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#1 Old 8th Aug 2023 at 12:52 AM Last edited by WolfiePlaysSims : 16th Aug 2023 at 8:37 PM.
Default The Sims 3 Classic Barbie Movies Legacy Challenge (Update 08/16/23: New Generations Added!)
This challenge's concept is inspired by the Disney Princess 10 Gen Legacy by MissPlaying, but is based around another line of fairytale movies--the magical early-2000's Barbie animated films! The main goal of this challenge is to go through ten generations of Barbie princesses, fairies, mermaids, and everything in-between.

Click here for The Sims 4 version of this challenge!

General Rules

Two generations of this challenge are written with the Supernatural expansion pack in mind, and one requires the Island Paradise expansion, but these may be replaced with alternative goals and/or generations if needed or desired. The Pets expansion is also highly recommended but not required.

It is recommended you use a longer lifespan for this challenge as some of the goals are quite involved, but if you wish to use normal, go for it!

For the purposes of continuity I'll refer to all the heirs in this challenge as girls, but you're perfectly welcome to flip the genders on their heads and play as all boys, alternate between, or just go with whatever the game gives you!

You're welcome to go as close or as far away to the original story as you like, and are also able to tweak the challenge rules as needed. I edited the plots mostly so they would flow together and make sense in the world of The Sims, but it's your game so do as you like!

This challenge requires minimal use of the “familyfunds” cheat, but only under the specific circumstances listed. Otherwise, no cheats except for debugging or decorative purposes. (resetsim, moveobjects on, etc.)

Mods are not required for this challenge, but the NRAAS Careers mod plus it’s School module are recommended for adding homeschooling as an option for the generations in which the heir is not allowed to leave the lot.

This is not intended to blend with the rules of the original Legacy Challenge.

Generation 1 - Odette (Barbie of Swan Lake)

"Please, you have the wrong girl, I can't be the one!"

All your life you've lived in a small village, the timid youngest daughter of the town baker. However, one day you stumble into a magical land that, as it turns out, is under a horrible curse...

- In CAS, make one young adult sim (Odette).

- One day, Odette finds herself in the Enchanted Forest. Unfortunately, upon entering, she has been placed under it's curse. Put Odette by herself on an empty lot. She can only be off her home lot from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM, and may only get a job if it falls within those hours. Reduce her family funds to 500 simoleons.

- While she is in the 'forest', Odette must live off the land, fishing, gardening, etc. You are not allowed to build a house, (an outhouse/bathroom building being the only exception) but anything else is fair game as long as you can afford it. You are also not allowed to invite anyone to the lot, in case they get the curse as well.

- The only way to break the curse is through true love--Odette must find her soulmate (Daniel). She must have the 'magnetic attraction' moodlet around him, have no conflicting traits, and get his relationship bar all the way to full before proposing marriage.

- Once these requirements are met, the curse is broken! Odette may then marry her soulmate, is allowed to leave the lot at any time, and may use build mode freely.

- Have at least two children.

Generation 2 - Liana & Alexa (Barbie and the Diamond Castle)

"We'll stick together, staying strong."

Your parents married for love, not status, so you and your sister grew up quite poor. But you always had each other, making the hard work that went by day-by-day seem not so bad.

- Have the girls tend to a large family garden out back. At first, they can only make money by selling their harvestables as well as collectibles and (if you have Seasons) any wildflowers you can find.

- Have both girls play the guitar in their spare time.

- When the girls reach young adult, their house and fields are devastated by a fire. Delete all plants and furniture on the lot, (I'll leave the option of deleting the shell of the house up to you) and set their family funds to 0 simoleons.

- Liana & Alexa decide to join the music career in order to get enough money to rebuild. Have one sister go into the Rock Star branch, and the other into the Symphonic branch. They are also welcome to play for tips, sell collectibles, and replant their garden.

- Once at least one of them reaches career level six, they have the essentials at home and at least 5,000 simoleons put back, let one (or both!) of them marry a coworker from the Music career.

- Let either couple have at least one child.

Generation 3 - Anneliese/Erika (Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper)

(You're welcome to choose whichever girl you want to play as, but if you can't decide/don't care, take a look at your household funds. If they're over 30,000, play as Anneliese. if they're under 30,000, play as Erika.)

Anneliese –

"I know--it's my duty."

Thanks to their hard work, your parents came into a quite a bit of money. You never had a care in the world growing up, but with the untimely souring of some of their investments, you find yourself as a young adult in a whirlwind arranged marriage--to a total stranger. Unfortunately for him, you're already in love with someone else...

- Have Anneliese fall in love with a service NPC (maid, butler, repairman, etc.) She and her lover (Julian) must keep their relationship secret from everyone.

- During the day, (6:00 AM to 6:00 PM) Anneliese must devote herself to her studies. Have her learn Charisma, Logic, and an Instrument of your choice.

- At night, (6:00 PM to 6:00 AM) however, she is free to seek for a way to earn enough money so that the marriage can be called off. The aim is 15,000 simoleons. (keep track of how much Anneliese earns, separate from the household funds) She is not allowed to get a job, and must do this through collecting, painting, playing for tips, etc.,

- Once the goal of 15,000 is met, Anneliese may marry her secret lover, move him into the household, and pursue her dreams in the Science career.

- Have at least one child.

Erika –

"Though I know I have so little, my determination’s strong."

Your parents loved you immensely, one of the reasons they borrowed money from a rich family to ensure that you always had food on the table. Unfortunately, they were unable to repay their debt in full by the time you became a teenager, and you were dragged off to play household servant to pay it off.

- Once Erika becomes a teenager, move her in with one of the rich families in the neighborhood. She will play maid to them, and do all the cooking and cleaning. [use of the homeschooling mod is recommended here!]

- Sometime during her indentured servitude, Erika accidentally falls in love with a rich young man who is betrothed to marry someone else. (Dominick) Whoops.

- As it turns out however, his fiancee doesn't love him either, but has agreed to marry him to save her family from going bankrupt. Together, they hatch a plan to raise 15,000 simoleons apiece to pay off to the family.

- The only way Erika is allowed to make additional money is through tips from either singing (if you have Showtime, you may join the singer career for this but may not perform sing-a-grams/play any gigs/etc.), or playing an instrument, collecting, painting, etc., but she may not get a traditional job. (Keep tabs on how much money she has earned specifically, separate from the household funds) She may only do this after her chores are done.

- Once Erika has reached Young Adult & the goal of 15,000 has been reached, she may marry her lover and leave to live with him.

- If you have Showtime, have her pursue her dream as a full-time singer, and reach level ten of the Singer Career (or her Instrument skill of choice, if you don't.)

- Have at least one child.

Generation 4 - Corrine (Barbie and the Three Musketeers)

"Just because you have your feet firmly on the ground doesn't mean you can't keep reaching for the sky!"

As a kid, you always loved hearing stories about brave musketeers who saved lives over and over again. You dreamed of being one of them and worked hard as you could toward your goal. When you came of age, however, the royal order turned you away, both because of your upbringing and the sheer fact that you were a girl. Furious, you vowed to work as hard as you can to prove them wrong.

- Corrine may only train (by raising the Athletic and/or Martial Arts skill) in secret (When there are no other sims in the room).

- Only once she has completed at least three opportunities relating to Athletic and/or Martial Arts, she may join the Firefighter, (if you have Ambitions) Law Enforcement, or Military Careers.

- Corrine must befriend at least three of her coworkers (Viveca, Aramina, and Renée)

- Corrine may only marry once she is at level 8 or higher of her career choice.

- Have at least two children, preferably with an age gap.

Generation 5 - Annika (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)

"I never get to have any fun. Never. They worry about every little thing!"

You grew up an only child, unaware that you even had an older sister, who disappeared when you were very small. For reasons unknown to you, your parents insisted you stay home at all times, yet never let slip exactly why they kept you confined to your room most days. However, when an evil warlock shows up on your doorstep on your 18th birthday and insists that you marry him, or else, you learn the truth of why you were always hidden away...

- Have the previous generation's first child move out. (Brietta) You may put her in the library and age her up to a young adult when ready, or leave her in town somewhere, but the main family may not interact with her.

- Up through her teenage years, Annika is never allowed to leave the lot except for school. [use of the homeschooling mod is recommended here!] She may attempt to sneak out, but if she's caught, she isn't allowed to leave her room for the next 24 hours.

- Once she ages up into a young adult, Annika must leave home, living on a small lot on the outskirts of town. During this time, her goals are twofold:

- First, she must locate her missing sister, who was cursed into an animal's form. Have Annika become best friends with a Unicorn and invite it to live in the household. (If you don't have Pets, you may skip this step)

- Second, with Supernatural, Annika must become a witch, and level up enough in the spellcasting skill so she can have magic duels.

- Once you feel proficient enough, have her challenge the warlock to a spellcasting duel. If Annika wins, her sister goes free (trade out the Unicorn from the household and replace it with with her older sibling) and the two may return home. If she doesn't, you must wait three days before challenging him again.

- Marry, have at least one child.

Generation 6 - Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia)

(Requires Supernatural)

"Yeah, right. I'm different, that's all. Not great."

As your mother went on to become a powerful witch, many people expected great things from you as well, but as time went on you turned out to be completely ordinary. You always thought of this as more of a curse than a blessing, but little did you know you would one day be the one to save the town from it's fate...

- When Elina becomes a teen, an evil blight starts to spread across the land: an evil fairy (Laverna) creates and starts using a brew of "Potent Zombification," an elixir designed to reduce the people of her hometown to little more than shuffling zombies!

- To fight this sickness, Elina decides to seek out the help of the fairies. Have her visit the town's Arboretum and use the 'look for fairies' interaction, or have her search for fairies wandering about her hometown. She must befriend at least three of them.

- From her fairy friends, Elina learns that their magical fairy dust is a cure for the blight. Have her use the 'Ask for Fairy Dust' interaction with a fairy, then seek out and cure all the 'perma-zombies' the evil fairy transformed in the town.

- Now, all that's left is to strip the evil fairy of her powers: have Elina make a Potent Cure Elixir and use it on the evil fairy.

- As a reward for her help, the fairies teach Elina the secret to becoming one of them. Have her become a fairy by either making (NOT buying) the 'Blessing of the Fae' elixir or by completing the opportunity from visiting the Arboretum.

- Marry, have at least one child.

Generation 7 - Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel)

"Constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved.... I'm going to be free."

A spiteful witch watched from afar as your mother and father fell in love; Her heart was broken as she, too, had loved him. Bent on revenge, she took you, their firstborn, and locked you in a manor, hidden deep inside the forest, so that he would feel the same painful loss she had...

- Shortly after Rapunzel is born, move her in with the witch (Gothel. She may be a human if you don't have Supernatural), in a house far away from the main town. You may also add animal companions for Rapunzel (Penelope and Hobie) when she is old enough to care for them on her own.

- As soon as Rapunzel becomes a child you may only control her and her companions. She is not allowed to leave the lot except for school [use of the homeschooling mod is recommended here!] and also must do all the cleaning; When she becomes a teen, cooking and laundry (if you have Ambitions) are added to her duties.

- Only once all her chores are done, she may paint.

- Once Rapunzel becomes a teen, she discovers a secret way out of the manor, and meets a boy her age (Stefan) who teaches her about the outside world. She may leave the house secretly between 2 and 7 P.M. to meet him, but any later and Gothel will find out, taking away Rapunzel's easel for 24 hours. She may not invite the boy to her home lot under any circumstances, and if he visits for any reason while Gothel is on the lot and awake, you must direct her to cast an evil spell on him (if she is a witch).

- To leave for good, you must create a magic gateway to the village, but the only way the magic will be strong enough is if the painting is a 'Masterpiece.' You must also not let Gothel find out. (If she enters the room and sees the painting, you must scrap it and start over. You may not lock the door to the room the easel is in--it must be accessible to Gothel.)

- Once she paints her gateway, Rapunzel is free! She may reunite with her family, marry the boy she met, and have at least 6 children.

Generation 8 - Genevieve (Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses)

“She may not think we're proper princesses, but we are princesses. We can't turn our backs when things get difficult!”

With 5 siblings around, there was never a dull moment in your house growing up. It was always colorful, fun and loud as each sibling pursued their own hobby at their leisure. But, on the eldest sibling's young adult birthday, someone arrives to change all that...

- Genevieve and her siblings must each have a hobby that is unique to them (I.E., one plays guitar, one paints, one writes, etc.)

- As a child/teen, Genevieve must become friends with a boy about her age. (Derek)

- Once the eldest sibling becomes a young adult, a spiteful distant relative (Rowena) declares the siblings unfit to inherit their family fortune and kicks them out of the household.

- Determined to prove this relative wrong, each sibling must use their unique talents to raise enough money to buy back their former home. (The amount equaling the value of their former home lot.) They may have rabbithole careers/professions, but only if their hobby is eventually a required skill for it (I.E., the sibling who plays guitar may join the Musician career, the sibling who paints may join the Forensic Analyst branch of the Law Enforcement career, etc.)

- Once the siblings have raised the appropriate amount of money, they may return home, pay off the relative, and kick them out of the household.

- Have Genevieve marry her childhood friend, and have at least one child.

Generation 9 - Ro (Barbie as the Island Princess)

"I need to know these answers. I need to find my way!"

Thanks to your loving parents, you had a very happy childhood, but it’s cut short when you are separated from them and find yourself stranded on a remote lot with no memory of who you are or how you got there--except for your name.

- When Ro becomes a child, move her onto a remote lot away from her family. Fortunately for her, there is a lone sim on that lot who agrees to take care of her. (Alternatively, you may use mods and/or cheats to move her out by herself as a child or teen.)

- Ro may not talk to any human sim outside of the household or get a job, and the caretaker sim (if present) may not move anyone in or out of the household.

- As she grows up, Ro must befriend and adopt three unique animals. (Sagi, Tika, and Azul) These may be stray cats or dogs, wild horses, or minor pets found in the wild, but they cannot be adopted from the phone/computer or from neighborhood pet adoptions. (If you don't have Pets, you may skip this goal or use caught fish in fishbowls as a substitute.)

- When Ro grows up into a young adult, she grows bolder and more curious about the outside world. Have her meet and befriend a young man about her age (Antonio), who agrees to help her find her family. She may only talk to other human Sims if he is on the lot with her, and must locate and speak to one of her parents on a community lot.

- Once she befriends one of her parents, she is recognized as their lost daughter. Ro may return home to the main household, and may speak to anyone she wants at any time.

-Have her marry the young man, and have at least one child.

Generation 10 - Merliah (Barbie in a Mermaid Tale)

(Requires Island Paradise. See the 'additional generations' section for a replacement if desired!)

“I am the half-mermaid princess of Oceana, and it is my duty to protect my subjects!”

Growing up by the ocean, it was only natural that you had a love for the water at a young age. However, it turns out that your budding water-sports career isn’t the only reason that you’re drawn to the sea...

- Merliah must windsurf as a hobby.

- As a teen, Merliah learns of her royal mermaid heritage. However, she is not allowed to become a mermaid Sim yet.

- To prove she is worthy of being recognized as the princess and rightful heir to the mermaid throne, Merliah must prove herself by finding the mermaids' lost relics. Have her level up the diving skill to level ten and find all seven treasure chests from the different dive spots.

- Merliah must also find and befriend a mermaid while diving, and must be given access to the mermaids' secret island.

- After both objectives are complete, Merliah must get a mermadic kelp from one of the mermaids she befriended and eat it to unlock her full mermaid potential.

- Have her move to the the mermaids' secret island and build a palace/house to live in there.

- Whether or not she marries and has children is up to you--this is the end of the challenge!

Additional Generations

Additional Ideas/Thoughts

Aside from the ones already listed in the challenge, lots of Barbie movies feature animal companions--have your sims adopt pets based on the generations. You could have a cat for Serafina/Wolfie, a horse for Alexander, or a fish for Zuma!

Blend this with the original Disney Legacy Challenge--go for 20 generations (or more) of princesses!

That's about it from me, but I would love to hear any questions, ideas or feedback for this challenge! Thanks for reading!
Test Subject
#2 Old 10th Aug 2023 at 5:36 PM
Oh my! I was confused this didn't have a billion comments. But the realized this is fairly new. First, thanks for taking the time to write this! I actually had fun reading this, so I know playing it will be so much fun! I'm currently in the mist of a legacy challenge and have a short attention span, so I can't do multiple challenges at once. But, as soon as I'm ready, I'm excited to try this. 🩷🩷🩷
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#3 Old 11th Aug 2023 at 10:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nikkibug
Oh my! I was confused this didn't have a billion comments. But the realized this is fairly new. First, thanks for taking the time to write this! I actually had fun reading this, so I know playing it will be so much fun! I'm currently in the mist of a legacy challenge and have a short attention span, so I can't do multiple challenges at once. But, as soon as I'm ready, I'm excited to try this. 🩷🩷🩷

Awww, thank you so much for the kind words! This challenge has been a bit of a passion project for me for a while now so I'm glad people seem to be liking it now that's it's out in the world! (No worries! It'll be here when you're ready! )
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