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#1 Old 27th Feb 2008 at 11:20 PM
Needing help with Food textures
I did the GREAT tut by Pacotacoplayer about how to create animated food ( Animating food start to finish PDF ) and it helped me a lot to create my firts food.
But I can´t figure what I have to do to make the food appears correctly. The animations are OK, the object is also OK. GUIDS ok too.
Everything is fine, but I can´t imagine what I have to do to make the outside part looking like muphin and the inside part with that "bread" eaten.
I moved that selected face that makes the eaten part the same way Paco did in the tut ... however in the game the food appears eaten shapped, but with the frosting texture part instead of the bread look.
It looks like i didn´t move that selected face of the eaten morph in the texture coordinator...but I did it...I moved it!
I saw another post from Pacotacoplayer about the following question... he asked:
" I noticed that exnem's muffins had a different texture from the inside then the outside. On the outside it was a muffin texture and on the in it was a bread one. You said that it pulls the same animation for all of them; then how did exnem do that?"
but unhappily that was not replied and the mod asked to keep questions related to the topic :/
.... so I am asking your help to find out what i am doing wrong. I am trying for days and have no sucess.
I did all steps carefully in the PDF tutorial, but my muffin doesn´t have the eaten bread view on the game - only on MilkShape. As I said it is shapped, but does not have the bread look inside, it is all muphin.

I use milkshape version 1.8.2 Wesh plugin V4.09
please help me
Thanks in advance for any coment and help !
Warm regards,
Andres aka whiteshark80
#2 Old 28th Feb 2008 at 10:24 AM
In short, you need a different set of faces, and different UVWmap, for the slice part.
In long, read the second half of this thread.
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#3 Old 7th Mar 2008 at 6:02 AM Last edited by whiteshark80 : 8th Mar 2008 at 12:11 AM.
Hello, Jasana!
Thank you so much for your reply
I am trying to create a custom food with custom plates.
Everything works fine (GUIDs, meshes, cooking steps) except for one thing...
the serving plate is showing Maxis plate texture on the game. I have checked Material Definition and such but all the time the serving plate has Maxis plate texture on game.

I included screenshots + packages on this thread.

Please, what am I doing wrong?
Any help is truly appreciated

edited to remove the wrong version package

#4 Old 7th Mar 2008 at 8:20 AM
In both of your plate packages, look at the STR# named 'Model - Materials' (instance 0x88), row 0x1.
For example, in serving plate, this row contains 'plateServing_dirty' - name of maxis texture, which is applied to your plate. As far as I remember, plates are actually always dirty - this material is set to them as soon as they are non-empty.
So, you need to replace this row with your material. Either put the clean material name there, or add TXMT-TXTR for dirty textures, and put reference to TXMT in this STR#.
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#5 Old 8th Mar 2008 at 12:09 AM
Hello, Jasana!
I worship you Yay!!! It works now!!
Thank you so much for your precious help!

Hope you have a pretty weekend,
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