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#1 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 3:34 AM Last edited by Aegagropilon : 19th Apr 2015 at 10:57 AM.
Default New object won't show up and neither will the item it was cloned from!
I'm trying to turn the metal urn hidden in the basegame files into a decorative object. I followed the steps in the object tutorial at GOS, but, when I put the file in my downloads folder, neither it nor the item it was cloned from (that 4000 simoleon vase) show up in the catalog!

What did I do wrong?

Edit: I removed the file because I didn't want anyone inadvertently downloading broken crap.

Edit 2: Also, someone already extracted it, so I'll use theirs instead

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 20th Apr 2015 at 9:49 PM
(I know you found someone else's version of the object, but I'm still replying in case you still want to discover what went wrong with that file.)

Such an issue might have a few different causes:
- this might be too obvious, but did you change the object's guid?
- did you fix integrity before testing your package?
- is everything in line with the object's "calatog sort" in your package's object data resource?
Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Apr 2015 at 10:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Azelanne
(I know you found someone else's version of the object, but I'm still replying in case you still want to discover what went wrong with that file.)

Such an issue might have a few different causes:
- this might be too obvious, but did you change the object's guid?
- did you fix integrity before testing your package?
- is everything in line with the object's "calatog sort" in your package's object data resource?

It still had problems even after I fixed integrity, and it showed a different GUID, so now I'm thinking that the last one could be the problem. I'll continue to mess with it and see if I can fix it Even if I found someone else's extraction of this particular item, I'd love to make more objects in the future.

Thank you!

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 21st Apr 2015 at 4:34 AM
You're welcome.

I've found that sometimes when you just can't get a particular package to function properly, it's simpler to just start it over. It seems some objects just get borked along the way.
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