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#1 Old 30th Jun 2022 at 3:21 AM Last edited by Prime : 30th Jun 2022 at 3:46 AM.
Cruel Summer Bananarama (Sad Music Video I made with the Sims 2 about me running away & dying in Arkansas)

this is a music video I made with the sims 2 back in year 2017 for the song, Cruel Summer by Bananarama...
It has a sad backstory though. It's based off the time I almost ran away to Arkansas forever, where I would have died at.
I chose the Cruel Summer song because I feel that the lyrics describe what I was going through back then.

If you guys want me to explain the video & what inspired it:

Back in year 2013, when I was living in Wisconsin, my adoptive parents had me working a retail job that I HATED with a passion! (it was difficult because of my autism) They told me that if I ever quit the job, they would kick me out (I was 19 years old at the time, so they were allowed to do that). I started self mutilation in year 2014 because of it & tried suicide in summer of 2014 because of it. Fast forward to summer of 2015, I was still miserable at the job & still having to work there. I didn't want to try suicide again BUT I'm a type 1 diabetic & if I stopped taking my insulin, I would die on my own without having to kill myself. I also didn't want to die in the state of Wisconsin & I wanted to run away so my adoptive parents would Never find out what happened to me (I wanted to do that to get even with them, but that wasn't the whole reason why I was going to).
My plan back then was to run away without my insulin & be left for dead out in a rual place somewhere where I would die of diabetic ketoacidosis & be buried in a cemetery as a John Doe
So back in Summer of 2015, I posted an ad on craigslist looking for a stranger to give me a ride far out of Wisconsin & someone replied and offered to take me to ARKANSAS a state that I never thought of much before...


the video shows that I was miserable at my job (which was real) and shows that I posted the ad on craigslist, and got a call from a stranger who said he'd take me to Arkansas. and it also shows me reading about people who were found dead in the state of Arkansas & who have gone missing in Arkansas (which was also real). It then shows me running away with the stranger & leaving Wisconsin forever, where I'm eventually dropped off in Arkansas where I wonder around aimlessly until I collaspe & die of diabetic ketoacidosis (exactly as I was planning back then).
Then later in the video, I wake up infront of my grave which says I'm an unidentified male who was found dead (since I don't know anyone down in Arkansas) & then I'm reunited with my biological uncle in heaven (the man seen standing behind me when I'm kneeling infront of my grave.
The video then ends with my ghost/spirit & my uncle's ghost/spirit dancing in a dark heaven at peace for eternitiy with the ghosts of other deceased people I've read about online.

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE, I explain that in another video linked in the pinned comments of the music video I linked above.

It's a pretty haunting & eerie video... But please share your thoughts on it ☺♥

ALSO: if you want to know how i'm doing now, I quit the job a VERY long time ago & I'm doing MUCH MUCH better now... i'm sure my haters don't like reading that but whatever...
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 7:13 PM Last edited by ed95 : 7th Aug 2022 at 7:25 PM.
Well, that's quite a story! I'm really happy you feel so much better now!

On the video itself, I find doing this kind of videos is pretty difficult with TS2 and making it look good; I believe you succeded in all of that! The ending with the people with halos is quirky, but given how dark the video gets, I liked it a lot!
Original Poster
#3 Old 14th Mar 2024 at 5:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ed95
Well, that's quite a story! I'm really happy you feel so much better now!

On the video itself, I find doing this kind of videos is pretty difficult with TS2 and making it look good; I believe you succeded in all of that! The ending with the people with halos is quirky, but given how dark the video gets, I liked it a lot!

thank you so much! ☺
& yeah, the ending was supposed to be me/Joe Winko dancing in heaven with all the other people who died before him (before 2015)
all those sims were actually modeled after deceased people i've read about online
including Amanda todd, walker county jane doe/sherri jarvis, Asia McGowan, Michelle Garvey, Buckskin Girl/Marcia King, Matthew Shepard, & also my uncle who passed away in 2012
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