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#1 Old 22nd Oct 2021 at 12:39 PM
Default Road to Magic Legacy
This is a storytelling legacy that focuses on unlocking magic for your save file. I came up with this because I bought RoM only late, after I had already integrated the various spirits and paranormal phenomena into my lore.

General rules:

There is only one rule and that is “Stick to your generation’s theme”.

Every generation has goals associated with their theme, but for most these are rather open.
Your means of making money must be in the spirit of the challenge. If your sims’ theme is Wellness, and they earn their living from gardening, that’s a fail. That is not to say that they cannot have a garden for personal use, but the main chunk of their income must come from the theme.

Children can be adopted or biological, if a generation requires a biological child, that will be noted.

Generation 1-3 will live in the same home, then Gen. 4 requires you to move to a Haunted Lot, from Gen. 5 on you are free to move wherever and how often you want.
Other than that, play as you normally would. Use your usual mods and if you enjoy completing aspirations or maxing out skills, by all means do that, too.

Since there are hardly any Max skill/career/aspiration goals to meet, this could maybe be played on short lifespan.

I don’t have Seasons, so feel free to work in any Father Winter, Flower Bunny and Scarecrow shenanigans where it feels right!

Generation 1: Feeling it

You were never one for book learning, although you may have went to college at one point in your life. You may be a people person, or maybe you are more attuned to nature, but in any case you feel that there is another layer to the world than you were taught. Your way of accessing this “secret” world is by delving into stone and crystal lore. Chances are you are also interested in or even practicing a pagan or far eastern religion.

- Offering wellness services or running a wellness products store
- Cannot be a doctor or scientist
- May go to uni, but must not graduate OR may graduate in a field that isn’t linked to their career
- Complete the crystals collection (and keep it to pass down to Gen. 3)
- Master the Wellness skill
- Complete at least one of the new Wellness ones
- Turn the neighborhood’s footprint Green (Since many players seem to hate NAP voting: this can be achieved solely with wallpapers, floors and objects, the NAPs are more about adding flair to the neighborhood)
Partner: Human only
Children: 1 or more

Generation 2: It’s all humbug

You (and your siblings) may deeply love your parents, but their way of doing things was always utterly alien to you. Yours is the scientific method, you interact with the world through facts and experiments, but you were never university material (maybe one of your siblings is) and you know that. So you put your effort into going into space. You join the military and with hard work get selected for your nation’s space program. Maybe you don’t have what it takes, after all, or a workplace intrigue destroys your chances, but in the end you find yourself dropping out of the space program and signing up with a private research group.

Career: Military (max. 5), Astronaut (max. 5), Scientist
- Advance as far as possible in the scientist career after reaching level 5 of the other two
- Go to Sixam, either by rocket ship or worm hole
- By accident reach the magic realm at least once (use the portal in Glimmerbrook, but pretend your sim used the rocketship or wormhole generator)
- You can have (and are encouraged to) children with aliens and spellcasters, but any child that is an occult other than alien will leave to live with their other parent (runaway teen or custody trial)
- May go to Batuu, but in this universe this is just a theme park full of humans in masks
Partner: Human only (marriage), any (flings), a servo would be fitting too
Children: 1 or more

Generation 3: The properties of crystals and their uses in nearly everything

Ever since your parent(s) went with you to Disneyland and bought you a toy lightsaber, you have been fascinated by crystals. You inherited your grandparent’s collection along with their worldview, but were also influenced by your parent(s)’ scientific approach. It’s the perfect combination to travel the world and learn what other cultures, including long perished ones, knew about crystal powers.

- Freelance Archaeologist
- Visit Batuu as a child, get a lightsaber and all crystals
- Must document their findings meticulously. Take a photo, paint a picture and write a nonfiction book about each of the following groups: Masks, Knifes, Skulls, Vases, Cetlcitli statues, Frogs, Calendars, Zazatototl relics, Balampalsoh relics and Totecallama relics.
- Complete the fossil collection (most likely as a student or in part inherited from the scientist parent)
- Activate all relics at least once, ideally all effects
- May dabble in the Medium skill after seeing their first skeleton (but not take up the paranormal investigator career)
Partner: Human or alien only
- 2 or more, one inherits the house, the other the money
- The heir will be the one who doesn’t get the house

Generation 4: Ghostbusters are here now

Just like your parent(s), you like traveling and you are taking their interest in the supernatural one step further. Maybe you even go on expeditions as a family, with each generation sticking to their own speciality. You also marry young (though it may not last) and what your partner brings with them into this marriage will change your family forever…

Career: Paranormal Investigator
- Don’t get along with your astronaut grandparent (never reach friend status)
- Move out as a young adult and in with your partner
- Their house must be a Haunted Lot
- Master the Medium skill
- Research occults
- Meet all types of spirits: Monster under the bed (if you miss this as a child, your own child can take a photo of it), Spooky bowl surprise, Island Living spirits, Island Living elementals, Komorebi spirits (complete the collection if possible), Kodama, Green Spectre, Blue Spectre, Red Spectre, Glasses Spectre, Secret Society spirits
- Meet all kinds of ghosts: undead fishie, sim ghost, cat ghost, dog ghost, Guidry, Temperace
- Meet even more supernatural creatures: Mermaid, Motherplant
- Master vampire lore (don’t meet a vampire yet)
- Find Sylvan Glade
- Acquire the motive changing paintings from Vampires GP and Paranormal SP
Partner: Any non-vampire
Children: 1 or more

Generation 5: It’s magic, baby!
This is it. When you touch your ancestor’s glimmerstone one day, you get spirited away into the Magic Realm. If you return as a teen or older, you get inducted into the spellcasting community (and maybe meet relatives you never knew of: the descendant of the Gen. 2 astronaut).

Career: Alchemy and magic
- Complete the magic aspirations & master magic as a whole
- Live a life centered on magic
Children: 1 or more

Generation 6: Not all wizards

Maybe the world’s magical aura is growing or growing back, in any case spellcasters are becoming more and more common. As the child of one of the first, you want to generate a positive image of magic for the general public. You don’t have to initiate or mentor new spellcasters yourselves, since you are more of a public figure than a teacher. Your chosen way of promoting the magic community may or may not include putting the occasional dark wizard behind bars.

Housing: You may consider “on a dark ley line” for lot traits
- Actor, Detective or any reasonably benevolent/community oriented job
- You may run for office (join the politics career) after you attained your first fame star
- Become famous
- Write a screenplay and/or play in a movie about magic
- Win an award
- Don’t neglect your magical skills
Partner: Any
- 2 or more (one vampire and one spellcaster are required, and one non-vampire spare is recommended)
- The vampire child’s traits should all get randomized

Generation 7: Things that go bat in the night

You were born into a spellcaster family, but your parents told you that you could pursue whatever calling you felt. You’d be free. And you believed them, but then things went terribly wrong.
After your sibling became a teenager and came into their magic, they specialized in mind affecting spells. That was new, and for a while (ingame that will last about two simdays) the new prodigy was the preferred, spoiled offspring. Until the “prodigy spellcaster” attacked a person to drink their blood. To everyone’s shock (including their own) they weren’t a gifted caster, after all. They were a vampire. And now it is on you top protect your sibling from the world and the world from your sibling until you have found a cure. You may adopt an understanding or aggressive stance towards vampires not your sibling, that’s up to you.

Career: Alchemist, Mixologist or related field
- The heir’s vampire sibling must be played as if they were unaware of their condition (they think they are a caster) until thirst desperation kicks in
- The attacked sim will die from the attack (kill in any way desired)
- Keep the vampire sibling in your household until cured
- Max the Mixology skill
- Create a cure for your sibling (requires Mixology 10 and homegrown ingredients of at least “Nice” quality)
- Meanwhile play the vampire in a way befitting their traits and complete one of the vampire aspirations
Partner: Any
- 1 or more
- The heir must have the Lazy trait and cannot be Ambitious or similar

Generation 8: Friendly competition

You come from a traditional spellcasting family, what made you complacent. The really ambitious one is your partner, the first caster in their family, and intent on proving how much better they are due to their hard work. Other than that quirk they are your dream partner and as long as they don’t involve you in the proving, it’s okay.

- Inherited money
- Maybe Business or investing, but generally only low effort methods
- May have live-in servants that do all the work and earning
- Must complete an aspiration mostly by being passive (Collector requires to own certain things, the actual gathering can be done by others, Mansion Baron will work too, as will Soulmate (Serial Romantic is already too much effort).
- Must never study or practice magic, only learn by doing
- Must never initiate a duel
- The spouse must master magic as far as possible and defeat a family member in a duel (can be friendly)
- Human (becomes initiated by a played caster) OR CAS created spellcaster without a bloodline trait
- Is ambitious in the story, but the actual Ambitious trait would only get in the way, since they need to focus on mastering magic at home, not go to work
Children: 1 or more

Generation 9: But… cats!

Being a spellcaster is nice and well, and you are reasonably interested in magic, but your true love are cats (or alternately wolves). You have a cat familiar and spend your time providing the perfect cat for every prospective owner.

Career: Cat breeder (and must find good homes for them, not just sell to a random townie)
- Have a cat familiar
- Focus on one specific breed of cats
- Cook cat gourmet food and mix a cat drink at least once per day
- Complete the feather collection
- Never go to a vet, you don’t trust them
- Max the veterinarian skill
- If wolves are chosen instead of cats also master the Animal Training skill
- Don’t neglect your magical skills
Partner: Any
- Don’t use any fertility enhancing features
- Stop after the first birth
- The heir should be some kind of social butterfly and/or have commitment issues

Generation 10: Full house

You grew up a single child knowing only the love and respect of your parent(s) (and of cats/wolves). As you grow older, you learn that many spellcaster children were not that fortunate. Since you are also a people person, you make it your life goal to help all those troubled souls. Although you are able to form friendships, deep down you might be more dedicated to your cause than to the individuals.

Career: Any stay at home career
Goals: At any given time you must have at least troubled spellcaster in your home. You can raise abandoned babies, toddlers or children to young adulthood, or you can take in older sims that strayed from the straight ‘n narrow (either legally or morally), cursed casters, glitchy caster/other occult hybrids or a mix of all that.
Partner: Any
Children: Ideally none, or use the rules for Gen. 9
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