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#1 Old 16th Mar 2006 at 12:26 PM
My Game Is Frozen I Removed All Red Stuff!!!
Hi Guys I Tried The Sim Cleaner And Removed The Red Stuff And Even Like That The Game Is Still Frozen!!!! I Cant Enter To The Lots And Play Neither
I Want To Know Why This Is Happenning If I Lost All My Families Stories And I Re Installed The Sims I Had Which I Out Before On A Folder
Now What Shall I Do??
Kiss Thanks :-(

Lab Assistant
#2 Old 24th Mar 2006 at 11:02 AM
Can't understand the second half of your post - could you edit so it's clearer?
Have you looked at the help threads on MTS2? they walk you through solving download related problems. My diagnostic check for a problem in downloads would be.
1. make sure you have the latest patch
2. move the downloads and saved sims folders to desktop
3. delete groups.cache and cigen.?
4. start up the game. If you can play, the problem is in downloads. You'll be missing clothes and things so don't save!
5. put the downloads back in an organised fashion. When the problem comes back, you'll know it was in the last batch of stuff.

You really need to post about this on MTS2 when you've done the things they suggest in the help threads. The problem isn't actally to do with cleaninstaller.

If you re-install you keep your old game files. If your lots are messed up, the pictures and stories are still OK. There's a package that lets you read and edit them outside the game Sims2Album it's on MTS2 somewhere.
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