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#1 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 3:51 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 25th Oct 2022 at 3:53 PM.
Default TS4 to TS3 Animation Conversion Tutorial
This Tutorial Will Cover :
  • Converting animations from TS4 game
  • Converting S4 Toddler & Children animations
  • Converting Custom S4 animations

This Tutorial Will NOT Cover :
  • Setting up Blender for TS3 (use this tutorial, this and TS3 Clip Tool 2.1 (Blender Plugin) here)

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#2 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 5:04 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 17th Feb 2022 at 5:07 PM.
Converting animations from TS4 game
Step 1 : We are going to extract TS4 animation we want in a .blend format.
- Launch S4Studio

Note : Do this step if you don't already have a project listed under "My Projects"
- Set up S4Studio

Add your creator name here

Click on "Settings"

Set up your Blender & Sim 4 game path.

Now that this is done, click the "Clip Pack" button under "Animation" and after that click on the "Animation" button.

Create a save file for the package, for this tutorial I named it "Test".

This is what you'll see :

Select the "Clips" tab.

Click the "EA Clip" button.

Note : Here you must select the "age" group you want for the animation (but the gender is not important)

Note : We're almost there, you're about to have access to all TS4 game animations (if you own the EPs, packs etc...)
- Press "Export"

The list of all TS4 game animations pops and we are going to select the first one for this tutorial (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1_x).

As you can see, this is how we get the .blend file we need for our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1)
- Press "Save"

Note : You can double click on .blend files to see what the animations look like in Blender.
- Here is our animation in a .blend format

Step 2 : We are going to turn our .blend into a Sims 3 animation file.
- Launch Blender 2.79

Note : If you did the Setting up Blender part, you have what are called rigs.
- Open the Sims 4 to Sims 3 RIG.

File > Open > RigBase ts4 to ts3_FACE_V2.blend

This is what a rig looks like and this one is the Sims 4 to Sims 3 RIG (RigBase ts4 to ts3_FACE_V2.blend)

Note : Zoom it out using the mouse scroll.

Now we are going to add our S4 animation .blend to the RIG (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).
- Click "Append"

- Click on our .Blend file.

- Then click "Action" and select the animation.

- Finally select our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).

- Click "Append from Library".

It takes us back here.
- On your keybord, Press "A" twice (the RIG turns blue) then press 'I'.

- "Animation" now appears under the RIG on the right.

- Right click "Animation" and select "Set Action".

- Click on our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).

- Our animation can now be played.

- Click on RIG to see all the coloured left part appear.

- If the animation stutters, place your cursor under the coloured stripes, " press "A" twice and "V" then select "Auto-Clamped".

- Correct the timeline lenght to your liking by changing the number in the "End" section.

- Now click on the little eye next to RIG to make it disappear.

- And click on the little eye next to AfRig to unhide it.

- Then click on the AfRig.

Play the animation and stop it at the end.
- After that press A (the RIG turns blue) and press "I" to put a keyframe at the end of the TimeLine.

This is the final step !
- Export as a Sims 3 animation with a name starting with "a_" because this is an adult animation.

I called it a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1

Choose where you want to save it and click "Save Sims 3 animation"

Here is what we obtain : a CLIP file that can be added to the Sims 3 game

Next we will see what our new Sims 3 animation looks like on a Sims 3 RIG.
- Open the AfRig or the AmRig

- Click on "Load Clip".

Find our Sims 3 animation and click on "Import Sims 3 Animation"

You can now play our animation on a Sims 3 RIG to see if everything is ok. You don't need to save it if you don't change anything, just quite Blender.

Note that there is often a problem with the S4 to S3 eyes animation.
- This short tutorial talks about it.

This S4 to S3 animation conversion tutorial ends here.
- This tutorial explains how to load our CLIP animation to the S3 game.
Original Poster
#3 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 7:49 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 17th Feb 2022 at 5:08 PM.
Converting S4 Toddler & Children animations
  • In this part I'm only going to add the few extra steps required in S4Studio.
  • And we will learn how to convert adult to toddler/children animations in Blender.

Refer to Step 1 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game

Back to exporting TS4 game animations in S4Studio, the only thing you do differently is that you will export toddler or children animations.
- Select "toddler" or "children".

Note : Children animations start with "c_".

Note : Toddler animations start with "p_".

Once you have the .blend file for our toddler or children animation, refer to Step 2 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game

Note : Follow the whole Blender part up until you play the Sims 3 animation on a Sims 3 RIG.

Step 3 : Now all we have to do is convert the Sims 3 animation from the adult Sims 3 RIG to a toddler/child RIG.
- Press "A" to turn the RIG blue.

Note : I'll be showing you the steps with the male RIG (AmRig) because it's the same for both genders.
- Click "Key" > "Copy KeyFrames"

Now we are going to add a toddler/child RIG.
- Go to "File" and "Append".

Here we select the RIG we want, CuRig for child, PuRig for toddler.
- Click on CuRig or PuRig.

- After that click on "Object".

Now you select all the files starting with "Cu" or "Pu".
- And click "Append fro library".

This it what you see.

- Click on the "PuRig" or "CuRig".

- Click on "Object Mode".

- And select "Pose Mode".

- Place your cursor next to the two RIGS.

- Then press "A" (the Pu/CuRig turns blue), then press "I" and choose "LocRot".

- This is what we see.

- Now click "Key" and "Paste keyframes".

- This is what we see.

- Click on the adult RIG (AmRig/AfRig).

- Then click on "Pose Mode".

- Select "Object Mode".

Place your cursor next to the two RIGS.
- And on your keybord press delete and click "Delete".

This is what you see.

- Press "A" and you can now play the animation !

- Click on the "PuRig" or "CuRig" so it turns blue.

- Export as a Sims 3 animation.

- Name the animation starting with "c_" if it's a child animation, "p_" for a toddler animation.

This S4 to S3 Toddler & Children animation conversion tutorial ends here.
- This tutorial explains how to load our CLIP animation to the S3 game.
Original Poster
#4 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 7:51 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 16th Feb 2022 at 4:23 PM.
Converting Custom S4 animations
  • Beforehand, ask for the authorization to convert the custom animation to their creator !
  • You need to download S4PE

Step 1 : Download the custom S4 animation package from their creator.
- It must be a .package file.

Launch S4PE.
- Click on "file" then "open" our custom S4 animation package.

We are looking for CLIP files (they are the animation files we want)
- Highlight a CLIP file.

- Then click on "Ressource" and "Export" then "To Package".

For this tutorial I'm naming it "Test2".
- Click on "Open".

We get a .package file.

Step 2 : We're going to obtain the .blend file for our cusom S4 animation.
- Open S4Studio.

- Click on "My Projects", select our "Test2.package" and click "Open".

This is what we see.

- Click on "Export".

You get a .blend file !
- Click on "Save".

Here is the .blend file that you can open with Blender.

This Custom S4 animation to S3 convertion is over, you can now refer to Step 2 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game
Test Subject
#5 Old 13th Oct 2022 at 6:47 AM
Hello, is there any other way to get s4 anims into blender without s4 studio? - it refuses to work for me on win7.
Original Poster
#6 Old 25th Oct 2022 at 2:21 PM
Hello BlaGGeR, not that I know of :/ sorry
Test Subject
#7 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 1:19 PM
Hi i have a problem with loading clip to ts3 rig. I do everything like in the tutorial, export as sims 3 animation clip but when i try to Load Clip the animation is "empty" - the sims3 rig does nothing just stands in deauflt t-pose when an animation is playing.
Test Subject
#8 Old 14th Aug 2024 at 6:37 PM
Great tutorial! I'd like to make animation conversion from sims 3 to sims 4 for make my own mod, but couldn't find any tutorial(( May be anyone have any links, file or whatever?
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#9 Old 14th Aug 2024 at 7:13 PM
@madredrabbit Look here:

If you can't find answers there, then the best place to ask would be the WCIF forums:
Or maybe

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
Please send me a message if you would like a SimsFileShare account, I can send you an invite!
Test Subject
#10 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 5:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@madredrabbit Look here:

If you can't find answers there, then the best place to ask would be the WCIF forums:
Or maybe

Thanks)))) I'm old new here, but using forum section first time
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