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#1 Old 19th Jan 2024 at 8:36 PM Last edited by SneakyWingPhoenix : 19th Jan 2024 at 8:47 PM.
Default Open Workd With Closed Home Lot Challenge
Not sure if there is equivalent to this challenge already made (I looked up Teen Runaway, and I guess there is similar, but this one will be more through its entirety).

Now, I can’t think of a good backstory for this one, but in this challenge you’ll be playing (for whatever reason), be playing with closed-off residential lot

Fence it off entirely from the whole household, or (if you gonna play legacy-style) leave some room for baby/toddler necessary furniture as they may reteleport home. However, once they grow up into children, you must evict them off this enclosed lot. Although, I would highly suggest starting this challenge with a Starter Single sim at first.

Now through this challenge, you may not as much as possible use your residential lot for like staying over and refilling needs (meaning, you must sleep/ear/bath/pee/skill outside your lot). You also cannot build on it (selling is allowed what was PREbuild/purchased in the premade lot). The only exception is you can use mailbox for a money sink donations, gemcutting and melting, etc (pay bills tho, but whats the fun of no repo visits).

Also, no Edit Town Mode cheating way to make it easy by refurnishing commercial lots for your main Sims benefit. You may alsot not move into another household, lot and world (but you can travel to vacation destination, and maybe attend university if you stay to the rules (haven’t tested that tho)

If you want/desire, you can try raising babies or growing a family if the world has already a daycare (or be a neighbor hog that has a nursery)

I think it be enough GOAL if in this challenge you manage to purchase another lot through real estate (if its too annoying, you can opt for vacation/second res lot too), since the restriction is pretty much unlifted at this point (but you can make a far untainable/further goal to reach if you wish)

Have fun And give me feedback if you want! I have tested this with a ghost hunter in twinbrook that could sleep off at the abandoned fire station.

(P.S. Oversight with teens/children: I forget they may return home because of curfew thing if not follow older playable Sims. If thats the case, let them be at home during curfew hours. However, you will have to delete everything on that lot thats interactable for them, and from then you still cannot modify the lot in any other way).

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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