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#1 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 6:39 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 5:04 PM.
Default It's a Wonderful Life Challenge (testing)
I just started testing this out last night, so I haven't had time to make rules or a scoring system, and not sure if it would even work.

Basically, you start off by making a family that consists of a husband, wife, and either a baby or toddler. This is basically a bunch of challenges rolled up into one

Atm, you'll need Freetime to complete this challenge. To get the most out of the challenge I recommend also having OFB and University (and BV and Pets for some minor objectives) but they're absolutely not needed. There are still some objectives that need one or more expansions, but I am editing the challenge so they can be eliminated from the list.

I tried to make this require as few expansions as possible, while making things as balanced as possible for those who don't have many expansions, but due to the nature of this challenge, it's still required to at least have either University or Freetime, because the clique system (the alternative to the University objectives) depends on Freetime. But I will try to find a way to eliminate the need for those expansions as well, and if anyone has any suggestions, it'll be appreciated.

None of the objectives are required, just extra points.

Also, I have made up a story.


A couple were getting ready to start a life together, but they got deeply in debt, and the repo man took their house and all of their stuff. And the IRS took all but 5k of their money.

They look through the paper, and they notice that there is a cheap plot of land they can buy, and so they buy it and prepare to build their home, and have a child.

When the child gets older, he/she will help their parents out, and try to help them rebuild, so they can have a good home again.


1) You can start out with anywhere between 5k and 10k. You'll get a good bonus of course, if you start out with 5k. Also, you start with no furnishings or walls, or anything. Your family is supposed to be poor.

2) When Mr Humble drops off his computer, you can keep it or sell it if you want (think of it as a donation to a poor family) but you'll get a bonus if you just get rid of it, or keep it in your inventory.

3) You can control all characters until the baby/toddler grows into a child. After that, you're on your own, and you cannot control the parents except for buying groceries, paying bills, going to work, calling the police or fire department for emergencies, or taking the player controlled character to a park (park visits limited to once per day, and you leave when a need that can't be fulfilled at the park starts running low)

Also, you can hire a nanny if you REALLY need to (especially if both parents work) but if possible try to avoid it.

4) When the player controlled character is at school, don't do anything until the child returns home.

5) Once you're a child, you have to start a business, and you're limited to realistic childhood businesses. Also, any furnishings you buy from this point come from the player controlled character's earnings, although you can use any family funds that are available to start off your business. Once you start up your business, you have to use the familyfunds cheat to set funds to 0. You can then either allow your parents to continue to work, or have them quit their jobs and use the familyfunds cheat to add money as needed to pay the bills and for groceries.

If you don't have OFB, then you can use the familyfunds cheat to add $100 per day (to simulate a paper route). Or you can get a get a simoleon (sp?) tree, should emulate a paper route's pay nicely). I might allow more to be added per day, but it's been a while since I ran a home business on TS2, so I'm not sure how much a child could earn through a home business, and $100 seems pretty realistic for a child job. If you're using a hack to reduce money earned through working, reduce the amount of money you add accordingly.

5) As soon as you graduate from college or become an adult, you must return to your parents house. You cannot get your own place.

6) You can only get married once you return from college. You cannot invite anyone to your household except for the sim you want to marry, and one pet. Anyone else must be born into the household.

Also, you're allowed to keep any simoleons that the sim you marry brings into the household.

7) Starting from child, you cannot control any other characters, not even your husband/wife, your children, or pets.

8) You can only build cars when needed for an objective. But once you get mechanical maxed and get invited to Will's Garage, you can build and sell cars as often as you want (think of it as a mechanic career)

9) You cannot use any cheats or cheat objects to force pregnancy. (why would you want to bring a new life into the world when you won't even have the money to take care of that life for a while anyway?)

10) You can use all aspiration rewards as many times as you like, except for the elixir of life, and any items that add money. Also, try to avoid abusing the renuyu sensu orb, the machine that refills all needs (forgot the exact name), and the weather control machine because they are very powerful tools, almost to the point of being game breaking.

11) You can only reload the game to undo a bad event twice.

12) If the parents give birth to twins (assuming you get them legitly) you can and must play through the challenge with both of those sims. However, since twins can do things faster than one, you will need to complete objectives for both characters. If they don't both complete an objective, it doesn't count.

There are however, exceptions. One twin can do the Uni objectives, while the other does the Clique objectives.

When both twins become adults, they must both continue to live in the same house, and when they get married they must raise their families in the same house as well.



1) Learn all toddler skills. +25

2) Grow to child with platinum aspiration. +100

3) Make 3 friends (parents, siblings, pets, and npcs don't count) +25


1) Get a pet (through interaction, not through buying). You can use the pets on community lots hack if you want. +25 (if you don't have Pets expansion, read the next objective instead)

2) Create at least 5 paintings +25 (if you have Pets expansion, do the 2nd objective instead of this one)

3) Make 3 friends if you weren't able to as a toddler. +25 (don't count if you already made 3 friends as a toddler, and same rule applies)

4) Teach your pet all the tricks possible. +50 (if you don't have Pets, do the next objective instead) +50

5) Make one custom painting +50

6) Max out at least one skill. +50

6) Buy a telescope. +25

7) Get straight A's +25

8) Maximize body skill (need to be able to stand up to bullies after all ) +100

9) Grow to teen with platinum aspiration. +100


1) Go to college (if you don't have University, do the next objective instead) +50

2) Go on a vacation +50 (if you have University, do the first objective instead)

3) Get straight A's (doesn't matter if they're A+ or A- +50

4) Get a job and get to level 3 (if you choose to continue to run a home business, make 15k) +50

5) Either have 5 loves, get engaged to one sim (if you have Inteenimator), or have one love with 100 friendship and at least 50 LTR (I was gonna say 100, but your teen will be busy enough) +100

6) Make out 5 times +50

7) Have 5 BFFs (your BFFs can be one or more of your loves if you want). If you want an extra challenge, ignore this, and read the next objective. +50

8) Have 10 BFFs +100

9) Earn 10k (if possible, I'll lower it if it's not). +50

10) Max out one skill (not counting the one you maxed before). +50

11) Have a successful party. +50

12) Buy a car (or repair the junk car you can buy under hobbies) +50 if you buy, +100 if you repair (if you repair, you're not allowed to sell it, they're your wheels, so why would you want to anyway?)

13) Convince your parents to let you go out at least once a week. +25 per week

14) Buy a wardrobe. +25

15) Buy a radio. +25

16) Buy a gaming system +25

17) Win a gaming competition. +100

18) Sneak out at least 5 times. +50

19) Grow to young adult (or adult if you don't have University) with platinum aspiration. +100

If you have University, ignore the text up til the YA section. This is for those who don't have Uni. Although you can still do this part for fun

Disclaimer: This list is still very beta, so for a while it'll probably be pretty unbalanced, but I will try my best to get the difficulty around Uni's level.

These next objectives must be completed before your sim becomes an adult. Depending on your sim's skills and hobby enthusiasm, he/she can join a clique. Each clique will have their own unique objectives to add to the others. The clique your sim joins depends on the highest skill and hobby enthusiasm. If your sim doesn't meet both criteria for joining a clique, their hobby enthusiasm trumps their skills. If a sim has maxed skills and maxed hobby enthusiasm that qualifies them for more than one clique, they may join any one of those cliques, but only one. You will get +400 points if you complete all your cliques objectives.

PS There's no points for this next part, this is just for fun. When you get your own house, decorate your house to reflect your sim's clique, and dress your sim in a similar fashion. Then post a picture here

Greaser - Requirements: Tinkering and mechanical

1) Fix 5 objects

2) Repair 5 cars. Once you make them, do not sell them, just get rid of them. The amount you get for selling them will unbalance the game. (besides, they're loaners from your greaser friends, they were loaned to test you to see if you have what it takes to be a greaser).

3) Get invited to Will's Garage

Geek - Requirements: Science and logic

1) Discover a planet

2) Summon aliens

3) Get abducted by aliens

Still more to come, I plan on adding beatnik, preppie, jock, goth, emo, and whatever other cliques come to mind (not sure what to put for goth and emo though). Hopefully I'll come up with more objectives (and less cliche objectives as well).

Young Adult (if you did the clique objectives, whether you have Uni or not, the points for this section won't count)

1) Join a greek house +50

2) Join a secret society +50

3) Make 20 friends and at least 10 BFFs (you can count the ones you already made towards this objective) +50 (if you make the quota not counting previous friends/BFFs, feel free to give yourself a whopping +200 because this is hard as hell with all the other objectives you'll need to complete)

3) Get straight A's +50

4) Make Dean's List +50

5) Graduate Summa Cum Laude +100

6) Have a graduation party +50

7) Grow to adult with platinum aspiration +100


1) Get married +50

2) Reach the top of your career +100 (don't count if you completed the level 10 gamer objective)

3) Get a car (if you haven't gotten one already) +50

4) Max out cleaning skill +50

5) Earn at least 200k +200

6) Have a baby +100 (+200 if you have twins, but you can't cheat by eating cheesecake, or using any hacks/mods or any modded objects that raise the chances of having twins)

7) Go on a vacation +50 (if you don't have Bon Voyage then consider it a free +50

8) Have a successful party +25

9) Make at least 20 friends (anyone friends you've gained and are still listed as friends count) +50 (don't count if you completed the 20 friends 10 BFFs objective earlier)

10) Grow to elder with platinum aspiration +100


1) Max out any skills you haven't maxed yet +200

2) Have 1m total funds at death +100

3) Have at least one heir when you die +100

4) Die with platinum aspiration. +100 (add +500 more if you started each life stage with platinum aspiration)

6) Achieve your lifetime want. +100

7) Start the game with only 5k +200

8) Parents die with platinum aspiration +100 for each parent

9) Parents achieve their lifetime want +100 for each parent

10) You and your parents all die with platinum aspiration with lifetime want achieved +300


1) Grow up with red aspiration -100

2) Die of anything other than old age -200

3) Die single -100

4) Each time you lose a fight -25

5) Each time you get a C or lower -25

6) Go into aspiration failure -50

7) Fire -25 per fre

8) Repo man -25 per visit

9) Desperation -25 per desperation

10) Each time you use an aspiration reward object -50 (if you use elixir of life then the challenge ends at that point)

If anything is too easy or hard let me know, and if anyone has any other input that can make this challenge more interesting let me know. I know I left a lot of stuff out because although I have all expansions and stuff packs, I haven't used the features from most of them yet.
#2 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 6:48 PM
Hmm? I don`t think that there are any talant badges for cooking....

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Lab Assistant
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#3 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 8:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GeneralOperationsDirector
Hmm? I don`t think that there are any talant badges for cooking....

You're right, I'll fix that now.

Also, I will be adding/removing/replacing some objectives, and later when I learn more about the game and it's expansions I will even add paths. You know how there's nerd, jock, goth, prep, etc? I plan on making paths for all/most of those cliques, each with their own set of objectives (that's if I'm not feeling lazy).

Also, I plan on adding a scoring system, but I need to playtest this challenge first to see how hard everything is and how it fits together.
#4 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 10:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xxGuyxx
2) You cannot control the parents except for buying groceries, paying bills, going to work, calling the police or fire department for emergencies, or taking the player controlled character to a park
1) Learn all toddler skills.
1) Run a successful childhood business and make at least 10k (I'll adjust the figure if it's too hard to make)

1) The parents have to teach the toddler skills, the toddler can't ask for it. Therefore you have to control the parents to reach this goal.

2) Can a child own a business?
Lab Assistant
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#5 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 11:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by arathea
1) The parents have to teach the toddler skills, the toddler can't ask for it. Therefore you have to control the parents to reach this goal.

2) Can a child own a business?

1) I didn't realize that. I saw my toddler asked to be read to, but that's about it besides diaper change, food, and attention. I'll change it to allow players to control the parents during the baby and toddler stages (they pretty much overwork themselves during the baby/toddler stage anyway, then get so tired that they're usually sleeping, and end up being too cranky to accept their toddler's requests)

2) That's what I read, and I saw a challenge where a teen was running a lemonade stand, which is a buyable item in the game.
#6 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 12:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by xxGuyxx
2) That's what I read, and I saw a challenge where a teen was running a lemonade stand, which is a buyable item in the game.

Ah, it looked like you're talking about an OFB business. You mean things like the lemonade or painting, maybe gardening and fishing and selling the produce/fish? I can't think of other ways for a child to make money.
Lab Assistant
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#7 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 12:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by arathea
Ah, it looked like you're talking about an OFB business. You mean things like the lemonade or painting, maybe gardening and fishing and selling the produce/fish? I can't think of other ways for a child to make money.

Yeah, I couldn't imagine a child running a professional business (unless he was Richie Rich )
Lab Assistant
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#8 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 3:19 PM
I have added a scoring system. If any scores are too low or high, please let me know so I can adjust them. Also, I have modified the objectives a bit.
#9 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 3:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by xxGuyxx

4) Either have 5 loves, get engaged to one sim (if you have Inteenimator), or have one love with 100 friendship and at least 50 chemistry (I think that's what it's called, and I will adjust if needed. I was gonna say 100, but your teen will be busy enough) +100

It should be 50 Long Term Relationship (LTR), chemistry is the thing with the bolts.
Site Helper
#10 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 3:37 PM
A toddler can make friends, but it is hard to do unless the parents bring guests over or have a home business. Once the stranger is in the house the toddler can keep asking for attention and build the relationship that way. (You are also likely to start getting a lot of unnecessary baths. lol )

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Lab Assistant
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#11 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 3:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by arathea
It should be 50 Long Term Relationship (LTR), chemistry is the thing with the bolts.

Thanks for the info, I corrected it now.

Also, I am tempted to put a "get revenge on parents" objective, in one of my tests the nanny was the only one who usually bothered to change the toddler's diaper or feed him (if I stuck with that family, I would've visited the nanny's grave later when the child grew up, she deserved a medal)
Lab Assistant
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#12 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 5:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ghost sdoj
A toddler can make friends, but it is hard to do unless the parents bring guests over or have a home business. Once the stranger is in the house the toddler can keep asking for attention and build the relationship that way. (You are also likely to start getting a lot of unnecessary baths. lol )

Yup, that's why it's a good thing I removed the restriction on controlling parents until child stage. Also, parents are allowed to bring the toddler to a park once per day. I'm not sure if it's possible to bring the toddler to another lot without a hack, but I think I remember seeing toddler parks either ingame or for download on some sites.
Site Helper
#13 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 6:08 PM
The mods are going to get upset if you don't start editing your posts instead of adding another one.

(Also there are still people who do not have all of the EPs)

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 6:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ghost sdoj
The mods are going to get upset if you don't start editing your posts instead of adding another one.

(Also there are still people who do not have all of the EPs)

I will try to only post new replies to respond to questions and comments.

And I will try to cut out more expansion specific objectives, or at the very least come up with more alternative objectives for those who don't have the appropiate expansions, to make the scoring more balanced.
#15 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 7:39 PM
Teen section:
20) Reach level 10 in the gamer career +200 (you can save this for YA but you'll only get +100 if you do)
I usually don`t get my Teens jobs, but I understand that the highest level a Teen *can* achieve is level three. The book for University says that YA Sims cannot get jobs.

Elder section:
6)Achieve your lifetime aspiration. If you have a secondary aspiration, fulfill that as well. +100 for main, +50 for secondary
There is only ONE Lifetime Want at a time. Having a secondary aspiration [I`m not sure that that`s what it`s called, but I don`t know what else to call it either] does not bring with it anything to fulfill; it only [supposedly] makes the relavent short-term Wants more likely to roll and [for certain] allows most of the relavent Lifetime Benifits for that Sim. Edit: It might also make the relavent Lifetime Wants possible when re-rolling the Lifetime Want [which only happens without cheating when the Lifetime Want is fulfilled, or your Young Adult Sim changes primary "aspiration"].

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Lab Assistant
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#16 Old 10th Nov 2009 at 8:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GeneralOperationsDirector
Teen section:
20) Reach level 10 in the gamer career +200 (you can save this for YA but you'll only get +100 if you do)
I usually don`t get my Teens jobs, but I understand that the highest level a Teen *can* achieve is level three. The book for University says that YA Sims cannot get jobs.

Elder section:
6)Achieve your lifetime aspiration. If you have a secondary aspiration, fulfill that as well. +100 for main, +50 for secondary
There is only ONE Lifetime Want at a time. Having a secondary aspiration [I`m not sure that that`s what it`s called, but I don`t know what else to call it either] does not bring with it anything to fulfill; it only [supposedly] makes the relavent short-term Wants more likely to roll and [for certain] allows most of the relavent Lifetime Benifits for that Sim. Edit: It might also make the relavent Lifetime Wants possible when re-rolling the Lifetime Want [which only happens without cheating when the Lifetime Want is fulfilled, or your Young Adult Sim changes primary "aspiration"].

Thanks, I took out the level 10 gamer career objective and adjusted the lifetime aspiration objective.

On another note, I think I'll make the teen bonus objectives an alternative to the college objectives so I can cut another needed expansion out of the challenge. I just need time to balance all the cliques and make sure it's about the same difficulty as the college objectives.

And for those who don't have OFB, I think using familyfunds to add $100 per day (to simulate money earned through a newspaper route) will do the trick, and I'll remove the OFB objectives from adult. This way, Freetime will be the only needed expansion (which I must keep for now, because my clique system depends on it)
Site Helper
#17 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 2:39 AM
Actually, once you have filled your lifetime want, you get a new one. This is true no matter how often you fill it, and was the subject of another challenge I saw somewhere else. You can still offer the bonus for completing extra lifetime wants. (And yes, it does make the secondary aspiration LTW types available as well. My knowledge/romance vampire sim is now working on woohoo with 20 sims.)

And it is true that a YA cannot have a job. A teen or elder can only get up to level 3 in a career. If a teen age transitions before going to uni they become an adult with an "uneducated" memory and are promoted into the adult version of the career track they were in as a teen. (And have nightmares for the rest of their life if they were a knowledge sim. )

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 7:06 PM Last edited by xxGuyxx : 11th Nov 2009 at 8:44 PM.
I have added a story and some new rules to make it more realistic and interesting. Also, I have taken out a few requirements from teen, because they're impossible to do without Uni.

Also, the clique objectives seem easier than the Uni ones, but keep in mind, these all have to be done in the teen stage, while you have a lot of other stuff to do on top of that. So I think it's fair. But if anyone has any suggestions, I'll be glad to listen. And I am still trying to come up with more cliques, but it's a bit hard to make balanced objectives for them, and I'm busy these days.

Edited to add: While I am playtesting this challenge, I will now be taking screenshots occasionally.

This is my lot, I didn't have enough money for walls or flooring, but I did manage to get all the necessities, and a bookshelf.

Ted Locante is a knowledge sim, and he wants to some day be a famous rock star. He currently has criminal mastermind as his LTW, but I plan on rerolling that.

Vivienne Locante is also a knowledge sim, and she's into wicca and learning as much as she can. She also has criminal mastermind as her LTW (seems to be the LTW of all knowledge sims xD) and I plan on rerolling her as well.
#19 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 7:37 PM
Ghost: "Actually, once you have filled your lifetime want, you get a new one."
Me: "...when re-rolling the Lifetime Want [which only happens without cheating when the Lifetime Want is fulfilled, or your Young Adult Sim changes primary "aspiration"]."

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Lab Assistant
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#20 Old 12th Nov 2009 at 11:43 PM
I have decided to give up on making this challenge. I've never made a challenge before, and I kinda bit off more than I could chew with this attempt. Maybe in the future I'll make another one but I'll start off easy before making more complicated ones. I really just want to focus on building, and playing other people's challenges.

But if anyone wants to take it over, they have my permission.
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