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Field Researcher
#176 Old 2nd Dec 2014 at 6:32 AM
Thank you so much for this, Sauris! I've been converting a ton of hair — and, by the way, Alesso hairs convert to Sims Medieval beautifully...except that they were ORANGE in CAS. You provided the solution. Thank you!

Quote: Originally posted by Sauris
Excuse me, I don't know English very well, I speak Russian. "Google" helps me to translate .
Previously, I also faced a similar problem. And also the problem of change in eye color (see Attachment).
I solved these problems (not in all cases) by using the TS3 program "TSR Workshop".
I have changed patterns in the category "Texture"! "TS3" uses some patterns are not in "Medieval". But patterns can be imported from a good hairstyle.
Open TSR Workshop. Create New Project. New Import. Point your hairstyle file (in package or sims3pack format). (Not all custom hairstyles can be opened).
In "Texture" bookmark look at PATTERNS A, B, C and D (see my Attachment Screenshoot). They must be replaced.
Double-clicking on the pattern image. Import.
I joined all four high-quality patterns. Just in case.
And then File > Export > To Sims3Pack. Or as you wish. And further convert the hairstyle using Sim3Pe .
(But it's necessary to convert the file to Package format, I use S3PackageViewer for this).
Field Researcher
#177 Old 3rd Dec 2014 at 1:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grimreefer24601

Really, to make a TS3 hair show in TSM takes almost nothing. This is a test I made. I downloaded the Seperoth hair from MTS. Put the package in my mods folder. Opened it. Selected the CASP and selected the GRID button. Clicked commit. Saved and closed the package. Here are my results (note the lack of steps):

This is EXACTLY what I'm doing. I'm not changing the instance-number-thingy at all. Just opening the file, clicking on CASP, clicking on GRID, clicking commit, then saving the file. Some of the hairs show up in-game, and others do not.

#178 Old 5th Dec 2014 at 5:11 PM Last edited by amc462000 : 7th Dec 2014 at 10:36 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by mirabellarose
This is EXACTLY what I'm doing. I'm not changing the instance-number-thingy at all. Just opening the file, clicking on CASP, clicking on GRID, clicking commit, then saving the file. Some of the hairs show up in-game, and others do not.


Do they not show up as random either? few of converted hair show up for use on the heros. also while in grid, are you enabling the hair for heros?
Test Subject
#179 Old 26th Dec 2014 at 2:40 PM
I just wanted to express how grateful I am for this tutorial. I was unsure whether I was able to do it myself (it seemed sooo complicated at first sight) but I was! First, I just converted some hairs, then tried some clothing, and finally, even accessories. I think I have got addicted to converting stuff to the game. So thank you very much again for this tutorial!
Test Subject
#180 Old 3rd Jan 2015 at 4:24 PM
May I share here some pictures of (some of) the conversions I have made so far? Unfortunately, I miss almost all of the creators’ names, but since these are only pictures and not downloadable objects, and I do not claim the original creations to be my work, I hope they may stay.

First, I simply love Beo creations, not only are they stunningly beautiful, but they fit in TSM really nicely. The hairs she makes are not „red” and oversized for TSM heads, her dresses do not cause „stuck hands syndrome”, so I really like converting her stuff. For example, she made some Frozen dresses.
Elsa’s coronation dress: http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150...ltoltes.hu_.jpg (I chose a white design for it though).
Anna’s coronation dress: http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150...ltoltes.hu_.jpg (the hair is also converted, but unfortuanetly, I cannot recall the artist’s name, though many thanks to them)
A shiny tiara with a fitting hairstlye: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150103/...ltoltes.hu_.jpg (I was so delighted to have the tiara appear in the game finally, and being able to find a hair it looks nice with)

Then I found a really cool cape, too:
The creator (whose name I cannot remember, but many thanks again) convertefd the dress to TS3 and created a itting cape for it. I downloaded the cape and converted it to TSM. Unfortunately, it is not fitting perfectly, but I still like it.

Also, I never liked the fact that in TSM, you may use crowns with only one particular hairstyle. Well, I found that someone had converted the crowns to TS3 as accessories. (Dear creator, thank you so much for that and please forgive me for not remembering your name either). Well, I downloaded them and converted them back to TSM (and made unique eyeshadows of them :P). They are far from perfect, and do not fit well with each hairstyle, but still. Result:
My favoruite knight finally crowned to king : http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150103/...ltoltes.hu_.jpg

This queen crown is a bit distorted but I still like it: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150103/...ltoltes.hu_.jpg

Aaaand finally,it’s medieval time to conquer space too in an astronaut helmet (Dear forgotten creator, again, thank you for the original work.) http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/150102/...ltoltes.hu_.jpg
Test Subject
#181 Old 3rd Mar 2015 at 6:38 PM
Hey, I'm a Sims Medieval user and like to convert a lot of hair for the game. I'm having trouble with a hairstyle that's coming out orange and I can't seem to fix it. I've read Sauris' tutorial which would have been perfect except that I don't have the sims 3? Would anyone be willing to help with this, it's such a nice hairstyle it'd be a shame to not use it! It's a cazy hairstyle, goes by the name Joey I think? or cazy 152?
Test Subject
#182 Old 7th Nov 2015 at 5:58 PM Last edited by lunae : 8th Nov 2015 at 5:57 PM.
Hi, by me it's doesn't work yet :/ only one change : a little bug with the music
I don't understood exactly when press the buttons FNV64 and FNF32. We must press one then the other ?
In resource details, the type has to change ? Thank you for helping me
Test Subject
#183 Old 1st Feb 2016 at 3:25 AM
Did anyone ever solve for the grid button being greyed out after installing the wrapper? Just downloading versions at random isn't working. I tried the suggested versions, but the button is always greyed as soon as I added either velocitygrass or grimreefer's wrappers.
#184 Old 1st Feb 2016 at 7:09 PM
I can get Velocity Grass's to work on an old version of s3pe, but not Grim's on the version they should work with.
I think maybe some update was made to the version Grim's wrappers work with that broke them, but I don't really know, just guessing.
I know they worked on my old computer, and on my newer computer, and then my hard drive got damaged. When I installed the new drive I had to redownload S3PE and the wrappers no longer worked, and I ended up doing what you did, and trying different versions thinking I must have had the version number wrong. I eventually e-mailed Grim to double check which version he was using, and the one I originally thought was right was the correct one.
I guess if someone has a working version, then the solution to this problem would be to hopefully get permission from Inge and/or Peter Jones to upload the version that works for us, either here (hopefully in a stickied thread so it's always readily accessible) or on their archive page.
Lab Assistant
#185 Old 2nd Feb 2016 at 7:55 PM
Everything in regards to the CASP resource is being handled by the CASP wrapper, which is a part of S3PI, and not S3PE. So it's the version of S3PI used by S3PE that's important and not the version of S3PE itself. Granted, the 2 pretty much goes hand in hand, but the distinction must be made regardless.

Now, with that out of the way - to me, it sounds like the CASP wrapper is not being loaded at all by your S3PE installation, which I think we'll need to find out before being able to figure out a solution.
To do so, open S3PE and go to Settings > Manage wrappers... and see whether or not there's a CASP wrapper listed under Available Wrappers like in the attached screenshot.
Test Subject
#186 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 2:55 AM
Hey, I've been looking around the forum but can't seem to find an answer? Could anyone tell me how to fix this bug with the hair being orange/red in CAS after it's been converted?
Lab Assistant
#187 Old 23rd Feb 2016 at 11:20 PM
Take a look at Sauris' post earlier in this thread. She seems to have provided the solution for this particular issue.
Lab Assistant
#188 Old 13th Dec 2016 at 5:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DeeDawg
Everything in regards to the CASP resource is being handled by the CASP wrapper, which is a part of S3PI, and not S3PE. So it's the version of S3PI used by S3PE that's important and not the version of S3PE itself. Granted, the 2 pretty much goes hand in hand, but the distinction must be made regardless.

Now, with that out of the way - to me, it sounds like the CASP wrapper is not being loaded at all by your S3PE installation, which I think we'll need to find out before being able to figure out a solution.
To do so, open S3PE and go to Settings > Manage wrappers... and see whether or not there's a CASP wrapper listed under Available Wrappers like in the attached screenshot.

I'm having this exact problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

My Sims 2 Downloads

*Now with Evil Dead & Three Stooges!*
Test Subject
#189 Old 23rd Dec 2019 at 9:14 AM
Default ?
Field Researcher
#190 Old 13th Oct 2022 at 8:29 AM
For those having the red eye problem, it's the way some hairs are UV mapped. The eyeball texture in TSM is in the bottom left corner of the face texture and if a hair has UV islands in that area your character's eyes will be red. This would be, of course, because the hair's UV islands are in the same place as the TSM eyeball texture. The solution is to either use a contacts accessory or redo the mesh's UV mapping. It's far, far easier to use the contacts. There's a download link here . Thank you, ChickieTeeta! You'll never see this message as this thread is dead but thank you anyway.

As for S3PE having the Guide button greyed out, using a portable version of S3PE rather than installing it on your computer is the solution, I think.
Field Researcher
#191 Old 19th Oct 2022 at 11:51 AM
Well, it's only taken me a week over 5 - 6 hours a day to figure this out, lol. I found I could make Grim's wrappers used in S3PE_14-0222-1852. The grid button is not greyed out. I'm working on resizing some of the hairs I converted ages ago and I'm having problems with transparency. If I figure out a solution that works and if anyone is interested, I'll update this post as soon as I have something to report.

Field Researcher
#192 Old 9th Nov 2022 at 4:42 PM Last edited by mirabellarose : 17th Nov 2022 at 8:02 AM.
Alright, so far I've been able to get one, ONE, hair resized and into TSM. Here's what I've done.

First, you need Blender 2.80 (you can use the portable version if you don't want to install it) and the simgeom addon that you can get here.
And you'll need the TSM heads. I've got some for download here.

1. Install the simgeom addon in Blender.

2. If your package has a thumbnail image be sure to export that so you can import it later when you're done. Select the thumbnail, right-click, choose export > to file. Let S3PE name it whatever it wants. If you let S3PE choose the name it makes it easier to import the thumbnail later.

3. Open TSR Workshop and import your TS3 hair into TSR Workshop. Make sure each pattern is set to pure white, otherwise your hair will look tomato red and not in a pretty way, either. Once you've changed the pattern colors, go to edit > project contents > export > to .package. Keep the window open and take note of the largest-sized GEOM and its instance number. This is the LOD 0. Take note of the two smallest-sized GEOMs and their instance numbers. Write them down if it'll help. Then, if you want to, you can close the window and exit TSRW after you've exported the package file and noted the instance numbers as explained above.

4. Download S3PE_11-1105-2159-x64 and install the Medieval wrappers into it (I think I'm using Velocity Grass's wrappers but I can't remember now). Open the hair in S3PE and export the largest-sized GEOM (the LOD 0) and the two smallest-sized GEOMs. The instance numbers you wrote down will tell you which file is which. Keep whatever name S3PE wants to give each file as the name will include the instance numbers and you need that.

5. Fire up Blender and import the GEOM with the highest number of polygons (the LOD 0). File > Import > Sims 3 GEOM (.simgeom).

6. Import the head I provided. File > Import > Wavefront (.obj)

7. Select the hair and press Tab to enter edit mode. Press S to scale the hair. You can press S, X to scale along the X axis or S, Y to scale along the Y axis, or S, Z to scale along the Z axis. DO NOT scale in object mode. Always scale the mesh in edit mode. Do not add or delete vertices. Just resize the mesh. If you need to move the mesh use G for that. Press Tab again to enter object mode.

8. When done, select the head and press X > delete.

9. Select your hair (it must be selected or it won't export) and go to File > export> Sims 3 GEOM (.simgeom). Overwrite the GEOM that you just resized.

10. One by one open the other two GEOMs in Blender to make sure they contain just one polygon (alternatively if you look at the file sizes when the package is open in TSRW you'll see two GEOMs with identical file sizes. Those are the ones that contain just one polygon).

11. Open the package file in S3PE, and use the replace function to import the highest-poly GEOM (the LOD 0) in every mesh except the two that have just one polygon. Those two GEOM meshes you can leave alone. The other four should be replaced with the highest poly GEOM (the LOD 0).

~~A little explanation here is in order. Many TS3 alpha hairs are made up of six meshes. LOD 0, LOD 1, LOD 2, LOD 3, and two meshes that have one polygon in them. It's done this way because alpha hair uses a shader that shows transparency but the package must also contain two meshes that use a shader that does not show transparency--this is how it works in TS4 and I'm assuming it's the same for TS3.

You can, if you want, edit each LOD and import the meshes when you're done, or if you're like me and you just want the hair in the game and don't want to futz with it forevermore, replace each LOD with LOD 0. Just don't touch the two with one polygon as they don't need to be altered and they hold important shader information that the hair needs.

Also, please note there will likely be clipping. You can, of course, move pieces of the mesh that are clipping into the head but don't add or delete vertices.

Lastly, you can do all of the resizing in Milkshape if you have a death wish or something.

12. Click on CASP and click the guide button. A window will pop up. Unfold the medieval profession section and enable or disable whatever category you want. I enabled every Medieval profession category. Press commit.

13. Click CASP and at the top go to resource > details. A window will pop up.

14. In the new window, put a checkmark next to "compress" and "use resource name." In the box where it says "name" enter a unique name. What you put in there is to you but it must be unique. I've been entering the name of the hair and the date. Press the FNV64 button. Doing this gives the CASP resource a new instance number. Press OK.

15. Save your file and check it in the game.

16. If the hair is as shiny as chrome export the specular file from the package file and open it in Photoshop or GIMP whichever you prefer. Darken the specular. If you want no shine at all make the specular pure black. Save it as a DDS file using DXT5 Interpolated Alpha. Make sure generate mipmaps has been check-marked.

17. Import the thumbnail back into the package file though I don't know if the thumbnail will show up in TSM. I haven't tested this. Having the thumbnail in the package does help you see what the hair actually looks like so I highly recommend you add the thumbnail back in. To add the thumbnail you'll need to add a new resource in the package file.

17a. Right-click in the package window, select add. A new window will pop up.
17b. In the type box enter THUM 0x626F60CE
17c. In the group box enter 0x01000000
17d. Press the FNV64 button to generate a new instance number.
17e. Right-click the new thumbnail resource and import the thumbnail using the replace function.
17f. Click OK and save the package file.

Alternatively, you can right-click in the window--put your mouse at the very bottom of the window so that nothing has been selected--select import > from file, navigate to the thumbnail PNG and import. There will be a window that will pop up. Just click OK.

18. Go have fun!
Test Subject
#193 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 11:56 PM
Hello, Do you think it is possible to convert Sims 4 hair to Sims 3 AND THEN to Sims Medieval? Modding is difficult for me, I'm afraid of bothering and getting nowhere, I wanted to take a base like this:


Already converted for The Sims 3 Classic
Test Subject
#194 Old 13th Apr 2024 at 5:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sauris
Excuse me, I don't know English very well, I speak Russian. "Google" helps me to translate .
Previously, I also faced a similar problem. And also the problem of change in eye color (see Attachment).
I solved these problems (not in all cases) by using the TS3 program "TSR Workshop".
I have changed patterns in the category "Texture"! "TS3" uses some patterns are not in "Medieval". But patterns can be imported from a good hairstyle.
Open TSR Workshop. Create New Project. New Import. Point your hairstyle file (in package or sims3pack format). (Not all custom hairstyles can be opened).
In "Texture" bookmark look at PATTERNS A, B, C and D (see my Attachment Screenshoot). They must be replaced.
Double-clicking on the pattern image. Import.
I joined all four high-quality patterns. Just in case.
And then File > Export > To Sims3Pack. Or as you wish. And further convert the hairstyle using Sim3Pe .
(But it's necessary to convert the file to Package format, I use S3PackageViewer for this).

i know this is an ancient thread but i made an account just to ask this, but i did all the steps but i am stuck in pattern A editing pattern B-D i have no problem in changing with your attachment. when I click it, it says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Can someone help?

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sims3Workshop.Control.PatternPropertyGrid.LoadPattern()
at Sims3Workshop.Control.PatternPropertyGrid.set_PatternNode(XmlNode value)
at Sims3Workshop.Control.Editors.PatternEditor.set_Preset(XmlElement value)
at Sims3Workshop.Control.PresetPropertyGrid.OnPropertyButtonClicked(PropertyButtonClickedEventArgs e)
at VisualHint.SmartPropertyGrid.PropInPlaceButton.RunButton()
at Sims3Workshop.Control.PropertyFeel.PropInPlaceTextureControl.OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at VisualHint.SmartPropertyGrid.PropInPlaceButton.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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