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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 18th Jul 2014 at 1:29 AM
Town of Grey
Info: This town has a name but it doesn't matter. It's been called the town of grey for years now. It was once sunny, and happy but that all changed when the new mayor took over, they built a concrete dome over the city out of fear from the outside. The door never opens and they've managed to make a living by growing crops using torches, but it's not enough. Every year more that ten people in the city die but the mayor refuses to take it down. What will the new generation do? Will they keep the same and be the goods kids that the mayor and her family want or will they put up a fight and save the people that still live?

to join:

My character:
Name: Diyana Whitaker
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Nice but Fiery, Protective, Won't hesitate to call you out on something.
Looks: Skinny, Short strawberry blonde hair that reaches the middle of her neck, Brown eyes, Pale
Bio: Born into the family of a well-known florist called Daniel Whitaker. Her mother left before the dome was built but now she has a step-mother and a younger sister and brother.

Thank you for all the feedback.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 18th Jul 2014 at 2:20 PM
(I'll join!)
Name: Jacob Valkyrie
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Serious, but with a good sense of humor and a kind nature...sort of. Knows how to fire a gun.
Looks: Fairly muscular, ruffled short black hair, dull blue eyes, a perfect mix of pale and tanned, usually has this serious look on his face.
Bio: Jacob was the adopted son of the military general of the Town of Grey. He was raised to use a gun without his dad's help, and face his fears. One day, his adopted dad was out on a military misson, and the dome was built before they could get back in. So Jacob swore to have revenge on the mayor for as long as he lived. Will he succeed?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 18th Jul 2014 at 3:41 PM
Cool! i'll wait for one more person, but I might start it if it takes too long.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 20th Jul 2014 at 7:13 PM
(Then I shall create a new character!)
Name: Johanna Valkyrie
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Personality: Sweet, but a bit overprotective. Sometimes naive.
Looks: Fairly slim, decent-looking facial features, tanned skin, curly black hair, usually wears a white tank top and camo shorts with black combat boots, pearly grey eyes.
Bio: Johanna is Jacob's adopted mom, who was also in the military. She is just as angry as her son and will go to great heights to help him gain revenge on the Mayor.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 21st Jul 2014 at 11:55 AM
Okay, guess we can start now
Diyana was always the first up in her family, and today was no different. She grabbed her candle holder and lit the candle that was on it. After getting ready for school, she woke up her siblings.
"Nik, Niki, wake up. time to get ready. (I meant to spell Nik's name like that Btw)"
"Ughhh Diyana, I don't want to get up!!!" After the two got up, Diyana went to wake her step-mother.
"Ellie, Nik and Niki need some help getting ready today."
"Okay, i'll be up in a second." With Nik and Niki getting ready, she went to the living room. She put her shoes on and grabbed her bike from the garage before riding to the park. She would ride around before going to school with Nik and Niki, but today she wanted to get to school early. After riding back and Telling Nik and Niki, she rode to the school. It and just opened and she was one of the first people there.
"Time for school" She mumbled

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 22nd Jul 2014 at 1:49 PM
Jacob -
I jogged to school with my gun carelessly slung over my shoulder. I didn't need any schoolbooks because I'm just like that. I saw Diyana and her sister cycling to school, everybody knew her. I finally arrived at school and sat at a random desk; the teacher cleared her throat meaning she was mad. "Jacob Valkyrie. That is not your desk." she snapped. "Don't see anyone's name on it so I can sit wherever the heck I want." he answered bluntly. "Now, Jacob! You do not talk to your teacher like that!" the teacher fumed, "Go to the Principal's office right this second!" he shook his head with a smirk on his face, "Sorry, teacher. I don't 'do' detention." the teacher was furious now, he could of sworn he could see smoke shooting out her ears! "For the thousandth time, Mr. Valkyrie, do not call me teacher! My name is Ms. Green!" she squawked. "If only your name matched your personality." he muttered, rolling his eyes. The teacher gave up and just wrote words on the board, making sure to make extra noise just to annoy me. "I deal with worse sounds than that, teacher." he called out, and she stomped her foot but continued.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 23rd Jul 2014 at 3:12 PM
When Diyana arrived at school, she said hi to some friends before going to class. She didn't like the first class at all, English. She always messed up with how she said words, and not to mention all the others disrupting the class. She worked hard through English to talk right, but messed up many times and decided at the end of class, like she does everyday, to stop trying. She would always work hard the next day though. It annoyed Diyana that she couldn't do good at math either, that was her next period.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 23rd Jul 2014 at 8:26 PM
Jacob -
"Mr. Valkyrie! Wake up this instant!" snapped the Math teacher, "What makes you think you can sleep in class?!" Jacob opened his eyes and fake-yawned to annoy the teacher. "Everything." he replied, with a hint of a smirk on his face, "Boring classes, useless teachers, authority that sucks." he heard a few laughs and gasps coming from within the class. "Thank you, thank you!" he could barely contain his laughter, but straightened up and aimed his gun at the open window. "Jacob, what the heck are you doing?" his classmate beside him gasped. A bird fluttered onto the branch of a tree, and he lifted his finger from the trigger. He brought it slowly closer and closer, then quickly, which made a few of his classmates scream and cover their ears. Just in time, he stopped his finger and burst into a fit of laughter. "Aw, what the heck dude?" "That was scary!" "Don't do it again!" filled the room as he laughed his head off.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 23rd Jul 2014 at 10:47 PM
During Lunch, Diyana was talking to her friends. She heard all about what happened today, from the homework the science teacher was giving, to the stunt Jacob Valkyrie pulled in math. Seemed cool, but she'd never have the guts to do that, even if the math teacher did annoy her the most. Not to mention, guns kind-of scared her. Maybe if she ever wanted to do something like that, she'd use a knife.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 25th Jul 2014 at 2:37 PM
Jacob -
Jacob laughed with his friends at lunch about the little math prank. "It was awesome! A few of my classmates were screaming their heads off and whining." he told them with a mouthful of bread. "Daaaaamn!" one of his friends said, "I wish I was there, too." the rest of lunch time they just talked about overthrowing the mayor and getting the Dome down, and all that stuff about hunting and guns and all that...yeah you get the point.
Johanna -
Johanna got a call from school saying her adopted son Jacob pulled a prank in class where he almost shot a bird during Math. "Well that's the Mayor's fault for putting the Dome there!" her voice was icy calm, but full of rage at the same time. Her husband, whom she loved very much, was shut out of the city and Jacob has been a rebellious boy since. To be honest, she liked him better that way. "And what does the Dome have to do with all this?" the Math teacher yelled through the phone. "Everything. This city used to be such a happy place, and Jacob was your star student in Elementary and Middle School, was he not?" Johanna snapped, "Ever since this stupid Dome was built, everything was worse! He lost his father, and he's never been the same since. Good day, Math teacher!" she shut the phone immediately.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 25th Jul 2014 at 10:48 PM Last edited by wilksfamily : 25th Jul 2014 at 11:18 PM.
Diyana met her younger siblings to ride home with after school. Nik and Niki were talking about the Dome. She couldn't belive that she heard Nik remark, "it's just concrete, why don't they tear it down? It's not a big problem."
He might be young, but doesn't he have any sense? if you tear down that dome, everyone inside dies. If your tear down that dome, the mayor will kill you and your family, even if she heard you talking about it, your dead!
After getting home and finishing homework, Diyana got on her bike and rode to the park. there weren't any plants, other than the occasional withered tree, and the lake was so dark you couldn't tell what lived in it. She sat down and listened to the lake. she wished she could call her friends, but she lost her phone. Can anyone blame her? It's hard not to loose things in this dark. The only places with light were the schools and jobs. After thinking about what happened today, she went back home and helped her mother with dinner. She wanted to tell Ellie about what Nik said, but who knows who's listening? Most kids were pretty paranoid about talking after that... event. Not many forget the snap of his neck as the mayor killed him, making sure people stopped talking about overpowering the mayor .

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
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