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#26 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ginrouken
And no shower, sure, been there, done that, survived Apocalypse just fine.

How did you manage to get the top of the Medicine job (I'm assuming you were doing Apocalypse challenge that you mentioned earlier) if your sim was constantly in bad mood? I thought that hacks weren't allowed by the Apocalypse rules.

sims soil themselves all the time, which really stops being funny after the first day or so, when they'll refuse to do anything you order them to go cry about their "accidents" in a corner.

Lol, this is actually very funny. This is why I never did the Apocalyse challenge, no toilet and no shower sounds like something impossible to deal with...
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 12:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Babahara
How did you manage to get the top of the Medicine job (I'm assuming you were doing Apocalypse challenge that you mentioned earlier) if your sim was constantly in bad mood? I thought that hacks weren't allowed by the Apocalypse rules.

If you choose to unlock Medicine first, you get to make the sim that will unlock it the way you want him. So you either make him zero or ten points neat from the start. Zero points neat will autonomosly sponge bath when he hits hygiene desperation, BUT I've found his hygiene bar will decrease much faster than a neat sim one's, and despite being "sloppy" he'll still whine and refuse to skill. I tried this approach first, but didn't have the patience to waaaait until he would be desperate enough to sponge bath and then start skilling or go eat/sleep.

With nine-ten points neat, his hygiene bar will decrease much slower, and with a couple "wash hands" queued commands and/or a couple more "primp" ones, he'll be hitting green on the bar, and then you can send him to skill (if there's any skill left to gain, I prefer to max the needed skills on uni so I don't have to deal with this added trouble later), or meditate through the night until the carpool comes. If he has other more important needs that need tending right now (hunger, energy), I just let him go red in hygiene until everything else is green/at least yellow, and when the carpool arrives I send him to wash hands/primp a few times. The carpool will wait until the very last second, so you can have the sim washing hands until 15 minutes before the hour (he'll take 15 minutes to get from the door to the car ), and then send him to work with all bars green/yellow so he'll be in a good mood enough to get that promotion.

This first part of the challenge is pretty boring, yeah. You get to watch a lot of meditation and hand washing until you can finally just send him for a shower. But I prefer to unlock Medicine first because, more than the adults whining, I can. not. stand. toddlers crying their lungs out 24/7 on my ears and refusing to eat/sleep because of low hygiene, so I won't have babies before I can get a tub. As soon as I lift Medicine, I can start having heirs and adopting strays (to get control of my elders later), and move on to the other careers.

Quote: Originally posted by Babahara
This is why I never did the Apocalyse challenge, no toilet and no shower sounds like something impossible to deal with...

You can use toilets in Apocalypse from the beginning, even with no restrictions lifted. I wouldn't even try it if you couldn't, watching "accidents" several times a sim day is only funny for me in things like the Serial Killer challenge, when it's not my sims doing it.
Test Subject
#28 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 4:28 PM
i would think that you shouldnt be allowwed to do normal woohoo as they probebly dont have condoms or something.im gonna
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 11th Mar 2011 at 2:51 AM
i might do this. it sounds adventurous and therefore sexy.
Test Subject
#30 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 10:47 AM
They will freeze without a roof.. simply a no win challenge... sigh
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#31 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 11:53 AM
- Turn moveobjects on, and delete the mailbox (for no bills)
16. Delete any urns/gravestones that may appear after a sim has died.

Deleting the mail box is a very bad thing which can cause sims to disappear and effect portals. Deleting urns or gravestones will instantly corrupt anybodies hood who does that. Please don't advise people to do those things.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Field Researcher
#32 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 8:37 PM
You could have a fireplace to warm them up, but maybe for every fire you have to sell a chair or tree (used it for firewood). If using a tree I'd also make them go outside and jumprope for 30minutes to an hour to represent the time and labor chopping the tree down took. This sounds like a pretty interesting challenge. Personally I'd allow for pregnancy, but suspend it, so they couldn't have the baby. It shouldn't be a problem though as you have 8 sims.

If no roof is too much of a challenge, simply put a roof only in one room, for example the bathroom, they can't stay in there all day, but they could go in for a little bit, until someone else needs to use it.
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 10:53 AM
New unofficial rules:
Do not delete mailbox, only delete bills or use familyfunds cheat to revert your cash back.
Store urns/gravestones in lot with nothing as "seal-away" zones or store it in your lot for more challenge.
Mad Poster
#34 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 12:45 PM
Um, maybe a roof only in ONE bedroom (where there's a double bed) and one small bathroom. Cabins usually have fireplaces. And bonfires outside. What about grocery delivery? Maybe I'll pretend there is a basement full of stored food (and put fridges there). DO they really die from cold? I've never seen that - but they could all become frozen in the snow.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#35 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 5:25 PM
If wood stoves, fireplaces, campfires, and bonfires are allowed, keeping sims alive outdoors in winter is quite do-able. (Imo, summertime outdoors is a lot harder.) Normal beds help keep sims warm, I think. I'd be tempted to only allow tents for sleeping!

At any rate, this challenge would need a complete overhaul to be worth doing. As it is, most of the rules are arbitrary and pointless (sims can't be related? can't marry? must all be adults? why?), and some need clarification, such as "You may not leave your cabin." I assume "cabin" means "lot", but when creating rules for a challenge, the language needs to be more precise than that.

It's an interesting overall concept, though. Reminds me of the various Landlubber Challenges that strand sims alone in various places, under various weather/temperature conditions.
Field Researcher
#36 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 8:30 PM
So I gave this challenge a go, and I guess it was the Sims I picked, but it didn't really do anything for me. I spent most of my time fast forwarding the game. I moved the Goodies, Gavigans and Travellers in, and aged the kids up to teen so missing school wouldn't matter. I started the challenge as the last day of fall and decided to play through three winters. At the end of the first winter I was bored, so to toughen things up I limited them to one meal a day. As the couldn't buy grocery I figured this would be normal during tough times. When possible they fished. ACR refused to cause any drama as everyone was only interested in their spouse, so I forced both women to kiss each other's husbands, so at least then I had fist fights. And crying. Lots of crying. Halfway through second winter both men died of starvation. As meals cook for six and there were eight people someone one had to do without each meal, for two days the men were the last two to get to the table and they starved to death just as the third day's meal was set down. End of second winter Herb died of old age. I still limited everyone to one meal, so that was the only issue. Things were actually going easier now with less people except that Faith was a clean freak and would often through food away before others could eat it. Also the fridge I used didn't allow for leftovers. Faith died of old age within a day of third winter starting. Tina and Trisha died of starvation as I ran out of food completely and the pond was frozen. The last day of the challenge, which I determined would end at 6pm Mary and Isaiah both died of starvation at 3pm. As far as I can see, the difficulty of this challenge isn't in not freezing, but rather in getting enough food and fish together the first day or two before it freezes.
Lab Assistant
#37 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 10:43 PM Last edited by Sims2Celeb : 8th Mar 2013 at 11:28 PM. Reason: Double quote
Quote: Originally posted by Anaticula
So I gave this challenge a go, and I guess it was the Sims I picked, but it didn't really do anything for me. I spent most of my time fast forwarding the game. I moved the Goodies, Gavigans and Travellers in, and aged the kids up to teen so missing school wouldn't matter. I started the challenge as the last day of fall and decided to play through three winters. At the end of the first winter I was bored, so to toughen things up I limited them to one meal a day. As the couldn't buy grocery I figured this would be normal during tough times. When possible they fished. ACR refused to cause any drama as everyone was only interested in their spouse, so I forced both women to kiss each other's husbands, so at least then I had fist fights. And crying. Lots of crying. Halfway through second winter both men died of starvation. As meals cook for six and there were eight people someone one had to do without each meal, for two days the men were the last two to get to the table and they starved to death just as the third day's meal was set down. End of second winter Herb died of old age. I still limited everyone to one meal, so that was the only issue. Things were actually going easier now with less people except that Faith was a clean freak and would often through food away before others could eat it. Also the fridge I used didn't allow for leftovers. Faith died of old age within a day of third winter starting. Tina and Trisha died of starvation as I ran out of food completely and the pond was frozen. The last day of the challenge, which I determined would end at 6pm Mary and Isaiah both died of starvation at 3pm. As far as I can see, the difficulty of this challenge isn't in not freezing, but rather in getting enough food and fish together the first day or two before it freezes.

FROZEN RIVER . DUN DUN DUNNN. It sounds like fun ,I hope to get seasons and apartment life soon. :D

Quote: Originally posted by Vettias
18. No engagement, marriage, or any other committment may occur.

2 people in a bed will keep eachother warm through the night. (I'm not entirely sure) I Kinda see your point ,If they're in any way related they'll go into aspiration failure and go bonkers if someone dies.
WHAT ABOUT THE NEEDS OF LLOOOVEE I understand though as if they're related they will most likely go into aspiration failue ,go bonkers ,and possibly die if the ghost spooks them. Considering the lack of food and warmth.
Field Researcher
#38 Old 5th Mar 2013 at 3:59 AM
I wrote a blog post about this challenge and included pics. If anyone wants to read it follow this link:Blog Post
Test Subject
#39 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 5:30 AM
I gave it a try but already struggled with the 2000 $budget for furnisching the cabin and creating a garden with maxis content only. A toilet, shower, fridge, one counter and the cheap barbeque. No bed, no sofa, no chair.

Either the start budged for getting furniture needs to be higher or I consider selling trees as if they would have build their own furniture.
#40 Old 11th Mar 2013 at 1:47 PM
So far I've found the challenge ridiculously straightforward, because the game appears to have let me grow an entire (massive) crop of tomatoes without the temperature freezing enough to kill the plants. Indeed, the lake only froze in the middle of the third night. By this point, each Sim had an average of six fish to go with the large number of tomatoes. Short of forgetting to manage the fireplaces properly or a freeze lasting the rest of the challenge, my biggest danger is in one of the Sims randomly appearing in a commercial lot while playing another household (I'm still playing in rotation).

Without giving too much away, having certain expansion packs makes the challenge a lot easier. Even with the kind circumstances I was sent, I suspect base game + Seasons would remain a very tough proposition.
Test Subject
#41 Old 12th Mar 2013 at 7:44 AM
Cassiopeia is right. SInce am a newby to the game and don't now all the tricks, so I struggled a lot in my first attempt.
I forgot to dig for treasure and did not sell some of the fishes. Since I thought: "hey we are totally isolated, with whom should I trade?"

When I started off, I still though sims can die freezing but they don't. They starve. Non of my sims became ill, even though they were always blue from freezing. In the end all but one starved because I sold the crops from the only harvest that was possible to buy beds. I also did not fish enough in the begining.

Still, It was kinda funny to see them raising multiple times a night complaining about the snow on their pillow. Stoping in the middle of a hot shower or a comftable fire warming because it snowed again inside the hut.

At least I have expierenced a lot of features I would have never seen otherwise. My sims normally have a very comfortable happy little always sunny life. But this time one sims was scared to death by a ghost, since I did not wanted to delet the gravestones. I alos bargained the first time with DEAD, got some talent badges, saw an enemy relationship developing. I was trying to let them play atonomuous as much as possible. Most of them became rapidly friends but two of them hated each other for no reason.

Overall the challenge rules need a little tweaking to make it not so straightforward, especially for those who know every little detail of the game.
Mad Poster
#42 Old 12th Mar 2013 at 7:29 PM
Challenges are definitely a fabulous (and fun!) way to learn the ins and outs of the game.

Quote: Originally posted by eisbae_r
But this time one sims was scared to death by a ghost, since I did not wanted to delet the gravestones.

That's not something you ever want to do anyway, eisbae. As someone new to the game, there are lots of things you need to know. Mainly, that the premade neighborhoods contain a certain amount of corruption from the start, and that there are a lot of ways to make it worse. Things that may not seem obvious. More here:
Test Subject
#43 Old 11th May 2019 at 11:58 PM
@ The Worst Camping Trip Ever, I'll be trying this soon! I've already got my 8 sims made and a sparsely furnished cabin for them to struggle in. Sounds fun!!
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