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Mad Poster
#301 Old 16th May 2009 at 4:15 AM
I hope I did decent D; It was first contest I decided to enter.
Lab Assistant
#302 Old 16th May 2009 at 5:54 AM
Sorry I missed the last deadline, I got called into work today (eww...) then had to walk home

I did enjoy this contest very much, thanks cavilez for hosting it
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#303 Old 16th May 2009 at 6:04 AM
beatnikbunny walking home from work must have sucked.

I am really glad you enjoyed it :D
Mad Poster
#304 Old 16th May 2009 at 6:54 AM
Yeah this was fun I wuved the last round xD I love not same twins xD
#305 Old 16th May 2009 at 3:13 PM
Sorry for missing Round 4!!! I've been really sick. But I am really glad I joined the contest because I gave a lot of makeovers to ugly sims that I would have never even considered playing.
#306 Old 16th May 2009 at 9:44 PM
Good luck guys! I hope you all did well! I'm glad I decided to judge everyone, it was loads o' fun!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#307 Old 17th May 2009 at 5:31 PM
I think I am going to judge the final round, if I don't hear anything from one of my judges. Either way, we should have our scores and winner sometime today or tonight :D
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#308 Old 18th May 2009 at 4:11 AM
Judge 1
Photo Composition 18/20
Originality 17/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 45/50

Photo Composition 18/20
Originality 16/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 44/50
Comments: Kimberly looks awesome!

Photo Composition 17/20
Originality 20/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 47/50

Photo Composition 15/20
Originality 12/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 37/50

Photo Composition 12/20
Originality 12/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 34/50

Photo Composition 17/20
Originality 15/20
Followed Task 8/10
Total: 40/50

Photo Composition 20/20
Originality 20/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 50/50
Comment: Great job!!

Photo Composition 17/20
Originality 15/20
Followed Task 10/10
Total: 42/50

15: Deatherella
Photo Composition 15/20
Originality 20/20
Followed Task 10/10

Photo Composition 20/20
Originality 20/20
Followed Task 10/10
Comments: Wonderful job, as usual!

Photo Composition 20/20
Originality 15/20
Followed Task 6/10
Total: 41/50

Judge 2
Photo Composition: 20/20
Originality: 19/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 49/50
Comments:Great entry Wgroome, I especially love the last photo.

Photo Composition: 20/20
Originality: 19/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 49/50
Comments:I loved your make-overs Kusti.

Photo Composition: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 47/50
Comments:I loved your entry.

Photo Composition: 12/20
Originality: 15/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 37/50
Comments:No comments.

Photo Composition: 16/20
Originality: 17/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 43/50
Comments:No comments.

Photo Composition: 19/20
Originality: 20/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 49/50
Comments:Very nice entry.

Photo Composition: 19/20
Originality: 20/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 49/50
Comments:I loved your entry they look great!

Photo Composition: 17/20
Originality: 17/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 44/50
Comments:Great make-overs.

Photo Composition: 18/20
Originality: 20/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 48/50
Comments:You had a very different entry, I loved it.

Photo Composition: 18/20
Originality: 19/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 47/50
Comments:Very nice make-overs.

Photo Composition: 19/20
Originality: 19/20
Followed Task: 10/10
Total: 48/50
Comments:I loved your entry Nadsy!

Comments for everyone: Goodluck to you guys!

Judge 3
Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 17/20, Followed Task 9/10.
Total 45/50
The pictures were all very good, and showed their personalities and looks very well, except for the pilow fight one. I'd have liked to see Sam hitting Kimberly, not looking scared. I'd also have liked to see some more original hair and clothes.

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 17/20, Followed Task 8/10.
Total: 44/50
Although their makeovers do make them both look better, they don't really do the good-witch-turned-bad and the bad-witch-turned-good thing. Your pictures were quite good, though.

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 19/20, Followed Task 10/10.
Total: 48/50
The Cordial sisters look so different! They really have taken on a new personality - each other’s! I adore Sam's new look: evil much?

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 18/20, Followed Task 8/10
Total: 45/50
I would have liked a bit more text, but overall good job on the photos and story. Kim's new look is good, but Sam's is just eh. I don't really see how it shows her evil side, sorry.

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 18/20, Followed Task 8/10.
Both of them look happier, but I don't really see how you incorporated the good-turns-evil into it. Sam still looks sweet, and I don't really see how her evil side would come out in that makeover. However, Kim looks dangerously beautiful now, hehe. Just kidding! She looks much cuter, and way more approachable.

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 17/20, Followed Task 8/10
Total 44/50
I would have liked to see Sam as a mean girl, not a nice one, that's what the rules said, right? Other than that, a pretty good entry.

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 17/20, Followed Task 10/10.
Total: 46/50
I really liked their makeovers, although the evil-seducer-witch thing was kind of creepy.. hehe. Kimberly looks okay, but the makeup is a little overdone. Sam looks great, though!

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 18/20, Followed Task 6/10.
Total: 41/50
The makeovers were okay, but I'd like to see more of the evil-turns-nice and nice-turns-evil. They both look much cuter though!

Photo Composition 19/20, Originality 20/20, Followed Task 8/10
Total: 47/50
While your sexy witch look is quite original, truth is you didn't really turn Kim "good". Sam's new sexy-evil-witch-seducer look is great, but next time try to focus on the good side a bit more. Nice job though!

Photo Composition 20/20, Originality 19/20, Followed Task 9/10
Total: 48/50
Really aijux, I am not surprised. As always, you aim to impress, and as always you succeed. Your photos were stunning, and so was your use of CC. I would have liked to see a bit more bad girl in Sam, but your Kim is just wonderful. Top-notch!

Photo Composition 20/20, Originality 19.5/20, Followed Task 9/10.
Total: 48.5/50
I'm loving your entry. They've got totally twisted-around personalities now! Hehe. I know you couldn't help the no before picture and whatnot, so I took off only 1 point for that. Other than that, I'm loving it, what else is there to say? You totally captured the point of this makeover.

Michie: 588.5 :1st
Aijux: 587.5 :2nd
Kustirider2: 568 :3rd
Wgroome: 560.5
Ringsroses: 560
Deatherella: 559.5
Nadsy01: 544.5
Kyle: 543.5
HyghTyme: 537.5
Amymnel: 505.5
Happyasabunny: 501

Congratulations Michie! Thank you everyone for joining my first contest, I had a blast and I hope you join any future contest I may host.

For our 1st place winner, I have the prize links from hale and Engram, but you need to contact jewaukeela and beatdoc16, as they have the links.
For our 2nd and 3rd place winner, please let me know which prizes you would like, so I can get those for you. :D
Mad Poster
#309 Old 18th May 2009 at 4:39 AM
Aaw D: Oh well, I enjoed this alot though Great contest.
#310 Old 18th May 2009 at 5:04 AM
Grats to those who won! It was fun seeing everyone's takes on the characters in Belladona Cove
Lab Assistant
#311 Old 18th May 2009 at 6:47 AM
Even if I did come 7th, I thought this contest was amazingly fun and a brilliant idea! :D
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#312 Old 18th May 2009 at 7:10 AM
I am so glad you guys enjoyed yourselves. :D
#313 Old 18th May 2009 at 10:44 AM
It was a fun contest. Good job everyone and congrats to the winners!!!

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
#314 Old 18th May 2009 at 5:47 PM
Congrats everyone! I've never came in the first 3 before :p

Thank you Cav, for running a amazing and fun contest!
Field Researcher
#315 Old 18th May 2009 at 11:18 PM
Wow....congrats everyone! I only was first by a whisker, thanks! Just goes to show how good the competition was!

I had fun. It was a great contest. Big thanks to cavilez1987 and all the judges.
#316 Old 18th May 2009 at 11:22 PM
congrats guys! michie, is that star from this contest already? you deserved it, all of you!
Field Researcher
#317 Old 18th May 2009 at 11:24 PM
My star was from a house Maxis Makeover contest from a little while back. If only I could give my second star to someone else then I would gladly do so.
#318 Old 21st May 2009 at 1:54 AM
Hehe! Congrats anyway though, to everyone! :D
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