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#1 Old 14th Jan 2024 at 3:17 PM
Default Eurovision / Song Idol inspired challenge (NationFest - Acts Contest)
Now for this challenge you’ll obviously need The Sins 3: Showtime expansion pack, and more than three worlds (the more you have, the merrier). And I would strongly advice to install World Adventures with Nraas Traveller installed, so you wouldn’t have to move your performers entirely to depart to new world or having to export from every save file to Sim Bin.

1)In this challenge, you have to choose a representative of every world by either a)picking a performant that wins a local Sim Fest (National Selection); or b)level theur profession till they get gigs to perform at Live Show Venue. I believe its level 8-10 around. You then switch to another (Say you start With Sunset Valley, have your singer/acrobat/magician progress till they eligible level to perform at the biggest arenas, then switch to hidden spring performer rinse and repeat)

2)After that’s done send all your singers/whatevers, with the exception of university and future, send all of them to the same world of your choice, or pick Starlight Shores (think if it sweden like hosting). Build a Live Show venue if yoh must. Make their stay 3-6 vacations days). With Nrass traveler, you can switch to any non-vocation worlds by using Cellphone - Travel and click confirm travel without adding a household member to the list in order to enter edit world mode and pick another contestant’s household to play. You’ll do this with every representative now or in your comfortable subquence of this challenge’s step

3) Now during these vacation days, before they receive the gig offer, its crucial they make as much friends as possible they can with the locals, before big performance. Friends = Votes from fans they will receive to not be voted out. You can do whatever trickery you know to speed that process (e.i. sicial networking skill feature, throw social parties. Etc etc) The half number of competitors sum, (that got the least friends) will need to leave immediately the world as they are non-qualifies while the other half goes for second round to perform. Basically, a semi final is considered as first performing day, final - being second,

4)Once you got winner with the most friend score and rewarded cash (if formal ends up being tie), reward that Sim/household however you see fit, and assign their hometown/city as the next hosting place for next year NationsFest.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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