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#1 Old 8th Feb 2021 at 6:28 PM
Default How to change the order of the CC displayed?
I figured that CC in bodyshop and ingame is displayed by the order of the package's creation, because the newest ones appear at the front. However sometimes I did export some maxis clothing files and renamed them and edited the packages in SimPE so that they will show up in body shop and CAS (eg. maternity outfits, certain career outfits), and I noticed that they are at the back. It might be because they were created earlier than the players' creations.
So I thought if it is a matter of date, could changing the dates of the files put them far back? Because I have a software which lets you change the date of every file to whatever date you want. But then I remembered that when checking the files with the Windows' programs they would show the dates when I exported them from SimPE and put the resources in a new file thus making the unlocked clothing. And those happened in 2019 or after. But they still appear at the back of the CCs in CAS and Body Shop as if they were created in 2004. Maybe they have a special attribute to them that causes this? But what if I really do change the date of creation with regular custom content, not those I exported from SimPE with the help of the file date changer? I checked and it did not work, the dress would still appear at the very front.
Is there a working way to change the order of appearance?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 8th Feb 2021 at 8:48 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 8th Feb 2021 at 9:04 PM.
In Bodyshop, the order is decided by the "sortindex" string in the "Binary Index" resource. This can be edited, but I do suggest you do a bit of reading on Hex numbers, because those can get confusing (see the spoiler)

Every time you load Bodyshop, it looks through all your CC, finds the highest "sortindex" number, and gives the next number in line to the next recolor you make (not sure about sims, though). If you remove files from the "top of the pile" of numbers, it starts again from the highest number it finds.

If there are two or more items with the same number, these will usually be displayed together. I'm not entirely sure if it's decided by date or alphabetically or by some other means which one is first or last, but they do get mixed up. If you don't want this to happen, make sure to keep whichever one is currently the "highest" file in your game at all times, especially if you remove files to make Bodyshop load faster.

If files are marked as belonging to a particular EP/SP, these will display together with those EP/SPs. If they're decustomized but not with an icon, they'll display either with BG items or after the EP/SP items (I think?).

Older files, if renamed, will sometimes jump to the back or to the front, depending what you rename them to, especially if made long ago and by someone else. I don't know why but I have seen that happen. I think those may rely more on alphabetical sorting, and not date. Possibly a somehow "broken" Sortindex number, or maybe there are a lot of items with the same number. It's difficult to tell.
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