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#1 Old 17th Nov 2024 at 7:19 PM
Default Bookcase Animations
I have created a low bookcase where the animations for high and middle would not be needed:-

After creating the bookcase, I saved a copy of the SimPE file, then deleted all the examine/put/get for high and middle in the animations resource; followed by a "Fix Integrity" and save.
When tested it in-game, Sims still examine and get the book on the high shelf.

Is there some way to disable these functions that are not required?
Is it possible to adjust the height to make them all the same i.e. the low option?

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 17th Nov 2024 at 7:33 PM
The animations are usually located in the BHAVs + possibly some other resources (not entirely sure how it's best to edit them, though).

The anim resources are just the actual animations, and they're not used in the object as far as I know. I think the object still uses ingame animations unless you tell it to do otherwise.
Original Poster
#3 Old Yesterday at 7:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
The animations are usually located in the BHAVs + possibly some other resources (not entirely sure how it's best to edit them, though).

The anim resources are just the actual animations, and they're not used in the object as far as I know. I think the object still uses ingame animations unless you tell it to do otherwise.

Hello @simmer22
Thank you for your reply.

I did look in the BHAV's resources but not certain what I should be changing - is it the allowed height expression?

I have attached the zip.file of my bookcase (no animations removed).

Thank you in advance.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  LSP8SleeqframeCabinetRightMesh.zip (539.6 KB, 1 downloads)
Mad Poster
#4 Old Yesterday at 5:05 PM
I think Placement flags and allowed height have mroe to do with the placement of the bookshelf than the animations.
Like I said, I'm not sure. Doesn't look like this one in particular has the animations editable anywhere in the file itself (at least not with my limited knowledge).

The file above doesn't have the same Function Init setup as the one shown in your picture - is it the same file?
Original Poster
#5 Old Today at 7:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I think Placement flags and allowed height have mroe to do with the placement of the bookshelf than the animations.
Like I said, I'm not sure. Doesn't look like this one in particular has the animations editable anywhere in the file itself (at least not with my limited knowledge).

The file above doesn't have the same Function Init setup as the one shown in your picture - is it the same file?

Hello @simmer22
Thank you for your reply.

The animations (all of them) are the first item on the Resource Tree - as I stated in my first post, I don't think I have seen an animation resource on bookshelves before; but then again most bookshelves have been a regular size so I wasn't considering having to change anything.

This is the file - object made but nothing done with the animations - the other file only the animations for high and middle were deleted, and I changed nothing in the BHAV resource.
This pic is from the Init then selecting one of the two options that allow you to view the behavior.

I may consider just making this a counter height decorative end table but I would love to know how to change/remove parts of the bookshelf animations.
Mad Poster
#6 Old Today at 4:48 PM
One of the SimPE settings pulls the actual animations (ANIM files) that belongs to the bookshelf, but most often these are not used by the file (you can even remove them without it causing any harm, since the object pulls the animations from the game files anyway, usually via the text lists or other methods).

There are several other resources that deal with animations, but I can't find any that spesifically are tied to the bookcase ones in the file.

This bookcase has the animations fixed - maybe take a look. It has the used animations listed in the text lists. Not 100% sure if there are other changes (couldn't spot any, but didn't look extremely close). Worst case, you could clone this one, if the original creator allows for it?
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