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#1 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 7:46 AM
Default Default Replacement Help? Mesh Not Showing
So I'm trying to do a default replacement for the first time and having some issues, I'm trying to replace the H&M dress with this long dress, which has two property sets (game dress has one).

I was following Moogle's tutorial (Marja's writing style is tough for me to follow), and all I have is a headless sim. It seems like the game isn't reading the mesh? I've attached the borked file here. Can anyone take a look at the file and advise me on what I did wrong? I think I just need a few pointers in the right direction to figure this out. Thanks!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  dressmosaic_default.zip (444.8 KB, 12 downloads)
Mad Poster
#2 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 1:12 PM
The 3DIR is set to 00000000 for the last numbers in the SHPE and CRES which is definitely wrong. It should have a "random" number at the ends. The same is true for the mesh instance numbers. It means the instance numbers haven't been set properly for the mesh. You most likely have to make a "custom" mesh the usual way by running it through "fix Integrity" without having everything else there, and then link it up and add it to the default file - not sure if the tutorial mentions anything about that.

The TXTR and TXMTs also need instance numbers to work properly.

Probably a good way to check if you've done everything according to the tutorial at this point, because it sounds like you've missed a few steps.
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#3 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 4:36 PM
Where are you seeing that the 3DIR is set to 00000000 for SHPE and CRES? And no, the tutorial doesn't mention running any tutorials through "fix integrity" - what is the process for that?
Mad Poster
#4 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 5:08 PM
I think it depends how you extracted and/or added the resources. If you look at the pictures in Moogle's tutorial, you see they already seem to have proper randomized instance numbers, which is probably why it's not mentioned in the tutorial. Point is, they should not be set to just zeroes because this usually makes the game not see them properly.

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#5 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 8:04 PM
Hmmmm, I'm still confused. Can you point out where in SimPE you're seeing the 00000000 show up for the CRES and SHPE? That might help me pinpoint the problem.

I did some googling and tried using the Fix Integrity tool based off another tutorial I found, but I got an error that said "property set or mesh overlay files in package." I assume that's related to my problem but I can't find a fix for it anywhere.
Forum Resident
#6 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 11:08 PM
@missandrony, when making a default, there's no need to change the Group and Instance values on a mesh unless you're intending to replace the Maxis mesh. First, the parts of a custom mesh will always have 0x1C050000 as the Group number - never change that. Also, by replacing the 3IDR for an outfit, all you're doing is telling the game to use a custom mesh and TXMTs for that outfit. There's no need to give the mesh used in the default unique Instance values. In fact, it's not necessary to have the mesh be part of the default package at all. As long as the game can find the mesh, it doesn't care where it is.

Where you can run into trouble with defaults made by following Moogle's tutorial is if you a) have a custom version of an outfit in the default, and b) try to use CAS or Body Shop to delete that custom version. If you did not give the TXMTs and TXTRs for the outfit in the default a different Group value, CAS or Body Shop will try to delete the TXMTs and TXTRs from the default as well as from the custom package. As far as I know, this shouldn't cause a problem for the game itself, but it will mean needing to either re-install the default or delete what's left of its package file. As long as you don't try to do this, though, the game should have no problem with having two versions of one outfit, one default, one custom.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 11:39 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 11th Oct 2020 at 11:51 PM.
Not talking about the group numbers - they're fine. Talking about the instance numbers - they're all zeroed out. No idea what's happened to them, but every single mesh I've seen (for defaults too) has had instance numbers, and I'm pretty sure the TXMTs and TXTRs tend to have them as well. Not sure they need to be unique, but fairly sure I've not seen them like this before.
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#8 Old 12th Oct 2020 at 12:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by dharden
@missandrony, when making a default, there's no need to change the Group and Instance values on a mesh unless you're intending to replace the Maxis mesh. First, the parts of a custom mesh will always have 0x1C050000 as the Group number - never change that. Also, by replacing the 3IDR for an outfit, all you're doing is telling the game to use a custom mesh and TXMTs for that outfit. There's no need to give the mesh used in the default unique Instance values. In fact, it's not necessary to have the mesh be part of the default package at all. As long as the game can find the mesh, it doesn't care where it is.

I AM trying to use a custom mesh, hence my issue.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Not talking about the group numbers - they're fine. Talking about the instance numbers - they're all zeroed out. No idea what's happened to them, but every single mesh I've seen (for defaults too) has had instance numbers, and I'm pretty sure the TXMTs and TXTRs tend to have them as well. Not sure they need to be unique, but fairly sure I've not seen them like this before.

@simmer22, thank you for posting the screenshot, because that is not what I'm seeing when I open the file. The instances show up fine for me. I've attached a screenshot. So what would cause the instances to appear on my system but not on yours?
Mad Poster
#9 Old 12th Oct 2020 at 12:44 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 12th Oct 2020 at 1:00 AM.
Huh, that's strange. I didn't do anything else than open up the file (and I downloaded and checked the file twice because I deleted the file when I first looked at it, and had to redownload - it still looked the same). Does the uploaded file show up fine for you? Could be a bug in the uploaded file, while the one on your computer is fine. I don't know what could cause it, but I'm pretty sure the uploaded file won't work, because something is clearly off there. Could just be a bug in that particular file. Maybe SimPE had a bad day when it saved the file or something.

Other files are showing up fine for me, so I don't think it's SimPE (I'm working on a massive CC recategorizing project, so I'd know if something was wrong).

Maybe if you try to reupload the file you know looks fine?
Forum Resident
#10 Old 12th Oct 2020 at 2:19 AM
@missandrony, your SimPE screenshot looks OK to me, but it's not what I see when I load the package file you uploaded into SimPE. I've attached a screenshot which shows that.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 12th Oct 2020 at 5:29 PM
^ That's what I get, too (but order of the resource headings is a bit different, and I cropped the picture a bit short).
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