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retired moderator
#176 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 3:23 AM
I think I may have noticed a slight adding error with one of my scores:

Duncan and Jimmy
Storyline Creativity: 9/10
Flow of Plot line: 10/10
Picture Creativity: 10/10
Adherence to Rules: 5/5
Overall: 33/35
Very interesting Beeps, I hope they don't hurt the poor Luckabee's.

Awesome round though, everyone. I think every contestant has really done excellent work. Oh and to cavilez1987, the aliens were supposed to be doing the same pose; they were gearing up for a rousing game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors"

Formerly known as boolPropped
Field Researcher
#177 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 6:48 AM
Well, I had fun guys (and gals) but my game is borked and won't start, and I have been too sick to do much. Nothing on the hosts part, who is a great one, but I can't continue. I had fun! Awesome entries everyone, btw!
Forum Resident
#178 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 7:22 AM
Aww, lol. I never thought of that. Tricky little aliens. :D
Top Secret Researcher
#179 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 9:13 PM
Just letting you guys know that TRIriana asked me to be a EJ, and I sent the scores in a few minutes ago, and I apologize in advance for no comments, sorry!

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#180 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 9:16 PM
TRIriana, I am very sorry I was unable to get those scores in, I know that was my duty as an EJ, so I apologize and say a big thanks to Charley for stepping in for me!

(Lets just say I was expecting there to be Internet access, and also "computer time" in the day, both of which were ruled out X/)

Congrats everyone!

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Original Poster
#181 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 1:09 AM
No problem, Petchy. Thanks for offering.

bP the scoring has been edited!

One more set of scores to go, and the final final scores will be compiled!
Forum Resident
#182 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 3:42 AM
I am almost done with mine, I have 2 more people to go and I will submit them.
Original Poster
#183 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 2:30 PM
Round IV Scores!


Jackdaw and Jaxi Macadema
Storyline Creativity: 9/10
Flow of the Plotline: 8/10
Picture Creativity: 9/10
Adherence to Rules: 5/5
Maximum: 31/35
Comments: In some paragraphs I got lost. It’s amazing how much she grew, and maturely. Go get ‘em girl, lol.

Quinn and Sophie Geizure
Storyline Creativity: 9/10
Flow of the Plotline: 8/10
Picture Creativity: 8/10
Adherence to Rules: 2.5/5
Maximum: 27.5/35
Comments: You didn’t meet the minimum picture requirement of 6. Surprise, surprise. How silly of them forget her birthday.

Duncan and Jimmy Luckabee
Storyline Creativity: 9/10
Flow of the Plotline: 9/10
Picture Creativity: 9/10
Adherence to Rules: 2.5/5
Maximum: 29.5/35
Comments: There wasn’t enough writing for some of the pictures. The ending was awesome and I am glad he decided to stay with his dad.

Anatole Terrano and Aurelia Angel
Storyline Creativity: 9/10
Flow of the Plotline: 8/10
Picture Creativity: 8/10
Adherence to Rules: 5/5
Maximum: 30/35
Comments: You had a few grammatical errors. I am so glad she is going to help her planet

Alex, Esta, and Tyler Murano
Storyline Creativity: 8/10
Flow of the Plotline: 9/10
Picture Creativity: 9/10
Adherence to Rules: 5/5
Maximum: 31/35
Comments: A few grammatical errors (commas were where a period should have been). Lazlo Curious? Good one, that made me laugh.


1. Jacdaw and Jaxi Macadema

Storyline creativity - 9
Flow of the plotline - 8
Picture creativity - 8
Adherence to rules - 4.5
Overall: 29.5
Comment : I enjoyed reading this, you were very detailed with your writing and this along with a good plotline made it an interesting read. I liked the ending but it hasn’t tied up loose ends for me. It makes me think, what is Jaxi going to do next? and will she succeed in her hunt?

2. Quinn and Sophie Geizure

Storyline creativity - 7
Flow of the plotline - 8
Picture creativity - 6
Adhernce to rules - 2.5
Overall: 23.5
Comment : I thought it was rather an odd storyline with the "suits" being there to give Sophie a car and to attempt to remind her father of her birthday but still quite innovative and definitely surprising so thumbs up for that. Its a shame that you didn’t have all your pictures.

3. Duncan and Jimmy Luckabee

Storyline creativity - 9
Flow of the plotline - 10
picture creativity - 10
Adhernce to rules - 2.5
Overall: 31.5
Comment : Great ending. It really describes father and son love and the true meaning of family. Your pictures are inventive and have obviously been though about instead of just snapped. Fab. The only issue being you didn't follow the 2 paragraphs per pic rule!

4. Anatole Terrano and Aurelia Angel

Storyline creativity - 10
Flow of the plotline - 10
Picture creativity - 8
Adhernce to rules - 5
Overall: 33
Comment : You most certainly have a way with the words! A very fantastic story. I liked the way you described her feelings when she woke up in the space ship and it was a change that instead of picking earth, she wanted to stay on her home planet and bring her loved one there. Great ending with Aurelia's farewell. Very much a heroine.

5. Alex, Esta and Tyler Murano

Storyline creativity - 8
Flow of the plotline - 8
Picture creativity - 7
Adherence to rules - 5
Overall: 28
Comment : I still don't get the intelligence of Esta but apart from that quite a nice story. I really felt for the twins when they were huddled in the cell. Its great that you can have characters readers would care about as its makes you want to read on and find out if they are ok.


Jacdaw and Jaxi Macadema
Storyline Creativity: 7/10 points
Flow of the Plotline: 6/10 points
Picture Creativity: 6/10 points
Adherence to Rules: 2.5/5 points
Overall: 27.5

Quinn and Sophie Geizure
Storyline Creativity: 6/10 points
Flow of the Plotline: 6/10 points
Picture Creativity: 5/10 points
Adherence to Rules: 2.5/5 points
Overall: 25.5

Duncan and Jimmy Luckabee
Storyline Creativity: 9/10 points
Flow of the Plotline: 10/10 points
Picture Creativity: 10/10 points
Adherence to Rules: 5/5 points
Overall: 34

Anatole Terrano and Aurelia Angel
Storyline Creativity: 6/ 10 points
Flow of the Plotline: 7/10 points
Picture Creativity: 6/10 points
Adherence to Rules: 5/5 points
Overall: 30

Alex, Esta and Tyler Murano
Storyline Creativity: 6/10 points
Flow of the Plotline: 6/10 points
Picture Creativity: 6/10 points
Adherence to Rules: 5/5 points
Overall: 29

Round IV Overall Scores
Duncan and Jimmy: 95
Anatole and Aurelia: 93
Alex, Esta and Tyler: 88
Jacdaw and Jaxi: 88
Quinn and Sophie: 76.5
Original Poster
#184 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 2:58 PM
Overall Scores and... The Winner!

Duncan and Jimmy: 384
Jacdaw and Jaxi: 346.5
Anatole and Aurelia: 345
Quinn and Sophie: 315
Alex, Esta and Tyler: 306.5

Which means that the winner of Daddy & Me: Alien Edition is... boolPropped! Congratulations. :D

I do hope that everyone enjoyed participating, and that you'll join another Cycle in the future.
Lab Assistant
#185 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 3:13 PM
yay! thanks so much Tririana, judges, and contestants for such an amazing contest! congrats to bp and everyone, good job guys!
Top Secret Researcher
#186 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 7:48 PM
Well done everybody! Especially beeps for winning

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Forum Resident
#187 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 9:44 PM
Good job BP!! :D
retired moderator
#188 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 11:14 PM
Wow! What an honor! As long as I've been participating in contests, I think this is only my third time placing first. Congratulations to everyone. This was an amazingly fun contest!!!

And of course a big thanks to TRIriana. You were a great host! :D

Formerly known as boolPropped
#189 Old 22nd Feb 2009 at 11:17 PM
Congrats to everyone! Esp. Beeps! :D

[and to think I actually even posted a spoof application to this! You guys' rounds were all amazing! ]

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
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