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#1 Old 31st Oct 2020 at 6:42 AM
Default 4-Tile Window Needs More Wallmasks
As a side project to work on while working on my current mesh set, I've been making windows and doors, and this one window contains a problem that I do not know how to solve. I felt the need to make a 4-tile window, and used Marylou's template to do so, but when working on the wallmasks, I discovered this issue: the wallmask meant to cover the center part of the window repeats itself in such a way that making it fit the center of my window does not seem possible.

Is there a way to add an additional wallmask to the package for this? Do I need to re-make the window some other way? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Joselle_EmpeericalArt4TileWindow.rar (223.1 KB, 6 downloads)
Description: The Window in Question
#2 Old 3rd Nov 2020 at 7:10 AM Last edited by d4RE : 3rd Nov 2020 at 7:36 AM.
I can't recall how the wallmask is linked to each tile, but I think it might(?!) be possible for you to flip the 1e-0-0-n wallmask texture and save it as 2e-0-0-n. Import that texture into your package and you should then have a separate wallmask for each of the four tiles, if it works that way.


We have been stuck too long with "New Mesh" as the apex of creation.
_ WesHowe
#3 Old 3rd Nov 2020 at 1:07 PM
You already have all eight wallmasks correctly named/linked in the TXMTs but the centre ones all use the same texture. You need to clone and flip the texture, re-name it as appropriate (change the '-n-' to '-s-'), fix TGI and link it to the correct two TXMTs.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 5th Nov 2020 at 7:55 AM Last edited by Joselle : 7th Nov 2020 at 5:31 AM.
Thank you @d4RE @Chris Hatch, I've made the changes to the window and now I need to test, so hopefully this will go well

EDIT: IT WORKED!!!!! My window now looks perfect with the wallmasks, and aside from the wallshadow, just needs some fine-tuning. Thank you, you two!!!!
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