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#1 Old 15th Jun 2024 at 4:18 PM

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Default Child accessories not showing up ..??
I have been working on some new accessory meshes (SPOILER: Dexcoms and insulin pumps) and even though they are both coming up fine for both Adults, (and elders..?) they are not coming up for the teens and children. I exported the Milkshape meshes as Wavefront Objects because they were tricky to create, and I even deleted the adult, elder, teen, and toddler TXMT-type files in the meshes when I would make the child versions, but for some reason the recolor is the only thing showing up for the children, if it even shows up at all! Also there is something strange going on with the children when I make an adult or elder sim with either dexcom or pump. (Pics below) I made the meshes from the glasses as default, so that’s why the child is wearing glasses, but as you can see from the wonky recolor, it is definitely the mesh that is not going through for the other ages for some reason. I’m also curious as to why it was even showing up for the other ages when I put the adult mesh through, since I set it to only come up for AF. Can anyone help? I hope the solution is simpler than having to recreate meshes all over again..
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#2 Old 15th Jun 2024 at 5:03 PM
Can you upload your files? It's easier to spot what's wrong that way.

Meshes for accessories (bodymeshes in general) won't work properly if you use OBJ/Wavefront. You need to use the GMDC (SMD/Unimesh) format that also exports the skeleton and bone assignments. You will need to do bone assignments, and also add comments if you're using Milkshape, too.

Make sure you're linking the child files to the child resources. The child resources (3DIR and Mesh Overlay) have instances 512 (boy) + 513 (girl) in the parenthesis. If you're linking to other numbers, they'll show up for the wrong ages.

* PF/PM = 101/102 (257/258)
* CF/CM = 201/202 (512/513)
* TF/TM = 401/402 (1025/1026)
* AF/AM =801/802 (2049/2050)
* EF/EM = 1001/1002 (4097/4098)
* YF/YM = 4001/4002 (16385/16386)
(In that order - you can look at either the instance or number in parenthesis. First numbers are Hex numbers based on gender and age, and the number in the parenthesis is the decimal number - I sometimes find the decimal numbers are a bit easier to distinguish, especially when making multi-age/gender accessories)
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#3 Old 15th Jun 2024 at 5:20 PM
Here are the links for the AF Dexcom and pump as well as the CU version of the pump. That one is named NewMeshTest. I'll take a look and see if I can link up the numbers correctly.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  NewMeshTest_MESH.zip (25.5 KB, 2 downloads)
File Type: zip  fc17e9f9_DexcomG6AFCOLOR.zip (21.4 KB, 2 downloads)
File Type: zip  Omnipod_MESH.zip (24.8 KB, 1 downloads)
Mad Poster
#4 Old 15th Jun 2024 at 8:37 PM
You still have all the resources left in the files for the other ages in the files, so if you choose other ages, the wrong meshes will show up with the recolor.

If you want the recolors to only work for a certain age/gender, you can delete the extra resources. Keep the 3DIR that matches the MeshOverlay, plus the one with the proper MeshOverlay listed, the BINX and XMOL that match the 3DIR instances, and the TXMT with the correct age/gender.

You can also just delete the XMOLs you want to remove, and make a new recolor. Then Bodyshop removes everything the file doesn't need.


You don't need to make separate files for all the ages. Personally, I just use one recolor file and one mesh file that works for all the ages (some people find it easier to make separate mesh files, though). It's fewer files and also fewer recolors to make.


(Just a note, but if you're making hairs at a later point, only delete the PropertySet resource if you want to remove an age/gender. The 3DIRs have a tendency to cause some trouble otherwise).
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#5 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 12:49 AM
It’s strange. I have looked over it a bunch of times and I deleted the genders (making sure I deleted the correct ones) and it was still happening. I was able to make a child’s version by itself of both devices, but it also shows weird for the other genders. I’m on the verge of just letting it settle. After all, the adults and elders have some and the kids have some, and it’s not causing any game issues anyway. It just looks strange if you put the adult one on the child and vice versa. I wanted to be able to post them for download, but I wanted to get them in the best shape first.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 1:43 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 16th Jun 2024 at 1:55 AM.
It depends how you cleaned out the files. If you haven't removed the proper resources from the file, Bodyshop adds them back in if you recolor it. If you are planning to make recolors, it's enough to delete the MeshOverlay/XMOLs you're not keeping, so Bodyshop can take care of it. If you're not making recolors but want to use the first file you made, you need to remove the other resources too.

You can have a look at this file (below) - it's been cleaned out so only the child resources are left. Should work better that way (and you can see what I mean).

Usually it's better to have one shared recolor file for all the ages/genders you're keeping, and either one mesh file or separate ones. This way the sim grows up with the accessory if you give it to them as a child (there is a way to link them, but it's more work and you usually need to do it with all recolors in the future, which is a bit of a pain).
Attached files:
File Type: zip  2e808c7_NewMeshTest-2.zip (13.8 KB, 2 downloads)
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#7 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 5:58 PM
IT WORKED IT WORKED IT WOOORRRKKEEEDD!!! Thank you so much!! Now I can make the other meshes for the other ages and get them ready for posting!! Who hoo!! By the way, I noticed on your website you have a lot of medical meshes that you made. Once mine are made and posted, you have my permission to share them on there as long as you give me credit.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 6:16 PM
Feel free to share yours on there when they're ready - there's a member section for downloads on the site

I've got an accessory tutorial (here) that shows how to make combined files (plus how to add younger ages, and how to fix some common issues), if you ever need that.
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