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#1 Old 19th Jun 2022 at 8:03 PM
Follow the Rainbow Challenge
Just created a challenge based on LilSimsie's Not So Berry Challenge. Its a little more open on the rules but its a labor of love. I hope everyone enjoys.

Follow the Rainbow Challenge

I absolutely love the Not So Berry Challenge and with my love of it comes the Follow the Rainbow Challenge.

This challenge is truly anything you want it to be. The goal is just to have fun.

Each round will come with a Color, Ambition, Traits, Career, number of Children and which child will continue the family tree.

Round 1 - Green

Traits - Recycle Disciple, Unflirty, Evil

Ambition - Animals - Friend of the Animals

Career - Athlete - Bodybuilder

Number of Children - 5

Next Gen - 4th Child

You’ve gotta start somewhere and green is where we start our family tree. A bodybuilding, furry lovin’, recycle disciple. This evil and unflirty sim is going to have to figure it out. They have to become BFF with animals but also navigate the unflirty nature to find love.

Round 2 - Teal

Child Trait - Independent

Traits - Ambitious, Self Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast

Ambition - Wellness - Zen Guru

Career - Conservationist - Marine Biologist

Number of Children - 6

Next Gen - 5th Child

The Round Teal sim is very similar to their parent. As a independent child, this ambitious, self absorbed sim not only strives to be a Marine Biologist but also a Zen Guru. Athletics are definitely in the blood along with the love of Animals. Can this sim set aside itself to have it all?

Round 3 - Red

Child Trait - Inquisitive

Traits - Loner, Erratic, Good

Ambition - Werewolf Initiate

Career - Detective

Number of Children - 1

Next Gen - 1st Child

Something must have went wrong because this sim want s to be a

Werewolf Detective. As an inquisitive child they looked for the right and wrong in everything. While erratic and a Loner this sim has a good soul.

Round 4 - Gray

Child Trait - Angelic

Traits - Insider, Childish, Dance Machine

Ambition - popularity - Friend of the World

Career - Style Influencer - Trendsetter

Number of Children - 6

Next Gen - 6th Child

This angelic only child never grew up. With such a big family they because a true insider and everyone’s friend. With all that popularity and knowledge how could they not become a Trendsetter? Dancing through life hopefully one of those friends will turn into a love so this sim have an even bigger family and more friends.

Round 5 - Yellow

Child Trait - Silly

Traits - Perfectionist, Mean, Child of the Island

Ambition - Creativity - Lord of Knits

Career - Doctor

Number of Children - 1

Next Gen - 1st Child

Too many children and not enough parents is how this sim grew up. They vowed that if they have kids they would only have 1 to make sure it get all the love and never has to share. As a perfectionist this sim wants to be the best doctor in the world, but truly just wants to lay on the beach all day knitting away. With a mean spirit this sim will do anything and step on anyone to get what they want.

Round 6 - Pink

Child Trait - Inquisitive

Traits - Loner, Erratic, Good

Ambition - Werewolf Initiate

Career - Detective

Number of Children - 1

Next Gen - 1st Child

Round 7 - Blue

Child Trait - Fussy

Traits - Self Assured, Materialistic, Dog Lover

Ambition - Wellness - Self Care Specialist

Career - Painter - Patron of the Arts

Number of Children - 3

Next Gen - 2nd Child

Growing up rich made this sim some what materialistic and self assured. Being a fussy child probably didn’t help either. With the love of painting this sim wants to go all the way and become a patron in all things art, while trying to find their inner Zen. Self care is definitely needed for this some.

Round 8 - Black

Child Trait - Wild

Traits - Gloomy, Genius, Family Orientated

Ambition - Knowledge - Academic

Career - Style Influencer - Stylist

Number of Children - 5

Next Gen - 5th Child

This wild child grew up to be a genius with love of family, which they have a lot of. While sometimes a little sad they still have time to Style the stars. Hopefully their live of knowledge won’t get in the way of having a big living family.

Round 9 - Brown

Child Trait - Charmer

Traits - Slob, Loves Outdoors, Kleptomaniac

Ambition - Family - Big Happy Family

Career - Writer - Author

Number of Children - 6

Next Gen - 1st Child

Being the baby of the family turned this sim into a huge slob and a kleptomaniac because no one ever stopped them. And why would they, this sim charmed the pants off of everyone. Growing up in a big family makes this sim want a big happy one for themselves. This sim has dreams of camping vacations and playing in the back yard with all their children. Hopefully becoming and author of outdoor enthusiasts will be able to support that dream.

Round 10 - Purple

Child Trait - Charmer

Traits - Creative, Maker, Cat Lover

Ambition - Athletic - Extreme Sports Enthusiast

Career - Secret Agent - Diamond Agent

Number of Children - 3

Next Gen - 2nd Child

Purple goes back to the roots of the family tree, with true athleticism. Being a first child also caused this sim to be secretive, which probably explains why they strive to become a Diamond agent. With such a demanding tedious career, this sims off days are filled with the complete opposite, utilizing their creative side to make lots of different crafts. Mainly cat sweaters.

Round 11 - White

Child Trait - Wild

Traits - Green Fiend, Freegan, Jealous

Ambition - Deviance - Villainous Valentine

Career - Freelancer - Crafter

Number of Children - 4

Next Gen - 4th Child

With another wild child in the family, who else would be a villainous valentine? This sim is super jealous, so it fits. Hopefully, they will be able to get over it to find someone that will stay long enough to have a family. At least being a freegan will help this Freelance Crafter financially so they can grow a beautiful garden. Oh yeah! And a family.

Round 12 - Orange

Child Trait - Clingy

Traits - Lactose Intolerant, Hates Children, Bookworm

Ambition - Love - Soulmate

Career - Scientist

Number of Children - 6

Next Gen - 6th Child

This isn’t the end; it’s just the beginning. This scientist sim just wants true love. Even though they can’t drink milk and would rather be anywhere reading a book then where they are. They just want to cling to their one true love, even if they have to have gross, annoying children.

Hopefully you will all love this as much as I did creating it. I've not played this yet so as I do I'll update as much as possible. Enjoy!

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