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#1 Old 18th Jun 2018 at 8:30 PM
Default Sims 3 is Dark and Laggy and Sims 4 is Laggy After Computer Update
So my laptop recently informed me that it needed an update. I closed everything properly and let it do it's thing. Afterwards, however, I noticed that everything was sized oddly and things were on a larger scale than they used to be, so I went into my general settings and put the sizing back to normal. When I started up sims 3, however, I immediately noticed that everything was darker and the resolution seemed off. I went into options and thought that maybe I could change the resolution and things would go back to normal, however when I clicked on the tab that lets you change the resolution, there were only three options when I typically have about twelve. I tried all three but nothing changed. In windowed mode, however, the brightness was normal but when I try to play in windowed or fullscreen mode, my game is extremely laggy and slow. It wasn't like that before, in fact, it ran quite smoothly and everything looked great until my computer updated. I've looked everywhere and tried everything and nothing has worked to fix my issue.

I thought it was just with sims 3 but today I opened up sims 4 and the brightness was normal but the game itself was unbearably laggy and slow. I used to run sims 4 on quite descent settings before and it would work very smoothly, but after the update everything is all messed up.

If anyone knows how I can fix any of these issues or how I can get things back to what they were pre-update that would be much appreciated! This is sort of my last resort and I am not very tech savvy, so a bit of patience would be of help too.

Thanks in advance!
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