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Lab Assistant
#4051 Old 2nd Jul 2024 at 6:13 PM
The family of alien and human is growing. Now they have a little baby girl, a sister of two big brother, and the oldest son is teenanger now. (They grow up so fast!) Father Teqeq has quit him job as test subjects and works on medical career now and this is clerly right career for him. Mother Tea-Riina is still soldier but now she is on maternity leave.
Lab Assistant
#4052 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 4:25 AM
I was playing the Jones family in Riverview, when Kirsten Remington came out to haunt. For most of the night, Kirsten was pretty quiet, minding her own business like a good little ghost. But around 6 a.m., Hannah Jones woke up and got something in queue from Kirsten- "listen to request?" Turns out Kirsten was asking her cousin for a bedtime story, before she'd go back into the grave- but I wasn't able to get the book in time, and Kirsten went back to her grave.

Y'all, I was actually crying! Dead kids already make me really sad (so sad that Kirsten ended up dying so long before her time,) but this just BROKE me. I caved. Hannah just barely had enough Lifetime reward points for a genie lamp, and Kirsten got to come back to life.

Justice for Viola Monty!
Forum Resident
#4053 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 6:45 AM
Not sure if I've ever shared what's happening in my ts3 games before but I'm actually mindblown so I think I have to.

Since April I've been playing a couple I made, named Tyler and Kaylee Lémieux, and they were both in the film career (different branches) and 5-star celebrities living in Bridgeport. Over time they had two kids, a girl named Rowan and a boy named Axel. They also had 3 cats - Remy, Majora and Henry. When Rowan was a teen she started dating a boy named Keith, one of two sons between Moxie Logan and Romeo Rake. Their other son, Keith's brother, is named Ricardo. I couldn't find anyone for Axel to date because my game plan was when Tyler and Kaylee reached level 10 that the whole family would relocate to Sunlit Tides and leave the spotlight so to speak, and I didn't want to bring half of Bridgeport and there were no eligible women for Axel that weren't related to like 50 other sims.
So finally the time came to move to Sunlit Tides so I nraas porter'd the family + Keith's family + the graves of Remy, Majora and Henry + Devin Ashton and Ace Wilde (and Ace's cat) because they were Tyler and Kaylee's besties the whole time. The first thing to happen was Tyler adopted two new cats, named Sassie and Alex (not to be confused with human, Axel, idk why I didn't change the cat's name). Tyler and Kaylee were elders now, and Rowan and Axel both young adults. At some point Axel met Mary-Sue Pleasant who via nraas story progression had divorced Daniel Pleasant and I thought it'd be kind of fun as a lifelong ts2 lover to play like alternate reality young Mary-Sue so her and Axel started dating.

Fast forward to where I am right now, Rowan and Keith have two kids named Enzo and Ricarda (named after Keith's brother Ricardo). They all still live at home because I'm waiting to chuck them out into the world until after Tyler and Kaylee die, and Axel will keep the house. Axel got abducted by aliens and I kept the baby, a boy named Amaris. And then since Axel's a redhead I gave both him and Mary-Sue fertility treatment to try and get alternate reality Angela and Lilith but they ended up having QUADRUPLETS I've only had that happen one time before and that time it was on purpose so I really was unprepared for 4 whole new babies. 2 each, I've named them Aurora, Lloyd, Maylis and Yoshi. The next world I intend to move to when the quads (and Amaris) are young adults is Aurora Skies so naming one of them Aurora seemed fun.

Anyway, this is what I'm working with right now. The house has 4 bedrooms already so right now all 7 kids are crammed in the "crib room", which works while they're toddlers and babies but if Enzo ages up to a child I don't know where I'm gonna put him. I hate to say that I'm looking forward to Tyler and Kaylee passing, another 5-10 sim days I think. They each want 10 grandkids and I've locked it in for them just in case and Rowan and Keith maaaaybe could but I really can't see Axel and Mary-Sue having any more at this point.

Love this for me. Should I have quit without saving? Maybe. But I love making things hard for myself.
#4054 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 12:32 AM Last edited by Elynda : 8th Jul 2024 at 1:46 AM.
Apart from brief visits I've never really explored Oasis Landing. So, eager to fill this gap in my simming experience I decided to send one of my sims on a mission to uncover it's secrets. But which of my regulars would I send?

Pussy Willow drew the short straw...

She shares my views on Oasis Landing fashions, but I thought I'd give her something appropriate to wear. She favours the 'superhero' look. She's now thinking of changing her name to 'Astrocat' (the Pussy Cat from Outer Spaaaace!).

Anyhow, since she's already a musician (a virtuoso, no less) we decided that she would become expert with the Lazer Thingummy, and get a hero statue in Legacy Park (I'm curious to know if it will have a tail), But her endeavours are not being helped by 'Captain Underpants' there, who insisted on bashing out disharmonious noise on that guitar. It is obviously the first time he has ever picked one up, and I am sure he's only doing it to be annoying. His name is Colby Delafield, and he has been a regular pain in the bum since Pussy arrived. She had hardly finished getting the introductory spiel from Emit Revelart when this Colby character launched an entirely unprovoked attack on her. Pussy lost the fight, and a re-match: well she's an artiste, not a fighter.

He is evidently not a cat person. Well, I ain't particularly a Colby person mister, I'm gonna get you for that!

Pussy also volunteered to help Revelart with his research. He immediately sent her off to meet her descendants...

And this is what she was confronted with. Oh, my dear Pussy! I am so dreadfully sorry about this!

And it turns out they're Landgraabs, of all people. Her name is Jeanette, a teen, and the old geezer on the sun lounger is Nikolas, presumably her grandfather. If ever there was a time to consider meddling with the time line, this is it. But how? Aside from being a talented musician, Pussy is also Flirty and irresistible, so expecting her to remain celibate for the rest of her life is probably asking too much.

Back in Sunset Valley, Emit came through the portal and checked out everything in Pussy's house, including the decomposing Goopy Carbonara she'd left on the table. Primitive times, Emit! And, whilst he was about it, tourists started coming through the portal in rapid succession. I lost count, but there are now at least three Plumbots wandering around town. Sunset Valley will never be the same again!

Well, you must admit that looking out of your window in the morning and seeing a robot playing a bull fiddle on your lawn is a trifle out of the common.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Field Researcher
#4055 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 11:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CASnarl
Anyway, this is what I'm working with right now. The house has 4 bedrooms already so right now all 7 kids are crammed in the "crib room", which works while they're toddlers and babies but if Enzo ages up to a child I don't know where I'm gonna put him.

Do you have any expansions/item mall stuff with bunk beds and lofts (Generations, Supernatural, University, and Into the Future have them)? Here are two 1-tile wide cribs: Little Sister and Owl Nursery (baby crib) . You should be able to fit a loft bed over a one tile crib and you could also put the 1 tile cribs side by side to save room. You might be able to put a loft over a regular crib but I haven't had a house with that many toddlers and babies before. When do the adults sleep?

There was also a mod that allows people to sleep on couches (rather than just nap) but I can't find it at the moment.
#4056 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 11:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tacitala
Do you have any expansions/item mall stuff with bunk beds and lofts (Generations, Supernatural, University, and Into the Future have them)? Here are two 1-tile wide cribs: Little Sister and Owl Nursery (baby crib) . You should be able to fit a loft bed over a one tile crib and you could also put the 1 tile cribs side by side to save room. You might be able to put a loft over a regular crib but I haven't had a house with that many toddlers and babies before. When do the adults sleep?

There was also a mod that allows people to sleep on couches (rather than just nap) but I can't find it at the moment.

This totally stressed me out but Sweetdevil just released some smaller cribs as well https://sweetdevil-sims.tumblr.com/...This%20time%20I
Field Researcher
#4057 Old 8th Aug 2024 at 10:48 PM
A dance club in São Paten

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
#4058 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 1:20 AM Last edited by Elynda : 24th Sep 2024 at 1:55 AM.
Aside from story telling and keeping up with my regular families, much of my regular simming lately has been exploring 'unknown regions', that's to say things I have never done before. And you may be surprised to hear that I've never played Sunset Valley with ageing turned on. So, what the future holds for all the residents of that esteemed neighbourhood is a mystery. So I want to play there for a couple of generations, or maybe more, and see how things play out. Who will marry who? What will their children be like? What will the future hold for them?

So, once again, I have chosen one of my 'A team' of long serving sims for this special assignment. And this time the lot fell to my loveable little imp, Bridget...

Here she is, just leaving a party at the Langerak's. And, if you compare her with that letter box, you will notice that she is, shall we say, of rather 'modest' stature. She is named, as you might guess, after a certain song sung by Ray Stevens. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6RKKY-1J-w)

I don't think I have posted much about her before, but she is one of my 'veterans', although previously she has always been a teen. This is adult Bridget, although she is exactly the same height as her teen version, thanks to the judicious use of height and leg sliders. She is a good head and a half shorter that a normal sim adult. I couldn't make her any smaller than that, otherwise she'd not be able to sit in chairs properly. As it is, her bum sinks rather comfortably into the upholstery...

I've got Bridget busy working on the Jack of All Trades LTW, which should keep her busy for a while, but really she's there to observe. She'll befriend sims - indeed she will have to, if she wants to improve her celebrity standing - but that's it. If she becomes romantically involved it will not be with any of the existing SV residents. Which is hard lines on Christopher Steel, who has already been smitten by her charms, poor chap. I can't say I blame him though, she is rather adorable.

Oh, and she'll be there for the long haul: thanks to Buzzler's Ageing Manager every sim in the game will live out their lives, grow old and die, but Bridget will still be around to see their grand children grow up.

EDIT: Buzzler's mod does not seem to work like it used to: ageing remains suspended for a few hours and then she goes back to ageing. Some conflict with another mod maybe, although nothing shows up in Dashboard. Well, thanks to a little help from Igazor over at Nraas, I was able to make her ageless using Nraas Story Progression.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Lab Assistant
#4059 Old 26th Sep 2024 at 6:53 PM
I am in love with the buried alive/human statue-ghost overlay. Made a brand new ghost/witch sim to play around with in my favorite town. My headcanon for him is that he died in a building collapse during an earthquake. Second pic is him with the overlay off, he's cute without them but somehow he looks even cuter with the ghost visuals on.
#4060 Old 27th Sep 2024 at 1:51 AM
I know I said Bridget was only there to observe, and that I would let things play out as they would. But when I discovered that Mortimer Goth and Sandi French had become an item, I had to intervene. Whatever else happens in this save, that ain't gonna! (Sorry Sandi). So I reloaded an earlier save and began to ponder ways I could have Bridget play 'Cupid's little assistant' and help bring Bella and Morty together.

Well I needn't have bothered, since I had just got off the phone with Mortimer (who I'd only encountered briefly, when he was still a kid) when this message came up...

Thank you game!

BTW, here is teenaged Bella, on her first day of High School...

I had to give her that hair. I've been keeping it on stand by for ages, just for her. Finally she gets to use it.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Lab Assistant
#4061 Old 29th Sep 2024 at 9:24 PM
First time I got this stretching glitch. Made me laugh for a solid minute.
#4062 Old 1st Oct 2024 at 5:14 PM Last edited by Elynda : Yesterday at 10:03 PM.
I'm currently engaged in a purge of celebrities in Sunset Valley. There weren't any at first, so I created one or two for Bridget to interact with. But now it has become a plague! Celebrititis has swept the land and there is hardly an adult sim in town who isn't a level 1 celeb or higher. So I'm using Master Controller to purge them by career: musicians, professional athletes, show people, authors, artists and chefs, might reasonably become celebs. But Gobias Kofi (now retired) may have been a leading light in the field of fertiliser analysis, but it hardly placed him in the public eye (the public nose perhaps). And there are a lot of others like that, including teens. Sanity must be restored! I mean, what's the point of being a celeb if everybody else is?

EDIT: I was forgetting politicians. Regrettably they get to be celebrities too.

EDIT 2: I'm an idiot! I ought to have remembered to un-check celebrities in Options, otherwise I'd just be wasting my time. The game would just go on making more celebs as fast as I could get rid of them. Well, it's un-checked now, so we'll start again.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Test Subject
#4063 Old 21st Oct 2024 at 2:30 PM
Playing a big family in Monarch Bay, a custom world.

Lane and Jillian, newlyweds. Jillian's pregnant.

Amanda, the mother of Lane, the groom. She had him in the beginning of the YA lifestage after she got married.

Melissa helping with the toddlers.

Danielle going to bed after playing with her younger siblings.

Just some sims in the family tree. Most families in Monarch Bay are related after a few gens, LOL.
#4064 Old 22nd Oct 2024 at 11:06 PM
I'm happy to announce that Mortimer and Bella got hitched, without any further assistance from me...

Although I have to confess this isn't how they originally looked. As soon as they aged up from teens, I took them into CAS and changed them for these versions, both by Nemiga (available on MTS). So its sort of appropriate they chose to get married in the salon, right next to the makeover station. Let's imagine they both decided to get spruced up before tying the knot.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
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