards section and get the “Observant” feature for 500 points
• A sim is scaring the town with talk of aliens masquerading as sims and controlling their minds
Find a Sim with the Paranoid trait
Either befriend this sim and listen to what they have to say, or choose to mock them into silence with whatever tactics you would like

Level 7 – 12
• Your Sim has heard that recently another Sim died while using a Murphy Bed. Surely that cannot ACTUALLY happen…
Open and shut a Murphy Bed three times for three days to test your theory
• A thief has stolen a priceless piece of art from the Museum
Find a Sim with the Kleptomaniac trait
Bring consequences to this person
NOTE: Visit the rewards section and get the “Observant” feature for 500 points
Optional: Create a new piece of art to sell to the Museum to replace the stolen art
• Someone has angered the ancient spirits in the Jungle
Travel to the jungle and successfully clear a Temple to right the wrong
• A Mysterious Stranger has been undermining your heroism with their own nefarious plans
The first random NPC Sim that you see that you have not met before is the Mysterious Stranger
Become Enemies with this Sim
Deal out consequences
• The child that lives next door says they have heard your Sim singing before and MAN are they BAD
To prove the child wrong, win a karaoke contest
• Every adventurer needs moral support
Maximize your relationship with a sim
The sim must have only “good” traits
This sim is effectively your sidekick now and can accompany you on quests

Level 13 – 16
• One of the local clubs is frequently interfering with your objectives
Choose a club, join the club, find all the sims in that club, and persuade them to leave the club except the club leader
Deal out consequences to that Sim club leader
Alternatively, convince the club leader to step down and then disband the club
• Vampires are attacking humans in force
Deal out consequences to 3 Vampires
• There is an evil magic cult who are trying to unleash long held power into the wild
Defeat 3 Sims with the Evil or Mean trait
If both magical, duel
If non-magical, fight them and win
NOTE: Visit the rewards section and get the “Observant” feature for 500 points
• A warning came to you in a dream about a mysterious seed that is a sim-killer when full grown. If that were to fall into the wrong hands…
Obtain a Cowplant Berry
HINT: The easiest way to do this for non-gardeners is to fish in the Forgotten Grotto (the secret area of Willow Creek) or digging it up
Optional: Grow the Cowplant

Level 17 – 18
• Uncover the secrets of Planet Sixam
Travel to Planet Sixam via Rocket
Become best friends with an alien OR become sworn enemies of the alien and the alien suffers consequences

Level 19 – 20
• Throw a Gold-Ranked Party celebrating your achievements and your success in protecting the sims world.

The End Lore:
Your sim traveled to Planet Sixam and discovered aliens. Conversing with the aliens revealed that they have been meddling with sim affairs. Your sims suspicion and drive from the beginning was correct! If an alien is befriended, then the alien realizes that their actions were wrong, and they will stop messing with the sim world. If the alien becomes your enemy, they know that if they want to keep meddling with the sim world, they will have to go through you first as the defender of the planet. They aren't interested in that as your sim has become a fearsome foe.

That is the challenge, folks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have in designing it and playing it.

I will be posting a YouTube video of the setup for this challenge as well as my own playthrough to see how far I get. If you'd like to check it out, visit RNBWgames on YouTube (my profile page on here has a direct link to the page).
Test Subject
#2 Old 7th Dec 2020 at 3:36 AM
I've been playing this with the heir of my last legacy challenge that I just finished. She is a 5th generation Magic worker that has nearly maxed out her magick skills. She needs one more point to have them all and I don't mean levels I mean the skills. She has already finished both aspirations regarding magic. She did that before she graduated high school. Now she is in college getting all A's and just about to start her final semester. I am stuck at level two or three of this challenge because as of yet she hasn't been able to get a job. She will be doing that in the next sim week. I haven't made up my mind if I am going to add others to her household to be her adventuring party yet or not. I may just leave her on her own. It's been interesting though. I just wish I could decide which magic user I want her to be since she has already nearly maxed out all the skills needed for all three that call for magic.
Test Subject
#3 Old 13th Dec 2020 at 6:07 AM
Well, I am up to level 7 and stuck because my quest is to complete a temple in Jungle adventure and I can't find a temple no matter how hard I look. The doors are locked. I have maxed out all my skills including the local lore and archeology but it hasn't helped me find my way to a temple. I am going to try again next time I play.
Test Subject
#4 Old 15th Dec 2020 at 11:29 AM
This is really detailed and super cool! I'm a little preoccupied right now, with two different legac challenges running, but once I finish one of them (gen 5 of 10.. send help) i'm DEFINITELY doing this. hell yes.
Test Subject
#5 Old 17th Dec 2020 at 1:20 AM
Okay... So after nearly a week of trying to get to a temple, I decided it wasn't going to happen and this particular save had fallen to the curse of can't get into a temple so I re-rolled for the challenge and got Win a singing contest. Sorry, can't spell the type of singing contest. So I am working on that but, living where I am in the new Japan world... I don't get notices about the contests so I am temporarily moving to an apartment in the city. It stinks too cause I have all this stuff from Jungle adventure I can't do anything with really.
Test Subject
#6 Old 3rd Mar 2021 at 1:49 PM
This sounds so nice! I can finally use one of my 4 different Tiefling babys from different games/campaigns
Test Subject
#7 Old 3rd Jul 2022 at 3:29 PM
I've been wanting ot download some CC and mods to get a more fantasy-based play! This would be great for that.
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