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#1 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 12:59 AM Last edited by bluegirl45 : 29th Aug 2013 at 3:41 AM.
The Royal Family Legacy
I've played around with a lot of challenges that involve royalty. I decided to make my own legacy. Hope you guys like it.
I made my generation all Queens, you can make yours all Kings or a mix of the two. You can give them any names you want to be clear. A coronation party is simple, throw a party, invite nobles and others. Serve food, have a stage in the room it's being hosted in. I won't tell you what to do all seven times.

  • Lifespan on normal
  • You are allowed pick the children's traits, you can randomize if you want as well. I'll leave it up to you to decide.
  • Delete the school, education is sooo overrated for potential royalty!
  • If you have a homeschool mod, you are free to use it. If you don't, that's perfectly fine. This is for those of you who really want to pick the traits you want.
  • Feel free to have a royal family of kings, queens or both! I only used Queens for example. You can easily use the same storyline with different names and characters! I bloody refuse to put Queen/King a thousand times, this is a super long thread and I'm trying to condense it how I can.
  • You can have a basement where you can contain and/or kill civilians as long as you have the title of Queen.
  • Use testing cheats to make you know everyone, you need it.
  • The generation is over when the current Queen's child becomes a young adult and can take the throne; this applies to all but the last generation.
  • I playtested this challenge with Sunset Valley, you can use any town. I know Sunset Valley better than any of the other towns, I'd prefer it over the rest.

Generation 1: Queen Ella's Legacy (Cinderella inspired) - The Humble Age
You can make your future queen, she must have her hair in a bun and wear servant clothes or an apron dress if you have one. Make 3 stepsisters that all have the mean-spirited trait. Make a large, luxurious expensive house, you will need money cheats for this. Do laundry if you have it, it added a lot to the challenge for me. Start cleaning after your 3 mean-spirited sisters. They must all have full-time or part-time jobs. Not Ella. On Fridays, go out to dinner with your stepsisters at noon. Only then, may Ella leave the house, she must be back by midnight.

To clarify; the prince is the richest man in town. For Sunset Valley, Malcolm is the richest man; therefore has title of prince. She must meet him on Fridays and propose to him over the weekend; Saturday night.
Meet the man considered the Prince, become their boyfriend in one week or simply the fewest Fridays you can. On every Saturday night; throw a formal party; a social get together among your sisters. Invite the prince and all beautiful potential young adults for the Prince to marry. Also the man's mother and/or father. The Prince doesn't want to talk to a servant, only if you are the Prince's boyfriend may you talk to him. The night you plan to propose, change into fancy dress and you may get rid of the bun, you have found the chance to woo him!

You may only propose to him at these parties. Once engaged, arrange a fabulous wedding soon as you can. Once Ella marries the Prince, she will be considered a Queen. You may move out and create your castle or kick your step-sisters out of their house to make it a grand palace. Have children at least 2 children and choose which will inherit the throne.

Generation 2: Queen Faith - The Competitive Age
You've grow very close to your sister, you share a room together and were best friends ever since you were able to talk. Rachel and Faith were twins born on the same day. Rachel was the one chosen by your mother to become Queen, not you. This added a lot of stress to your friendship, you hardly see her anymore due to Rachel and your parents always locked up studying skills for her coronation. You are alone most of the time and when you do see her, whenever you bring up the coronation she seems almost hostile and competitive to become the Queen.

In 2 weeks add up the total of skills you two have. (Ex: level 2 guitar + level 3 charisma= 5) Rachel and you must spend all time free time skillbuilding. You have to beat her or you fail. Rachel hosts a party on Sunday, you host yours that night. Neither of you may have the legendary hostess reward. You must throw a better party than your sister.

The Party Competition: Each sister does each on their own for the party. Keep track of how many of these each sim wins. For ties, both sims get a point. If Faith and Rachel are tied at the end, the people will side with Rachel.
1. Cooking + Gardening Skills: Each of you are to make your the food for the party; you must grow the ingredients yourself; the food served must be better or the same quality.
2. Instrument Skills: Play for tips at the party, you must make more money.
3. Artistic Talent: You both must hang a painting in the room the party's at that is worth more than your sister's. If you don't make a painting, you get nothing.
4. Conversation Skills: Charismatic people are fun, interesting and good people to be around! The sister the most charismatic get this win.
5. Athletic Ability: The sister the with the highest athletic skill is better dancer. Show everyone your moves!
You don't have to win all of these, though you must win MOST of these to be recognized.

Throw a party the next day for your sister, the coronation. Once the party starts, your sister will begin to be crowned, the people will throw her out into street and demand you be crowned Queen that day. Step onto the grand stange be crowned, change into something a Queen would wear, kick your sister and your parents out. Find any man, get married in a grand ceremony and have a child.

Generation 3: Queen Scarlet - The Arrogant Age
Tomorrow is your coronation, you will kick your parents out and any other siblings out.
Host the coronation and be crowned Queen. You may not get married yet. Be a brat, be snobby, be mean, boast and brag a lot. A week later people will rally against you and replace you. Move out of the castle, once the new Queen dies, the throne falls back into your children's hands. Get married and have a child, then you must kill the new Queen somehow to get the throne back. Make a replacement Queen and kill her. Once you've killed her, move your family into the castle for your child to become Queen.

Generation 4: Queen Olivia - The Pressured Age
There is a ton of pressure on you to be a good Queen. Queen Scarlet ruined your reputation. "Mother like daughter" people are saying, they have no faith in Olivia. Olivia has no choice to show that she is capable to sit on that throne. Before Olivia can become Queen and host her coronation; she must max 3 skills out at level 10. You can marry or choose not to marry, Queen Olivia cannot have child. You must adopt a child to be the heir.

Generation 5: Queen Sandra - The Militant Age
You've grown up in an orphanage all your life and you were adopted by the Queen. This raised a lot of eyebrows but her request to make you a princess was not denied. Lot's of girls dressed up a princesses, you weren't interested in all that rubbish. You dreamed of joining the military but your mother would be heartbroken. Very few would rather be soldier than a Grand Queen but perhaps you are a bit spoiled.
Marry a man as soon as possible and have a child to take the throne. Once your child becomes a Queen at a coronation party, join the military and kick you and your husband out for your child to rule.

Generation 6: Queen Madison - The Bloody (fun) age
Queen Sandra had studied the military and brought a lot of wisdom to the people. Wars stopped, everyone seemed either afraid or charmed by her words but regardless she brought peace to the lands. You've grown up to become refined over anything else. You grew up in a very strict environment. You are tired of your parents telling you what to do and how to talk. Reach charisma level 10 before becoming a Queen. Kill a lot of people in the dungeons, arrest people for anything you can think of. Be cruel. Make a basement in the castle, a dungeon. Lure the victim down into the cell and leave them there. You can just leave them in a room with nothing for them to die or you can just put the bare minimum of things the prisoners to stay alive, just food. You can just kill them or keep captive for how long you want.

Don't let anyone catch you insulting, being rude or mean in public. You must kill all criminals in the town. You need to wear a mask over your cruel personality in front of others, be very nice and charming to those you don't plan to kill (at least right now XD).

You can only publicly arrest and kill criminals in public without getting replaced. Marry and have a child, once you have the child, create an old woman. The old woman steals the child for her own benefit, move the child and old woman out. Make a tower as far away from the castle possible, out of the city in the middle of nowhere.

Generation 7: Queen Adrianna - The Distant Age (Tangled Inspired)
Have the old woman raise the child, the child may never leave. The princess may not meet anyone, not on the computer either. The old lady is lazy and the princess must do all of the cleaning; cooking once she becomes a teen.
You grew up very dark and distant. Once you become a young adult you have no choice but to kill the old woman in order to leave. Once you kill her, go back to the castle to join you mother and father. To soon kick them out for your time to become Queen at your coronation.
You've grown up to be very beautiful. There's a suitor there, a suitor here and men lined up around the block to have your hand. Date at least 10 men in your lifetime and eventually marry, have child.

Generation 8: Queen Alexandra - The Last Queen - The Age of Love
You are crowned Queen at your coronation today and your parents were dismissed. You got married to a handsome man for a week.
Then there is a terrible fire in the palace! Your bedroom is on fire, you get out of bed in the middle of the night and run for your life. You see everyone in the castle standing out there but someone is missing. Your heart sank, your husband is still in the castle! You won't let him die, you run into the castle to save him. Your husband and you are burned alive in the fire. An assassination attempt. Your ghosts will forever lurk future rulers, the lovers will now truly be together forever.

Questions and Answers: If you have a question, I may add it here.
Generation 1:
  1. Who is the Prince/Princess in each town?
  2. Where do the stepsisters come from?
  3. After eating out on Friday noon, do I just go for the Prince?
  4. How do I make Ella know everyone?

Question 1: The richest man in the town is considered the Prince by default. You are allowed to use town edit and use an alternate Prince of your own.
Question 2: When you start the challenge make 3 stepsisters, make sure they all have the mean-spirited trait. Make Ella with them as well.
Question 3: Sure, that is your free time to wander. Meet him in public or at his house. Make sure you are in by midnight.
Question 4: Press "ctrl + shift + c" to open cheats. Type this exact phrase "testingcheatsenabled true". Shift-click on the mailbox and the option should appear.

  1. Coronation? What's that? What do I do?
Question 1: You want throw your coronation? From generations 2 and up, to be considered a Queen/King; you will need to throw a coronation. Every generation starts with young adult and ends when their child; a young adult, becomes a Queen. The time to throw is whenever you want the day I say. If I don't give you a time/day, it's whenever you want from the day the child becomes a young adult. Simply schedule a party, by the end of it you considered a Queen.

...And that's it! I'd love feedback on this. Questions? Question away!
Also free to post pictures of your castles and royal families.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 1:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bluegirl45
You may create a man in edit town for Ella to fall in love with, or a rich man.
Meet the man, become their boyfriend. On Saturday nights, throw a formal party. Invite the man and all beautiful potential young adults for the Prince to marry. Also the man's mother and/or father. The Prince doesn't want to talk to a servant, only if you are the Prince's boyfriend may you talk to him. The night you plan to propose, change into fancy dress and you may get rid of the bun, you have found the chance to woo him!

Who's supposed to be the prince's boyfriend? And who's the prince? And where does the queen come in? I'm confused.

Anyway, this is a pretty well thought out challenge. I don't particularly like challenges structured like this, but if I did I'd definitely give it a try.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 3:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by hugbug993
Who's supposed to be the prince's boyfriend? And who's the prince? And where does the queen come in? I'm confused.

Anyway, this is a pretty well thought out challenge. I don't particularly like challenges structured like this, but if I did I'd definitely give it a try.

Question 1: I'll update this in a bit. The richest man/woman in town is the prince/princess by default, unless you make your own prince/princess.

Question 2: In the first generation; I used Sunset Valley. The Lagrabbs (however you spell it) is the richest family. Malcom would be the man Ella would have to meet on Fridays and propose to on Saturday. When they marry, she becomes a queen. Hope that makes sense.

For the rest of the generations you will need to throw a coronation, simply throw a party, invite your guests and by the end of the party she is considered a Queen. Serve food if you want, the lifetime reward Legendary host is allowed for all of them except the second generation.
If that still doesn't make sense, let me know.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 4:34 AM Last edited by bluegirl45 : 28th Aug 2013 at 4:53 AM.
Edits: I added a question and answer section. If you have a question that hasn't been answered, I'll add it. This is a very complex challenge, it can be vague at times what to do. Hopefully that section will help others understand the challenge better. I did a bit of revising in generation 1, making it easier to understand and some clarifications.
Bonus: Ella proposing to Prince Malcom
Top Secret Researcher
#5 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 6:19 PM
I think I was a little more confused by the fact that you were using two male titles (prince and boyfriend) to refer to both halves of what I assume is a heterosexual couple. A boyfriend is male, a girlfriend is female.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 6:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by hugbug993
I think I was a little more confused by the fact that you were using two male titles (prince and boyfriend) to refer to both halves of what I assume is a heterosexual couple. A boyfriend is male, a girlfriend is female.

Ah, okay. I'm still revising this. I'll keep that in mind.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 31st Jan 2016 at 2:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by hugbug993
Who's supposed to be the prince's boyfriend? And who's the prince? And where does the queen come in? I'm confused.

Anyway, this is a pretty well thought out challenge. I don't particularly like challenges structured like this, but if I did I'd definitely give it a try.

Can I have the last couple have a child so I can continue the bloodline?
Test Subject
#8 Old 14th Mar 2016 at 6:08 PM
This challenge seems great. Might try it.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 20th May 2017 at 5:27 AM
I've decided to do this differently, I'll make a king and queen and have their youngest child continue on the bloodline. I have no limit on how many generations I'm going to do, I know this will be bloody fun!(no murders though, unless fights happen, but with children, they will be banished from the kingdom.)
Test Subject
#10 Old 28th Dec 2022 at 7:00 PM
Do you have a castle you can upload or reccommend? I can't find any that I like, and I'm terrible at building. I'd prefer either 60x60 or 64x64 if you have any suggestions.
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