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#1 Old 13th Mar 2018 at 1:22 PM
Default Require degree for career? (sims 3)
are there any mods that make it so a degree is needed for certain careers (like Doctor etc)
I loved that you needed to go to university for certain careers in Sims 2 (even if the careers they chose were strange ones)
And it adds more incentive to actually attend university in the game.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 13th Mar 2018 at 5:51 PM
There are ways to do that by using NRaas StoryProgression and a caste for each career or set of careers that you want to require a major. The way I usually see players set this up though is not to deny entry into the more demanding careers, but rather to disallow progression beyond a certain job level -- you can empty bedpans if you never went to med school, but you can't do neurosurgery. At least, not while anyone is looking.

The problem I have with this setup myself is that I play somewhat overpopulated worlds and I'm not prepared to send much of the workforce, sims whom I never control actively, through Uni so although realistic that would very much limit many of their career paths. I would probably go around handing out some degrees using DebugEnabler or the honorary ones by way of LTR points if I were to try this, either that or insist on having a Homeworld University that the inactive residents can attend on their own.
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#3 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 12:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
There are ways to do that by using NRaas StoryProgression and a caste for each career or set of careers that you want to require a major. The way I usually see players set this up though is not to deny entry into the more demanding careers, but rather to disallow progression beyond a certain job level -- you can empty bedpans if you never went to med school, but you can't do neurosurgery. At least, not while anyone is looking.

The problem I have with this setup myself is that I play somewhat overpopulated worlds and I'm not prepared to send much of the workforce, sims whom I never control actively, through Uni so although realistic that would very much limit many of their career paths. I would probably go around handing out some degrees using DebugEnabler or the honorary ones by way of LTR points if I were to try this, either that or insist on having a Homeworld University that the inactive residents can attend on their own.

Wow, I never knew you could do it with nraas mods, I have story progression for many of the options, but am not really that interested in the majority of my towns population (just friends and family) I have never used the caste stuff before, so will have a look.

Only want to do it for the family I play as (i don't rotate, always just play one family)
Mad Poster
#4 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 12:43 AM Last edited by igazor : 14th Mar 2018 at 4:48 PM.
So you want your actively played household to be unable to enter or advance through certain careers without a degree but don't mind if their co-workers and bosses, the inactives whom you would never play, sail right through with no credentials?

That's fine if that's what you want of course, but I would think a much simpler solution would be to hands-on guide your sims into the careers you think they would be better qualified for rather than relying on a mod to block them. No good?
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Original Poster
#5 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 10:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
So you want your actively played household to be unable to enter or advance through certain careers without a degree but don't mind if their co-workers and bosses, the inactives whom you wound never play, sail right through with no credentials?

That's fine if that's what you want of course, but I would think a much simpler solution would be to hands-on guide your sims into the careers you think they would be better qualified for rather than relying on a mod to block them. No good?

Yeah, basically. I like to immerse myself in sims. I want to have to go through the process rather than artificially limit myself.
as I said I loved it in the Sims 2 as I couldn't just "cheat" and pick any career I wanted after the university pack came out.
I liked that I had to work to get some of them.
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