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#1 Old 24th Mar 2023 at 11:19 AM
The Solarpunk Challenge (Must have IP)
What is Solarpunk?

Solarpunk is a genre of speculative fiction that is also its own distinguished aesthetic, focusing mainly on renewable energy, living in harmony with nature, and the better future envisioned through both. Solarpunk also emphasizes handcrafted wares (as opposed to mass-produced products) and community. The 'punk' in Solarpunk comes from the genre's anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist nature, as well as its strong focus on community and prefigurative politics, which separates it from aesthetics like Cyberprep.. Solarpunk futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk's potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community. At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.

In this challenge, we will take the principles of Solarpunk and use it to build a thriving community in Isla Paradiso.

The Story so far:

Your sims are what's known as "Climate Refugees". They have been driven from their original homes by rising sea levels, constant natural disasters, or just plain too much pollution. Isla Paradiso is one of the last hospitable places on earth, and through a great deal of work, Your family has finally reached its shores.

To Begin:

Create a family of at least two YA or older sims. There may be other members of this family, of any age or Occult status, but there have to be those first two sims. You can even have pets if you'd like. Plonk the family down in Isla Paradiso, and delete all Resort Lots. You can use the "discoverallunchartedislands" cheat if you don't feel like discovering these islands for yourself.

Establish yourself in the community:

Get the adult sims in your family jobs. In keeping with the spirit of Solarpunk, Certain career tracks, such as Military or Business are forbidden as they promote ideas in direct opposition to the spirit of solarpunk. The following career tracks may be chosen for this playthrough:

-Ghost Hunter

All of the self-employed and part-time career tracks may be chosen as well.

Build up the community:

Once your sims are established in their careers, it's time to invest in the various properties and venues around Isla Paradiso. Ultimately, the goal is to fill up the islands with useful places for the community. You don't have to fill up all the ports, but you can if you want to. If you build a community lot, It must meet the following criteria:

-There must be at least three harvestable plants (If you buy a pre-built lot, you must also put at least three harvestables down) OR at least two fishing spawners.
-Resorts are forbidden from being built, they consume too many resources (And in theory, there are no more tourists) all other community lot types may be built.
-Lot should be eco-friendly, if you have solar panels or wind turbines, there must be at least one solar panel OR wind turbine per lot.
-Remove any parking spaces from pre-built lots to discourage car use. Do not add any parking spaces to new lots. Boat trailers or mooring posts may be placed. Motorcycles and scooters are permitted, and can have any speed rating.
-Houseboats are exempt from these rules

Some additional rules:

-As the rest of the World is theoretically in the midst of a climate disaster, You cannot visit China, France, Egypt, OR Sims university (you can earn degrees through lifetime happiness points though) You can add dig sites to lots if you want to collect treasures though.
-However, Oasis landing may be visited, as it's set in the far future where hopefully simkind has solved the climate crisis.
-Minimize car use. Try to carpool whenever possible, including for boats. You can purchase a car if you so wish, but it must have a speed rating of at least 6.
-Your home lot must be eco-friendly. Use solar panels/wind turbines even if you live on a houseboat, and try to have a garden or fishing hole.
-Your sims cannot have more than $250,000 in cash. They must spend it on the community.
-Try to fill every lot on land with something useful for the community, or a home for more sims. You do not have to fill every port, but you can if you want to.
-Each sim in your family must make at least 10 friends.
-Every home must have a family of at least one sim living in it.

Have fun!
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